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SAP Live Shoes Replay

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Hi boss,

in my experience I try to check this but playing this way puts me in a bad feeling for 2 main reasons:

1) it's against my whole game-philosophy and I'm used to adhere to my principle

2) I'd play not really trusting in my bets waiting for the shoe changing again... and this is not so good

IMHO it's better wait better spots, it's a more relaxing way!


I'm sure you are right Andrea. It puts you in the position of doing what everyone else is doing. That would be a major cause of concern.

I think the only problem with the original SAP system was neutral shoes. Now we know to base with OTB4L in neutral shoes and apply SAP after 2 and 3 in a rows. I think that fixes the only problem SAP ever had.

I was thinking this crop of students would not understand SAP esp the weighting of events. But PJ, anybody can understand.

I think it will make a good final chapter for the NOR Manual. That way, those who want to apply it can do so. But also those who think it might be a step too far for them right now can put it off for future study. True, SAP isn't always right but nothing is always right. What is good is how often it IS right. For many shoes it is like a road map.

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I played in Dublin this spring in that place (Fitzwilliam card club).

It's little but there's a friendly atmosphere.

I played 3 shoes with 1 3s only! so sweet!


I love those little family owned casinos. Black Hawk in Colorado is like that. Also the Canary Islands. Both BJ and Bac, they deal such a straight up game. I end up feeling sorry for them. Ha! They make me feel like a city slicker!

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I think the only problem with the original SAP system was neutral shoes. Now we know to base with OTB4L in neutral shoes and apply SAP after 2 and 3 in a rows. I think that fixes the only problem SAP ever had.

I was thinking this crop of students would not understand SAP esp the weighting of events. But PJ, anybody can understand.


I've been thinking that there is a very easy way to track sap, you don't even need to put the SAP chart on the scorecard. Since half of all events are 1s and the other half 2+s, we just count (number) all events. That would be every time there is an opposite we increment. So say at event number 30 (not necessarily hand 30) if the shoe is balanced we would have 15 1s, 15 2+s, half of the 2+s would be 2s, half of those would be 3s, etc. etc.We could tell which event is most out of whack at any given hand and we could check anytime just by knowing the event number. It only takes a couple of seconds to do this if you keep track of the event numbers. This way there is no need to weigh the events.

Maybe this could be something to consider. I use it exclusively now for my SAP info.


p.s. Andrea, it's nice to know DB comes from a real brick and mortar casino.

p.s.s Hi Paul! This must be old times week with you, me, Andrea, Ellis, I even see Bill on line. lol. (it's nice to see that again, let's heat this forum up).

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
It just annoys the shit out of me, when i would see 3's least common, and 2 and 4's quite average, and so i'd bet the 3 becomes a 4....

but then out comes two 3's....bye bye bets....

similarly 2 's could be high then a zigzag of 5 comes out...bugger!

...very likely you don't read posts closely. You'll find the answers...


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huh? which one?

Shuttlesmasher, all you can do is go with the best odds on every bet. That is all she wrote. We are going to lose bets no matter what we do. Getting annoyed over it is not professional. That is what the casino WANTS you to do. Annoyed players start doing foolish things. Stay cool! Keep it professional. The shoe is not the enemy. Neither is the casino. The enemy is YOU. You are playing against yourself.

We each have two selves: our unthinking emotional self and our thinking mans professional self. Whichever has control of you is going to win. STAY COOL!

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