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question about NOR

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Can nor be applied at genting?

The mini bac tables at genting always burn 1 card per hand except for the high limit table that allow players to open the cards.

Can i pay with wester union instead of paypal?

Is there anyone here play at genting on daily basis?

Ellis, do you think is it okay to produce for example 4 units on daily basis instead playing many shoes?? Or i have to play several shoes to maximize my winnings? What i mean is, 4 unit daily is small, but if i can produce that with nor on daily basis consistently and maybe increase the unit value [ from green to black chips but still 4 units only ], would it be great?

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Can nor be applied at genting?

The mini bac tables at genting always burn 1 card per hand except for the high limit table that allow players to open the cards.

Can i pay with wester union instead of paypal?

Is there anyone here play at genting on daily basis?

Ellis, do you think is it okay to produce for example 4 units on daily basis instead playing many shoes?? Or i have to play several shoes to maximize my winnings? What i mean is, 4 unit daily is small, but if i can produce that with nor on daily basis consistently and maybe increase the unit value [ from green to black chips but still 4 units only ], would it be great?

Well, first, NOR does not know or care what Country you are playing in or what language you happen to speak just as the cards don't know what color your chips are.

We have players all over the far east that speak all languages.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of a betting strategy that never bets over 5 units is that it leaves lots of room for you to increase your unit size when you see fit to do so.

Yes, 4 units is very reasonable. Experienced NOR players avg about 9 units a shoe. For instance, on that A.C. trip over those 6 shoes at 4 different tables, I averaged 9.2 units with very few bets over 2 units and only 1 bet of 4 units - no bet more than that one 4 bet.

They do that burn card thing to throw off card counting. But NOR does not use card counting.

No high math is involved. After sufficient experience and practice there is no reason you can't play it just as well as we do. And there are good players here that will help you all the way.

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How much is the balance for starting playing NOR for daily basis Ellis? Pls tell me the overall picture so i can prepare myself. Daily basis means i wil play for the whole month and understand the risk of ruins. How many units do u think?

Hi again core! First, forget "risk of ruin". That is a loser mentality term used by instructors who need that term because they lose. You are not there to lose.

OK, we buy in at 20 units. BUT only 8 of those units are in play. The other 12 units are only to make it easier to get comps, if that applies at Genting. Our strict stop loss is -8 units and we seldom go even that far.

Now, stay out of the casino until you have learned NOR completely, including table selection. You strike me as being over anxious. Genting will still be there next week and next month.

Your first goal is to win your FIRST NOR session. Good table selection will make this easier and more assurred.

But you must practice first until you can play NOR flawlessly. You have met me now. For you, Baccarat is no longer a game. Now it is a job! You must now learn how to do your job! And that is my job.

But to answer your question directly: if you follow my instruction to the letter, 20 units should be more than enough.

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Hi again core! First, forget "risk of ruin". That is a loser mentality term used by instructors who need that term because they lose. You are not there to lose.

OK, we buy in at 20 units. BUT only 8 of those units are in play. The other 12 units are only to make it easier to get comps, if that applies at Genting. Our strict stop loss is -8 units and we seldom go even that far.

Now, stay out of the casino until you have learned NOR completely, including table selection. You strike me as being over anxious. Genting will still be there next week and next month.

Your first goal is to win your FIRST NOR session. Good table selection will make this easier and more assurred.

But you must practice first until you can play NOR flawlessly. You have met me now. For you, Baccarat is no longer a game. Now it is a job! You must now learn how to do your job! And that is my job.

But to answer your question directly: if you follow my instruction to the letter, 20 units should be more than enough.

Lol Dr. Ellis,

I understand Core's concern as let's say if we really did proper table selection and have checked O/R and SAP counts and picked a system but "SUPER UNLUCKY" we placed our 1st 3 bets in progression 123 (6 units) and 3 times we all lose the bets. Then what shall we do if our cut loss is 8 units and there are 2 more units left?

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Lol Dr. Ellis,

I understand Core's concern as let's say if we really did proper table selection and have checked O/R and SAP counts and picked a system but "SUPER UNLUCKY" we placed our 1st 3 bets in progression 123 (6 units) and 3 times we all lose the bets. Then what shall we do if our cut loss is 8 units and there are 2 more units left?

Witchygal, i notice that u are newbie just like me. What are your opinion about NOR so far? It,s nice to find asian in this forum. Maybe you can go to malaysia to play together as a team since singapore not far from malaysia

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Witchygal, i notice that u are newbie just like me. What are your opinion about NOR so far? It,s nice to find asian in this forum. Maybe you can go to malaysia to play together as a team since singapore not far from malaysia

Hi Core,

Yes i just joined the private forum 3 days ago on sunday! If you have played baccarat and understand the rules, you will know why the systems can be applied successfully in the game! I have spent 3 days pouring all over the content in the private forum and i practically live and breathe baccarat even during sleeping hahah.

