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It appears Dean of CFC has taken exception to my expose of his Business tactics on CFC...The false promises...The BANNING of fully paid-up members for daring to express a dissenting opinion...the outright Lies etc.  I have exposed him for the know-nothing Baccarat Player that he is. He is charging for a service that he cannot possibly provide because he is simply incapable of understanding even the basics of Winning Baccarat. He is ripping off the weak and the gullible...those who can least afford it. He is a Fraudster.

He is harassing me with all sorts of Legal Threats which bothers me not so much because both he and his partner in crime would struggle to afford a half decent cup of coffee if they combined their funds.  ?

Now he is claiming that I am under Police Investigation and even provided me with a Police Investigation Number which I strongly suspect he got off the back of a Cereal Box. 

So...Before INTERPOL come a knocking on my door...LMFAO...I would like to make a request that all those that have been ripped off by this SCAMMER, notify me so that I have even more ammunition to smash him right back to whatever sleaze pit he used to inhabit.

You can either do it by PM or email johnraeno.1@gmail.com or if you wish to stand up and be counted... right here on this thread. 

Thanks in advance


UH...OH...Heavy knocking on my front door...Gotta go now...?

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member

Never got scammed.

Never “ ponied-up “ to join the private membership...

                Dean+Ellis (TOGETHER?)

                                              a “ blight on the landscape” ....RUFKMe? 


D+ E, version2, likely success....versus version1 ?

                           ?Desparadoes. ( Why don’t you come to your senses?.

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Everyone should know that fu**ing scumbag Dean Jackson over at CasinoForum.club is the biggest ripoff artist and the most hated guy in the Baccarat world. It feels great to know his blog is a failure. How can someone who has never had a winning day in his life run a Baccarat forum? 


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I usually just read the “Premium Members Only Discussion” and didn’t pay much attention to the “Q and A” section’s threads. Until today I just found this thread. So in my case, I’m kind of ripped off 2K by CFC with some useless pages. But the moneys is gone and I take my lost . But the most things got me upset was by two years ago when I brought their course it was a bundle sales with CFC forum access ($250 annually). So after the transaction completed for almost the whole year I never go to their forum. Until one year later it got my attention I was auto charged another $250. I immediately contact Dean and kindly describe the situation I didn’t pay much attention to disable the annually auto renew and told them I haven’t logged on to their forum for 10 month and really don’t want the renew. Dean refused to refund and the PayPal dispute favor to them because it was my fraud that I didn’t turn off the auto renew. (I was totally no idea the auto renew was automatic enable).



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Auto renewal is the norm of the day. When you sign up for Prime membership in Amazon, the world's richest man renews your membership automatically. Beatthecasino is also no exception. Gone are the days when you can buy one subscription and renew it at your will. This is the modern day convenience! If you die after renewal, the merchant will get reimbursed automatically, unless your ward cancels all the auto renewals,

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For the sake of transparency yes auto renewal is the norm and of course to support this forum we need members who stay, the guys who jump in and out are OK but better to stay and support the cause and continuous learning. I think with all the great players here it is a privilege to be a member perhaps that is arrogant but I do believe that.  Also, it should be clear that you cannot jump in find a system and win.  Honestly, as soon as I was successful at the club atmosphere OTHER FORUMS changed to it. I wish I did have 1000 members so we can get the price a lot lower and have more players looking at things. 

I have had it go both ways if you come to me and say hey I missed canceling and no longer wanted it,  I ask well why don't say this last month and enjoy the forum and cancel it now as you have always had the power to cancel it. If you raise holy hell about the 50 bucks then I will usually just reverse it to be honest but I guarantee you will never get back in our club. 

If you pay with PayPal and use funds from your pay pal balance and did an auto-renew they will generally never give it back to you, if you paid with a credit card from PayPal they generally will always favor you even if you provide very little evidence which is really unfair to the club.  I have had people pay with a credit card say they wanted it canceled,  provided no proof and had 4 months reversed even after sending documentation they logged in. go figure. 

The ones that bug me are they player that sign up for some reason an error occurs they don't get access by mistake and then dispute the charge rather than simply calling me.  They always claim they did.  My number is all over the forum and at the bottom of every page. 

I spend at least 2 hours a week answering disputes of PayPal and providing details, its a real pain in the ass for the 50 bucks and knowing they will never come back again anyway. 

If access is screwed up it is certainly not by design, the invoice wasn't paid in time or the communication between PayPal and the forum is broken and the forum software revokes your access.  I don't go in and pick people and do it manually yet when it happens all the messages I get assumes I did which is a bit funny, why would I do that to a customer to get them mad?

If you don't like the auto-renew take the manual check option for 6 months at least you will have time to absorb everything and not have to deal with credit cards. If the 99 to start streteches your budget you have no business playing anyway. The entire philosophy of the forum is there is no easy way and you must stay and study.  IF you want a rote easy way to play you won't find it here.  We are a club of players always trying to learn a better way -  leaving no stone unturned. 


Look at this item not as describe really! Its a club.  Wanted to cancel but I didn't so give me my money back all day long. I don't even answer them anymore what's the point so frustrating they wanted to grab the information for free. Trying to run an honest fair club and you get these scamsters over at other forums and I get bombarded with this shit here. 



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Quite a few years back, I was a member here.  My daily work load had increased to the point that I didn't have time to be here.  I think I sent a email request to cancel my membership and left it at that.  3 months later I noticed I was still being charged.  I got in contact with Keith and let him know.  He emphasized to me that it was my responsibility to cancel the monthly auto-renew.  I agree Keith was 100% correct.  I also pointed out that I had not logged into the site during that entire time.  Keith was totally fair with me in this regard and took care of the 3 months that I was charged.

It was my ignorant mistake not to cancel the auto-renew.  Because Keith "did the right thing" in my concern, I never forgot that...and it is a big reason why I chose to come back when I retired.  It is truly a privilege to be a member here, and to be associated with the best group of people in the baccarat world.  

I don't always agree with everything, yet I do believe in giving credit to whom credit is due.  

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