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What is your Baccarat IQ

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Hello Keith,

Good comment as always mate. IMO studying and playing MDB(way2fast rules) is a great asset to your baccarat game. It alerts you to the frequency of events in the game, and you just automatically think twice before betting in a lot of situations.  In fact I think way2fast commented that his game improved markedly after playing MDB so long just through the subconscious recognition of these frequency of events.  

Your example Keith a good one, however the 3 & 4s triggers of MDB will earn you a lot more money IMO

IMO the study and application of MDB is a must for any newbie, and everything he requires (way2fast rules, and excellent discussions and strategy) are in the members section for everyone to see and use. 

MDB can be boring to play at times, but making money is never boring IMO.  MDB makes plenty of money. 


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1 hour ago, Hellboy said:

In fact I think way2fast commented that his game improved markedly after playing MDB so long just through the subconscious recognition of these frequency of events.  

100% correct @Hellboy.  My MDB rules can be  great training for a player's baccarat mind.  I'm happy to discus this further on the forum if anyone is interested, but given the nasty behavior and lies spread by some on other forums, I won't be saying much here.

See everyone in Vegas tonight.















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It would be very much appreciated way2fast if you would share a discussion of your concepts, insights, etc regarding your MDB rules on the members forum.  Possibly even another Master Class if you might want to.  

Wishing everyone at the baccarat crawl, success and enjoyment.  Also for Wolfat for his trip to Singapore, success and enjoyment.  Safe travel for everyone.  

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