My opinion is that the system will definitely help us play the game better and eliminates the guessing part. Before i have any knowledge of the system, i placed my bets on guessing whether next hand is banker or player by looking at the 4 other charts (bead road, big eyes, small road and cockroach) and they are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. Now that i learned NOR, i know i dun have to anymore.

I am currently practicing shoes on paper with the 3 systems i learned and once ready, i will step into the casino again and i know i'll win!

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Hi Core,

Yes i just joined the private forum 3 days ago on sunday! If you have played baccarat and understand the rules, you will know why the systems can be applied successfully in the game! I have spent 3 days pouring all over the content in the private forum and i practically live and breathe baccarat even during sleeping hahah.

My opinion is that the system will definitely help us play the game better and eliminates the guessing part. Before i have any knowledge of the system, i placed my bets on guessing whether next hand is banker or player by looking at the 4 other charts (bead road, big eyes, small road and cockroach) and they are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. Now that i learned NOR, i know i dun have to anymore.

I am currently practicing shoes on paper with the 3 systems i learned and once ready, i will step into the casino again and i know i'll win!

Thx 4 replying witchygal. Hope u can burn the table soon.

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Hello witchygal

I am newbie here as well and I am very interested in NOR also. Its good to know that newbie members just like me are in here, I am not alone :)

I have read your recent comments about NOR and I would like that you can response some questions.. I will appreciate it.

- is it easy to learn or do you have experimented some hard time to learn it?

- do you have to make some additional notes in the score card beside regular notes?

- is it completly different from the way you used to play before?


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Hello witchygal

I am newbie here as well and I am very interested in NOR also. Its good to know that newbie members just like me are in here, I am not alone :)

I have read your recent comments about NOR and I would like that you can response some questions.. I will appreciate it.

- is it easy to learn or do you have experimented some hard time to learn it?

- do you have to make some additional notes in the score card beside regular notes?

- is it completly different from the way you used to play before?


Hi Danicito,

My answers to your questions are based on my own opinions after joining the private forum.

1. NOR (consist of 3 systems) and are easy to learn. I read the explanations a few times and understood it.

2. Yes on the score card i also put it O/R count and SAP counts. I believe if you want to learn something, learn all of it.

3. I would say yes because with NOR, i know the next time i will not be guessing on my bets. NOR tells you what to bet.

Hope to see you and Core in the private forum! Let's all learn together and win! =)

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thanks for your responses witchygal !!!

That's the idea to be in the NOR forum and all together against baccarat. but it is expensive to me so far, I am trying to find some friends to share the cost.

when do you estimate you will be back in the casino? I think it will be your final test

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Lol Dr. Ellis,

I understand Core's concern as let's say if we really did proper table selection and have checked O/R and SAP counts and picked a system but "SUPER UNLUCKY" we placed our 1st 3 bets in progression 123 (6 units) and 3 times we all lose the bets. Then what shall we do if our cut loss is 8 units and there are 2 more units left?

I understand too and, in fact, some members have needed more than 20 units to start and some did fine with only 20. But usually luck had little do do with it and preparedness had a LOT to do with it.

But we have all these flim flam guys on the internet who teach in terms of "risk of ruin" and "lifetime bankroll". I suspect core has had some dealings with such con artists. They talk in terms of 500 unit lifetime bankrolls. Really, that's just to give them time to get out of town before their victims realize they have been scammed. These guys go a long way to ruin my industry which I created. When I started I was the ONLY Baccarat instructor in the world. But I made a LOT of money and that draws competition and that draws riffraff. Half of these jerks have never even seen the inside of a casino. Such is the internet world we live in. And I end up picking up the pieces. Many members here will confirm that.

We ALL have good days and bad days in casinos. INCLUDING ME. Casinos have periods when they are vulnerable and periods where they aren't. It depends on crowd size, day of the month, weather and a whole host of things.

These scammers don't understand that. They would have you go into your "lifetime bankroll" on the inevitable bad days. That is the downfall of most players. That helps create the 26% casino profits. That is exactly the WRONG thing to do.

Now, I'll bet you are saying to yourself, "yeah, he's right! I remember those bad days. I should have got my ass OUT of the casino!" Aren't you.

Here is what I teach. It is very, very scientific: When you are losing your ass get your ass OUT of the casino. It is not going to turn around. The casino has it together that day. Surrender! Leave! DON'T think in terms of lifetime bankroll. That is for losers. Get your ass out of there while you still have one. I want core thinking that 20 units is ALL the money he has to work with. That is a healthy way to think.

Ha, that is about as scientific as you have to be. But every member here knows from experience exactly what I'm talking about, including you two, don't you.

