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In memory of Norm and XDotNets suggestion

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I didn't want to interrupt the follow the shoe thread anymore, so I thought to share XDotNets great suggestion of  "I just thought, if you do share Norms information, those who benefit from it could do a random act of kindness to honor Norms contribution to the game and post it here".  So I give all the credit to XDotNet for his great suggestion.

So the last two days I did that, in cleaning and detailing a 5th wheel mobile home for a 76 yr. old widow that lives on social security.  I did not charge one penny for this, did all the work by myself in memory of Norm.  The woman this was done for was very grateful.  So, I will post a few pictures, and yes I am exhausted, but it was so worth it. 

Her entire home on the outside looked nasty so I am including the before pictures here.....and the after pictures next post.


front before.JPG

back before.JPG

side before clean.JPG

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The roof had quite a few small tree limbs from the storm on it, and there were a few small holes in the roof that needed to be patched.  And the roof needed a cleaning and also to have two coats or elastomeric with silicone in it to help seal any leaks, and also help reflect the uv rays of the sun.  

holes patched.JPG

cleaned and coated.JPG

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Her car....had the same nasty green mold on it and needed a good cleaning and detail.  I had to borrow a neighbors carport, as it was raining a bit today.  Washed, polished and put a mirror shine glaze finish on it, and then waxed it.  Headlight covers made of plastic get deteriorated like hers in Florida due to uv rays of the sun.  Not safe to drive at night with them, especially at her age, so I restored them to almost new.  She also leaves her windows open and the inside needed a good cleaning.  She promised she would close her windows from now on.  

Random act of kindness done.....in memory of Norm, and again all the credit goes to XDotNet for his great suggestion.  So now back to the really hard work.....baccarat.  


uv ray damage.JPG

leaves her windows open.JPG

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Thank you Brad, and it was XdotNet that gave me the inspiration, so give him all the credit.   And I will never forget when I came back here, that you were the first person to welcome me back.  Friendliness like yours, is something that is very valuable to me, and I do not take it for granted, so thank you always.

Edited by avion
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Wow... What can I say! Fantastic job, great work, thought and kindness...Unbelievable Avion well done.


Looked like a job for a small army never mind one man!


Just one thing you better hope she doesn’t tell all her friends about you they will all be calling you with their brooms, Ha ha.


Again well done, you truly are a nice person, the world needs more people like you!

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Thank you XDotNet....truly it was your suggestion that went straight to my heart.  It was a perfect suggestion on your part, to not only honor the name and memory of Norm, but to also benefit someone through a random act of kindness.

You "planted the perfect seed" in me.  Let me explain a little bit and I think you will understand even more why your suggestion hit home with me.  For the most part, when I see a "natural disaster tragedy", like a tornado devastating an area, or a cyclone or hurricane, or flood, or earthquake, for some reason unknown to me I immediately feel very strongly that I want to go and help those people in any way that I can.  It wouldn't matter to me what I do, I just want to go and help them in their time of loss and need.  Of course that requires finances to be able to travel where ever that happens.  It has always been a motivation to me in the possibility that earning the means to do so, through baccarat would be the vehicle to do help to do that.  Yes I have to take care of me first, as no one can give to someone what they don't have.  Still my needs I have made as simplistic as possible.  Example of that would be I am an enthusiast for the tiny home concepts.  Needs met and living as simplistic as possible, along with being debt free.  I could go on about it.....but I am also aware of time being very precious for everyone. 

Thank you again XDotNet......and like Pando and I discussed several times.....you never know how it will positively affect someone in what you share until you do.  

Edited by avion
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