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NOR Seminar Atlantic City

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Hi Folks

Just a heads up for those who are signed up for the NOR seminar on the 17th of March we will be at the


They sent me the contract for the meeting room and will have a block of rooms at a discount for us for overnight stays. The discount isn't what I hope as AC is a bit pricey on the weekends.

When you call for reservations if you want to stay there they will be under BeatTheCasino.com Please don't call them for reservations until Tuesday of this week till they get the contract back you probably won't get the discount rate yet.


For those who are thinking of coming please sign up as soon as possible so we have a headcount in case we have to adjust things. We will be playing on Saturday evening after the seminar. The seminar will run from 10ish till 2pm.

We will arrive on Friday nite and we usually have an informal dinner for anyone who wants to join us at Carmines.


We are all looking forward to another great seminar like we had in Vegas and lots of winning activity.



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Right, room sharing is a good idea for all of you. Keith got us a good discount but it is still expensive. Anyone interested in making such arrangements can post their intentions and find a roommate right here on this thread.

Oh, and I can vouch for Zebra. Not a worry.

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Attention seminar goers. XDX

Zebra has agreed to also conduct an XDX class at the seminar and also explain NORSAP. He taught one of the classes at the PA seminar and did an excellent job. So, we also have that to look forward to.

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I just reserved my room. They claim there was a computer glitch.

Anyone calling in now will have no problem getting the $179 rate.


Ha, damn those computer glitches. But it seems like it is clear sailing now.

Again, I encourage you guys to double up.

Also, Zebra will be covering NORSAP at the seminar.

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Just made my reservations. They seem to be all ready for us now. Thanks for the help with that, Keith!

There is something about seeing stuff demonstrated on a blackboard together with a whole group asking questions you might not have thought of and then seeing the answers also demonstrated on a blackboard. Visual learning is so much faster and clearer.

But then there is the comradery of meeting new people with like interests. Many lifetime friendships have been made at these seminars and lifetime playing partners.

But also it is neat to actually see winning play in the casino. It removes burried doubt and builds confidence. It demonstrates that yes indeed it actually can be done. No, I can't talk to you while I'm playing but there is always someone in the audience explaining what I am doing. And yes, you can play alongside if you can get a seat.

I'm guessing we will likely play at Trump Plaza but you never know for sure. There are a lot of tables in A.C. and the idea is to find a good one.

See you all there!

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There is something about seeing stuff demonstrated on a blackboard together with a whole group asking questions you might not have thought of and then seeing the answers also demonstrated on a blackboard. Visual learning is so much faster and clearer.

Especially when that "stuff" is presented by a master at his craft!

But then there is the comradery of meeting new people with like interests. Many lifetime friendships have been made at these seminars and lifetime playing partners.

It is great meeting people who share a common goal and have an open mind. Ellis's seminars seem to attract those people, it is probably due to Ellis's general philosophy..."Let's beat those SOB's" LOL

But also it is neat to actually see winning play in the casino. It removes burried doubt and builds confidence. It demonstrates that yes indeed it actually can be done. No, I can't talk to you while I'm playing but there is always someone in the audience explaining what I am doing. And yes, you can play alongside if you can get a seat.

And of course this is addressing the mental aspects of gaming. These demonstrations coupled with home play/practice should help remove doubt about winning.

See you all there!
How can I not make the drive down! See Ya!

"If you don't think too good, don't think too much!!"



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A few folks ask me if they can record the NOR seminar. I am going to say yes but it is for personal use only. It should not be placed on YOUTUBE or as a resource for others. I am working on having someone record but with a little different twist, I am trying to secure him recording the whole trip in AC of everything we do, from dinner to playing so you get to pick up on everything we talk about. I know it will be impossible to record in the casino.

Also for those who haven't signed up to come yet this will be a big seminar. BTW don't lose sight of the fact that we have never lost at a seminar, all you have to do is play on top of our bets.

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I am trying to secure him recording the whole trip in AC of everything we do, from dinner to playing so you get to pick up on everything we talk about. I know it will be impossible to record in the casino.

Careful Keith! Do you really want to record EVERYTHING we do????

BTW, what time are we meeting at Carmine's?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for your time Keith, was so nice to see you guys winning, Ellis knows from were he speaks!

I will practice till i can go into a casino and win ( most of the time )

Joe Hill

I for one feel so much more enlightened attending the AC NOR Seminar. The principles that Ellis presented during the seminar were what I expected from a master player and professor. He and Keith have experienced it all at Casinos. They know what works and what fatal errors made over time will quickly erode your bankroll. What I gained most from this weekend was learning table management skills. Such as if you are in profit say 3,4 or 5 units and you are deep in the second column, take your win and wait for the next shoe. Observing Keith play enough demonstrated taking what the shoe gives you and ceasing your play. There are other shoes to come don't look to conquer it all one shoe. Or, if by chance you experience a shoe from hell and are down 7 or 8 units, do yourself a major favor and STOP! Seriously, just leave the table and go find another one that has exploit potential. We all have read Ellis tells us that if you are down 8 units in a shoe, chances are not high you will recover fully and get back to 0. This is golden advice. Ellis just knows!