Every member here has gone past a -8 stop loss. The WORST thing that can happen is when it WORKS. Because now you are destined to try the same stupid thing again.

Sorry to be so blunt. But on some subjects, that is what is called for.

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I would suggest that you do not use a prog at the start of the shoe unless history of the table gives you confidence on what type shoe it is. Start with a flat bet until you are + 3-5 units and pretty sure of the shoe type, then start your progs.


Right, unless table selection tells us otherwise we usually don't bet at all until the system reveals itself. Then we flat bet at 1 until the Mode reveals itself. If there are no revelations we get out. We don't wait for -8.

The more biased a shoe is the more we like it. We don't waste time in bad or mediocre shoes. There are other tables - usually.

On the other hand, we need to be just as quick to upgrade to the 234 and then 345 in good shoes where we are getting a good hit rate on out first bets - our 1 bets. It is important to exploit good shoes to make up for bad shoes. There is such a thing as being TOO conservative. You don't want to be gun shy when you have the shot.

Sometimes we make the mistake of talking too much about the bad shoes and not enough about the good shoes.

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thanks for your responses witchygal !!!

That's the idea to be in the NOR forum and all together against baccarat. but it is expensive to me so far, I am trying to find some friends to share the cost.

when do you estimate you will be back in the casino? I think it will be your final test

Thanks Danicito, i will probably go in 1 or 2 weeks time after making sure i've learned all that i should learn and also including practice and practice! =)


I would suggest that you do not use a prog at the start of the shoe unless history of the table gives you confidence on what type shoe it is. Start with a flat bet until you are + 3-5 units and pretty sure of the shoe type, then start your progs.


Thank you Bill. I like your suggestions especially for a beginner like me. Appreciate it! =)

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Right, unless table selection tells us otherwise we usually don't bet at all until the system reveals itself. Then we flat bet at 1 until the Mode reveals itself. If there are no revelations we get out. We don't wait for -8.

The more biased a shoe is the more we like it. We don't waste time in bad or mediocre shoes. There are other tables - usually.

On the other hand, we need to be just as quick to upgrade to the 234 and then 345 in good shoes where we are getting a good hit rate on out first bets - our 1 bets. It is important to exploit good shoes to make up for bad shoes. There is such a thing as being TOO conservative. You don't want to be gun shy when you have the shot.

Sometimes we make the mistake of talking too much about the bad shoes and not enough about the good shoes.

Yes Dr. Ellis i understand totally what you mean.

I understand too and, in fact, some members have needed more than 20 units to start and some did fine with only 20. But usually luck had little do do with it and preparedness had a LOT to do with it.

But we have all these flim flam guys on the internet who teach in terms of "risk of ruin" and "lifetime bankroll". I suspect core has had some dealings with such con artists. They talk in terms of 500 unit lifetime bankrolls. Really, that's just to give them time to get out of town before their victims realize they have been scammed. These guys go a long way to ruin my industry which I created. When I started I was the ONLY Baccarat instructor in the world. But I made a LOT of money and that draws competition and that draws riffraff. Half of these jerks have never even seen the inside of a casino. Such is the internet world we live in. And I end up picking up the pieces. Many members here will confirm that.

We ALL have good days and bad days in casinos. INCLUDING ME. Casinos have periods when they are vulnerable and periods where they aren't. It depends on crowd size, day of the month, weather and a whole host of things.

These scammers don't understand that. They would have you go into your "lifetime bankroll" on the inevitable bad days. That is the downfall of most players. That helps create the 26% casino profits. That is exactly the WRONG thing to do.

Now, I'll bet you are saying to yourself, "yeah, he's right! I remember those bad days. I should have got my ass OUT of the casino!" Aren't you.

Here is what I teach. It is very, very scientific: When you are losing your ass get your ass OUT of the casino. It is not going to turn around. The casino has it together that day. Surrender! Leave! DON'T think in terms of lifetime bankroll. That is for losers. Get your ass out of there while you still have one. I want core thinking that 20 units is ALL the money he has to work with. That is a healthy way to think.

Ha, that is about as scientific as you have to be. But every member here knows from experience exactly what I'm talking about, including you two, don't you.

Every member here has gone past a -8 stop loss. The WORST thing that can happen is when it WORKS. Because now you are destined to try the same stupid thing again.

Sorry to be so blunt. But on some subjects, that is what is called for.

I guess now Core should have an idea of what you are trying to talk about. I totally agree with what you have said as some of my friends have bad experiences with those "con artists" as well. I guess it's time to get them to join BTC! But i have to prove to them my results first before they are convinced lol.

My bankroll is always $1000 when i step into the casino but my cut loss is $300 so i will not go beyond that. We need to be disciplined too so that we will be a winner. Now with your systems in place and discipline, i do not see why we cannot win.

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