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This is not the Titanic, so why are we abandoning the ship?

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member


Not sure where this steamship is headed, but we built one called NOR+ was designed as the best ever.

Why are we so eager to jump off the boat?

-------we want to enhance the 3D ( p.s.--- it's NOR) with OO/TT, fine. Should be EZ enough to add another angle to NOR...

-------we want to follow Subway, and settle for 5$ foot longs, OK...EZ to incorporate into NOR ( it's actually already there...)

-------Who wants to be a millionaire? ( and we openly " mock" websites and books which "tout" such stuff??)

Where is that Progressive Insurance lady when we need her most? Who ever doubted Clara was all about finding the beef ( Wendy's commercial...you can google it...). And you think Oscar had nothing better to do than grind his axe off?


You see a duck in a commercial? It's AFLAC.

You see a red target from a mile away? It's TARGET.

You see a 30 car pile-up on the 6-o'clock news? It's OBAMACARE ( ha...just kidding..)

This is not a rowboat. It is not a 30 foot SeaRay.

We are collectively " sailing" the biggest baccarat boat ever built.


It's NOR.

So why are we so eager to abandon ship?

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member


THE TWIST is a "side bet" .

It is N.O.T. for every hand...

Let me illustrate...

3 guys show up at the Pearly Gates

There are only 2 tickets available for admission

Only way to be fair is to ask each a question...

Mr.Smith, can you recall how many passengers were aboard The Titanic.?

--------naturally, he answers correctly.

Mr. Jones, can you recall how many passengers perished?

--------of course, he answers exactly

Mr. Wojcianeski, name them....


Funny, huh?

Well ,this is not "funny"...this is not a joke....

-----------How/when/why did we "abandon ship" on NOR?

Everyone reading this bought a ticket on the ship, so unless you are happy with trading in your Carnival Cruise ticket for an upgrade to TheGoodShipLollipop, you are likely wondering the same?

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  • 1 year later...

Not sure where this steamship is headed, but we built one called NOR+ was designed as the best ever.

Why are we so eager to jump off the boat?

-------we want to enhance the 3D ( p.s.--- it's NOR) with OO/TT, fine. Should be EZ enough to add another angle to NOR...

-------we want to follow Subway, and settle for 5$ foot longs, OK...EZ to incorporate into NOR ( it's actually already there...)

-------Who wants to be a millionaire? ( and we openly " mock" websites and books which "tout" such stuff??)

Where is that Progressive Insurance lady when we need her most? Who ever doubted Clara was all about finding the beef ( Wendy's commercial...you can google it...). And you think Oscar had nothing better to do than grind his axe off?


You see a duck in a commercial? It's AFLAC.

You see a red target from a mile away? It's TARGET.

You see a 30 car pile-up on the 6-o'clock news? It's OBAMACARE ( ha...just kidding..)

This is not a rowboat. It is not a 30 foot SeaRay.

We are collectively " sailing" the biggest baccarat boat ever built.


It's NOR.

So why are we so eager to abandon ship?

Kevin, you came out with this when I just arrived to BTC.

Maybe the skipper is just tired.

Could I include the song Here we go again ?

By the way, I want to thank you for your ideas on sports betting. It is the only online game I can legally use in my country. It is still in experimental stage, but it looks promising to me. When the cat got skinned, I will publish in this forum my findings.

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member

The point I am making is simple.

Ellis has 1000's of " followers" playing NOR+

Some of them paid their $dues, likely many more did not.

But, like it or not, it simply IS THE BEST way to:



and Attack

a baccarat shoe.

And win most of the time.

It tells us what to do with lots of opposites (s40)

It tells us how to handle the runs (F)...and we all get the runs....

It tells us how to navigate a 'neutral' shoe ( OTBL)

It even includes some ways to handle adversity, and prosperity ( the modes, the betting progressions)

Sure,we can change our stripes a bit.

We can re-jigger s40 to be BaS40

We can add TBL analysis/ monitoring to the mix ( it is not just the other side of OTBL...)

And we can " look back" at 3 plays ago, or 5 plays, or even 10 plays to help us decide what to do next ( OO/TT)

We can talk about making $30,000 in 30 days ( hey, we play this game enough, we all start believing we can..)

Or the 5 unit road to being a millionaire...

And S4D? Well, there is room for that, too...

I just hope when we are all through that we remember that NOR, even with projected enhancements, and some much welcomed " maintenance" is still who we are.

Every business looks out to the next quarter, the next year, the next "period of time" to project how

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member

Thank Reubel for the sports bets, especially MLB, where he excels...

And if Ms. Lovato gets your motor running, every other song play HereIGoAgain by WhiteSnake...( it's like HereWeGoAgain..., without the dress)

And If you ever think Dan Fogelberg , or whomever, might wake up Our very own LeaderOfThe Band, ( to what we all want....NOR 2), I'll do whatever I can to help!!

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