I realize this is a long post,but I think there were so many elements to this weekend that should be pointed out. Such as really learning to play NOR & SAP in unison. Paul (Zebra) gave a real thorough explanation during the Seminar of SAP which was originally created and further enhanced by Ellis. I saw Paul personally rack up to around a high 23 units in a shoe using this style of play. If there isn't much disparity between the individual event counters then it shouldn't be utilized and stick to NOR. I made an incredible breakthrough by the end of my 3rd day in AC. I am a real chicken bleep when it comes to placing a 3 unit bet on the felts. I have some sort of phobia of doing so in the past. But, I really want to thank Donna for emphasizing that believe in what you are doing with NOR. Ellis has stated if you have to go 3 units quite often in a shoe, you seriously have to think serious of exiting the shoe. By the third day I was going to 3 units and bagging some to make me feel more comfortable to use it in my future play. This within itself was worth attending the seminar. The insights you receive at the Seminar are priceless.In addition,the fellow players you meet and with exchange of ideas you form a better foundation to your Baccarat play.

I am a reformed serial purchaser of Baccarat systems. I will admit I was a sucker. The operative word here is "was". What Ellis and Keith teach and utilize is sound and reasonable. Their methods work consistently. They are not one trick ponies with just one style of play and you either sink or swim with it. If you haven't attended a seminar, go to the next one. And if you done so in the past, go again. You will only be surrounded by the best and most knowledgeable players and mentors in the business in Ellis and Keith.



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I for one feel so much more enlightened attending the AC NOR Seminar. The principles that Ellis presented during the seminar were what I expected from a master player and professor. He and Keith have experienced it all at Casinos. They know what works and what fatal errors made over time will quickly erode your bankroll. What I gained most from this weekend was learning table management skills. Such as if you are in profit say 3,4 or 5 units and you are deep in the second column, take your win and wait for the next shoe. Observing Keith play enough demonstrated taking what the shoe gives you and ceasing your play. There are other shoes to come don't look to conquer it all one shoe. Or, if by chance you experience a shoe from hell and are down 7 or 8 units, do yourself a major favor and STOP! Seriously, just leave the table and go find another one that has exploit potential. We all have read Ellis tells us that if you are down 8 units in a shoe, chances are not high you will recover fully and get back to 0. This is golden advice. Ellis just knows!

I realize this is a long post,but I think there were so many elements to this weekend that should be pointed out. Such as really learning to play NOR & SAP in unison. Paul (Zebra) gave a real thorough explanation during the Seminar of SAP which was originally created and further enhanced by Ellis. I saw Paul personally rack up to around a high 23 units in a shoe using this style of play. If there isn't much disparity between the individual event counters then it shouldn't be utilized and stick to NOR. I made an incredible breakthrough by the end of my 3rd day in AC. I am a real chicken bleep when it comes to placing a 3 unit bet on the felts. I have some sort of phobia of doing so in the past. But, I really want to thank Donna for emphasizing that believe in what you are doing with NOR. Ellis has stated if you have to go 3 units quite often in a shoe, you seriously have to think serious of exiting the shoe. By the third day I was going to 3 units and bagging some to make me feel more comfortable to use it in my future play. This within itself was worth attending the seminar. The insights you receive at the Seminar are priceless.In addition,the fellow players you meet and with exchange of ideas you form a better foundation to your Baccarat play.

I am a reformed serial purchaser of Baccarat systems. I will admit I was a sucker. The operative word here is "was". What Ellis and Keith teach and utilize is sound and reasonable. Their methods work consistently. They are not one trick ponies with just one style of play and you either sink or swim with it. If you haven't attended a seminar, go to the next one. And if you done so in the past, go again. You will only be surrounded by the best and most knowledgeable players and mentors in the business in Ellis and Keith.




Thanks for that "live" report of the AC seminar. Sounds like it worked out just great for you. Always glad to hear things like that for sure!


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Just want to add my two cents to the discussion of the AC Seminar. I really didn't

go there to learn NOR - I think I know it pretty well. I went to reconnect with some

old friends and meet some new ones. Living as I do in South Carolina, the buckle of

the Bible Belt, I rarely get the opportunity to play baccarat, so I use the various

seminars as an excuse to go to play. This trip I was honored to get to expound on

my NORSAP style of play. Of course, listening to Ellis I always pick up a tidbit or

two that enhances my play. One thing I have noticed from the start is that the folks

I meet from BTC are a most friendly group. I sat with a group of 5 relatively new members

and thoroughly enjoyed their company. Dinner at Carmine's was great as was the

Saturday buffet. I don't think I have ever met a BTC member that I didn't like. Maybe

that's because many of them are old geezers like me. Anyway, I played a total of 9 shoes.

I lost one, broke even in one (a no commish table) and won seven. I stayed longer than

normal in many of the games because I don't play that often. If I followed all the win-stops

I would have done even better. Those nine shoes were played at Trop, Bally's and Caesar's.

I am looking forward to the next gathering. I expect to be playing in Florida (Coconut Creek)

early April and back in AC in June. Hope to see more of you in my travels.


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I finally got a chance to review my videos from the AC seminar and just had to chime in. The section on net betting as it may relate to factory preshuffled cards was by far the most exciting aspect of the seminar. I can see so much potential there and i will be the first in line to add this update to my NOR repertoire. Im ready to sign up NOW! Also the first/second line betting was thought provoking, and Paul's tutorial on SAP covered all my questions in that area.

Top notch!

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