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Negative Progressions and Negative Frame-of-Mind

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W2F called it.  The temptation to come back to this forum was too overwhelming for you.  When you refer to anything concerning the Las Vegas tragedy in a thread to be condescending to another you show your lack of fortitude.  I suggest you leave this forum, you are clearly outclassed in your person and your game.  

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On 9/12/2017 at 1:03 AM, way2fast said:


I honestly don't know why you seem to have such a problem with me -- we have never met or spoken.  I guess it's because you always need someone to blame and ridicule -- probably makes you feel better about yourself.  It has been your M.O. for a long time, and is well recognized by those who have seen your numerous threatening and derogatory attacks on individuals on other boards.  I for one am delighted you have chosen to "leave" BTC because I don't read any of your shit -- stopped doing that a long tome ago.


Honestly imo, sure appears you are mighty iron fisted and limited in your welcoming or even desiring new members here. 


But in reality that guy you have the beef with that started this thread evidently has a link between yourself and a large indebted gambler that most likely will be prosecuted from my understanding,  just like Paddock that the fbi said last night, no one will come forward as no one wants their name associated with a person like Paddock forever.  So clearly evident I and I guess yourself would not desire our names associated with a gambler that not only failed and preached advantaged gambling but now lost everything and facing criminal charges,  so I understand now why you have to 'squash'  alrelax or glen.  


There is a purpose and underlying reason for writing things and you are not excluded. I do believe your thoughts are self serving but that is certainly your right.

Edited by 8orbetter
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There is no longer any doubt that you and Alrelax are one and the same person.

You clearly have psychological issues and it didn't help that the members of BTC didn't fall down in abject adoration at you deigning to grace us with your presence. 

Your Blog is read by fewer people than a Halal Menu at a Jewish Restaurant basically because you manage to turn "being a boring sh*t" into an art form. Your philosophy appears to be based around the concept of "Why write something in one or two sentences when you can write War and Peace?"

You are a boring little man with a deep-seated need to have your "Greatness" aknowledged by we mere Plebs...the problem being...that you aren't that great. 

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I'm done wasting my time on you. I would have thought that it may have dawned on you by now that you are about as popular as a fart in an elevator and it's time you disappeared back to your blog where you can continue talking to yourself.


I suspect that you are not really a bad person it's just that God musta fallen asleep with his finger stuck on the "batshit boring" button...but it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good and I do thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog...It's done wonders for my insomnia issues. 

Take care Glen and peace be with you.


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3 hours ago, 8orbetter said:

You have zero evidence, knowledge or actual anything as to whom I am, once again,  but I guess you live on assumptions.  Glad you are not a judge in any court!  Absolutely zero evidence or real facrs.  

Ok well now we have the evidence, both usernames have used the same device  (in case you know nothing about mac address of hardware) not to mention ip address,  pretty odd, not the same person I would think.  This forum is not a democracy it is a dictatorship and I own it.  Stay out of it and do not contact us.  Go AWAY you mean nothing to us.




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2 hours ago, Keith Smith said:

Ok well now we have the evidence, both usernames have used the same device  (in case you know nothing about mac address of hardware) not to mention ip address,  pretty odd, not the same person I would think.  This forum is not a democracy it is a dictatorship and I own it.  Stay out of it and do not contact us.  Go AWAY you mean nothing to us.





Checkmate Bitch!!!!!!  Sorry Keith.

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14 hours ago, 8orbetter said:

You have zero evidence, knowledge or actual anything as to whom I am, once again,  but I guess you live on assumptions.  Glad you are not a judge in any court!  Absolutely zero evidence or real facrs.

oops.....can you say.....BUSTED ???  

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