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NOR Strike Online !!

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Hi All,

Just would like to share my experience playing online with NOR.

I have played 3 sessions so far at www.dafa888.com, starting with initial BR $1,000, I manage to withdraw out $15,000 (ROI of 1500%!!) from all the 3 sessions.

1st Session : +$6,000

2nd Session : +$4,000

3rd Session : +$5,000

Reason for this winning I believe fall with the progression I used, coz most of the time, instead of switching system, I think the best way is to switch the progression according to shoe quality. I will share more on how I do this later, and I find by doing this, it really adapt to my playing style instead of just following a fix progression.

No doubt NOR is great !! Couple with a good Progression Bet, it is undefeatable.

NOR System + Good Progression + Good Discipline = Consistent Winning

OK, to be continue.


NOR & SAP student

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The bank roll is in $1,000.

Searching for the most bias shoe .. and spotted one table which already half way through

And for the first 15-20 hands, the shoe is choppy - S40 should kill this shoe, and I know I only have another 15-20 hands to do this.

Looking at my initial BR $1,000, I set my target to get $100 from this shoe.

Now, deciding my progression, I would play 234 since it is mid-shoe now.

Unit size $10.

Let's go, start the prog with 2 bet, lost .. it is ok, now go with my 3 bet, Lost ... hhmm .. first half, there is no 4 iar.

OK, give in the 4 bet shot ... LOST !! Now my prog is down -9 (BR = $910) ..

Critical point, doubt rush in - should I stick with S40 ?? Or change system ? or CHANGE PROGRESSION ?

Prog : 234

Unit Size : $20

OK, let's go next bet OTR now .. bet 2 OTR, YES got it ( BR = $950 ), and bet 2 on opposite now .. YES ! (BR = $990 ).

A 5 iar, follow with an opposite, and should bet opposite again since the shoe stay that way. But now I should bet 3 instead of staying 2.

*Reason because I have won 4 unit (4 x $20=$80), and the next bet of 3, if lose, I still up +1 ($20).*

YES ! get it in (BR = $1050).

Now, I am up +$50, should slow down my prog back to unit size of $10.

Bet 2 opposite now, YES ! (BR = $1070) the shoe goes back to choppy now. Am up +$70 now ..

Next bet is 3 bet - as expected, BINGO ! (BR = $1100) .. reach my initial Goal for +$100. Stop and change shoe.


This is the mentality I play every shoe, set a small goal and with substantial BR (100 unit), you can really exploit every opportunity.

My thinking is simple here, if we are ready to lose a prog 123, or 234 .. why not we use the same prog when we are winning.

The only tweak that I do is changing the unit size in the prog .. and I find this is easier compare to change system when you are in mid-shoe, as changing

system in mid-shoe will not help much as the game is going to finish soon.

Remember always set a small goal at every beginning of the shoe.

The 123 and 234 prog always keep my betting risk low, and with low risk, I can easily increase my winning possibility by increase the betting unit size.

With proper BR, and good discipline, you too can slowly make the consistent winning. =)


NOR & SAP student

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This approach is adapting the betting strategy to your personal style.

The NOR rules still apply, nothing change.

And the more you play NOR, the more you know when to use which system on the particular shoe.

Next is choosing your prog and unit size which you are comfortable with.

That's it !


NOR & SAP student

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Good work d0main! Goes to show you that the more you understand NOR and the more you play it, the looser you can get with it, UP TO A POINT. I often start with the 234 when I know I'm sitting down to a good table. Even the 345.

Most players will need to stick to the basics until they develop a good feel for NOR. But sooner or later you get to the point where you really recognize a good situation and you can go for the jugular!

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Thanks Ellis for the great NOR system.

Just finish my 4th Session, another $ 5,000 =)

The shoes are random, but NOR will put you back in place. Do not rush for big win, nor big lost.

Just be consistent and believe in the NOR system.

Now what am worry is that I win too much and got banned !

But as long as am not the biggest bettor, i guess will be fine - always under the radar.

Waiting for the withdrawal now


Edited by d0ma1n
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NOR & SAP student

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Thanks Ellis for the great NOR system.

Just finish my 4th Session, another $ 5,000 =)

The shoes are random, but NOR will put you back in place. Do not rush for big win, nor big lost.

Just be consistent and believe in the NOR system.

Now what am worry is that I win too much and got banned !

But as long as am not the biggest bettor, i guess will be fine - always under the radar.

Waiting for the withdrawal now

What online casino did you play at? Are u in the states?

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changing the Unit size when you in a losing shoe or a losing pattern? ok now you've lost 234 -9 then you raise your unit size to $20U and bet 2U OTR?? and you won that bet OK what if you lost that bet and what if you'll lose more hands in a row follow that losing hands how many units would down your BR?? to me sounds like you are playing just pray for luck isn't it?


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and if i am in that situation of that middle shoe of your and down -9 i would just rather wait for the run to end and see if after that run would go back to the trash like 11 or 121 then i will start to pick 1 of the NOR system to beat those trash S40 definitely and hey thanks for your idea anyways.

Hi TangNang,

That is just my expression on the mentality i have.

Instead of looking at unit, like stop lose at -8u, I judge my stop lost with the BR I have.

If let's say now my BR is $3,000, and am playing at $25, of coz i won't stop at -8 or -9, as I still can wait and deploy another 234.

I am still not sure how to put this experience in words here, but the gist of it is the NOR rules never change. Only my betting prog and unit size change according to the quality of the shoe.

Of coz winning 4 sessions in a roll we need some "luck" =) lots of it !!

And for your first questions, if i lose the 2u OTR bet, and continue to lose more, I will change the shoe !

Coz losing 2 set of prog in a roll tell you something, as the shoe is getting to other direction.

My approach really based on experience and it is very subjective. Important you can replay a prog and unit size which you feel comfortable with and you can bet with no stress at all, even you are -18u now, lose your unit, but not your confident.


NOR & SAP student

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BTW, Im working feverishly on the official NOR manual. I had not realized how deteriorated the prelim manual had become. Some important parts are missing altogether. I'm on page 14 out of about 20, not counting sample games and should be finished in a few days.

Also, I tried to get the casino to contribute for overseas flights for the Vegas seminar but they flatly turned me down. Comps are much tougher than just a couple of years ago. I'm going to show them no mercy at the tables.

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