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Anyone try WTCSuite Baccarat app yet?

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Recently i see a youtube video of this called WTCSuite baccarat strategy app and it cost $159.99 on google playstore and on sale for $99.99 right now.

The app use pairs system and 1back, 2back,3back, and 4 back system. I think very similar to Kevin 4D method. The app claim it can be a tool to beat baccarat and can be used for roulette too. Have anyone try the app yet?  any opinions?    I have the link to link to the youtube channel of this Wtcsuite baccarat app.

youtube channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRgqscLp7tPquYtn7wRFBqA


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There will always be competition in any product arena. It just comes down to the product quality itself. So, a quick comparison.

The Ultimate Baccarat App - Combines multiple systems/tools to automatically track and make recommendations on all 4 Roads at the same time. Not just one tool on one road.

Easy to contact the developer, I've been active on the forum since 2013. Available for Q/A and feedback and bug updates.

For me, The App is just something I love to do. I'd keep working on it even if it wasn't on google or used by others. As evident by how many times I've upgraded the app. It all started with @BronxAl's ORE then I added an expansion to @kachatz1(4)7D and V87, @Keith Smiths Statistical Analysis for tracking trends in winning shoe scores......it continued with my own Derived Recommendations, XTB counters, Dashboards to consolidate the many systems and the Roads Dashboard to play all 4 Roads automatically at the same time....etc.

The app is not just "me" its contains the decades of  combined experience from the members here....."us." On my end, I've got thousands and thousands of hours into The app, more than I could ever recover.....just because I like the people here and I like doing it. I feel very strongly that "The App" is something special and writing  it has been an amazing education in baccarat.

Edited by XDN
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@Scooter @davidngo55  I have purchased the app. There is a reddit forum of this wtc app. People share their experience with wtc app there. Alot of good feedback there. I think @baldi41joined in that reddit forum too. Look like he got good result from the wtc app. He give alot of great advice while using the app.   Here is the link to the reddit forum if anyone want to take a look.


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, RIO said:

https://t.me/pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram
Make 1000% and more within 1 day, join channel @pump_upp !

Hey dude this is a gambling website, we do not promote crypto only talk about ways to win playing the game of baccarat. So please STOP promoting crypto on this website or the administator will blackball you from promoting crypto  on the website and you will not have access to website.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/25/2023 at 10:20 PM, Dannylas said:

@Scooter @davidngo55  I have purchased the app. There is a reddit forum of this wtc app. People share their experience with wtc app there. Alot of good feedback there. I think @baldi41joined in that reddit forum too. Look like he got good result from the wtc app. He give alot of great advice while using the app.   Here is the link to the reddit forum if anyone want to take a look.


I don't normally write about the "Copy" app but I have a legit question to those using it. What happens to the middle pair?

7A and 7B = 1 pair - Recorded as Blue Blue

7B and 8A = 1 pair  - Recorded as  ?????? (Should be a Blue Red pair but the only Blue/Red is "Pair" 11.

8A and 8B = 1 pair - Recorded as Red Red

Are those hands / that pair just gone? Just an idle curiosity on my part...and no not because I want to "Copy" his app.

Maybe I don't understand how to read it, that's fair. But if those aren't accounted for, aren't you throwing out 1/2 the information in a shoe?

If so, he'll probably "Copy" my fix to his app just like he's copied some of the other methods. LOL  You're welcome:)

Hope y'all had a nice Easter!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I think I will give WTCsuite Baccarat App a try first. They have good tutorial videos and Live play videos proving app work. Btc app is $400 dollars too expensive. You guy need to make BTC app more affordable. I think BTC app is way more expensive than what it is worth. The WTC app only cost $99. I will give WTC app a shot first. Hope you guy make BTC app more affordable like WTC App. 

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12 hours ago, kingston D said:

I think I will give WTCsuite Baccarat App a try first. They have good tutorial videos and Live play videos proving app work. Btc app is $400 dollars too expensive. You guy need to make BTC app more affordable. I think BTC app is way more expensive than what it is worth. The WTC app only cost $99. I will give WTC app a shot first. Hope you guy make BTC app more affordable like WTC App. 

The WTC app is legit…..don’t afraid to try it bro. I got a copy of WTC app and i am in good profit with it. BTC app is way over price . They posted live videos of them playing with flat bet only with WTC app. They have very high hit rate by using WTC app to play online. They have a WTC free forum to join too. You don’t need to be a premium member to join forum. Good luck to you bro. You can find me by the name MCKOY in WTC forum to discuss more strategy to use with WTC app.

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11 minutes ago, Dodge charger said:

The WTC app is legit…..don’t afraid to try it bro. I got a copy of WTC app and i am in good profit with it. BTC app is way over price . They posted live videos of them playing with flat bet only with WTC app. They have very high hit rate by using WTC app to play online. They have a WTC free forum to join too. You don’t need to be a premium member to join forum. Good luck to you bro. You can find me by the name MCKOY in WTC forum to discuss more strategy to use with WTC app.

@Dodge charger  LOL now you're copying my user handles from other social media sites LOL. (For everyone else) my user handle on some other social media references my Dodge Challenger.


"Copying a leader is easy, but becoming one is a challenge."

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8 minutes ago, kingston D said:

I see XDN getting pissed when other user recommend WTC app. I think XDN think only his BTC app  is superior. Thanks @Dodge charger appreciated your suggestion.

Who is angry? I find it amusing the guy keeps copying everything about the app and now my social media handles. Next thing you know he'll be buying the model of razor I shave with LOL.

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