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With freedom comes responsibilty

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Well Rinaldo,

the man is back after serious health problems for his child.

I hope you will apologize sincerely to him for your premature ejaculation!

Understand free speech yet and the importance of having your facts straight before opening your gob?

Edited by Goong

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Well maybe you are not a father, cos if my kids were seriously sick the last thing I would care about is a Baccarat Forum, where all the information is there for MEMBERS to see anyway. Sometimes other things take priority. It would have been a waste of his time and energy to post as people will read what they like into it anyway.

I find the fact you can sleep so well at night after attacking someones character/integrity, with NO EVIDENCE, when they are not around, quite astounding.

I still think you owe an apology for your baseless rant

With freedom comes responsibility. That is not debatable.

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if you make a big deal about expressing my freedom of speech,at least be fair and realise or read his attacks on others as well my buddy. he has a hand full as well,and we are all adults here.

I owned a business for 18 years and if others have money invested in me, you have no excuse by not letting others know what is going on! just posting a 5 seconds emails,saying you will get back to your customers at a later time is just common business. people have losses even worst than what hapend there and still if they have to attend to a funeral or else would just said; I wont be available for a while,and that is all. I only spoke for those who had invested their money, I did not,and am glad. dont be so judgmental, I know my heart is in the right place and I sleep well at night. if it bothered you that I was not happy about his absence without giving anyone a clue as to where he was, I am truly sorry but your maturity is to be questioned. get over it, I argued with my brothers at time,it does not mean I hate them,OKAY ? I move on, no big deal !!! maybe you need to forget and forgive. I did not kill anyone you know. so please be relaxe and chillllout. sincerely, R.

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if you make a big deal about expressing my freedom of speech,at least be fair and realise or read his attacks on others as well my buddy. he has a hand full as well,and we are all adults here.

That is irrelevant to this debate. You had no personal knowledge of the circumstance of the absence nor the ability of the person to even make a post to members. You were merely hanging around. Not sure what for. You had NO right to say what you said, make the suggestions about the mans character that you did nor insinuate the things you said in more than one post on more than one forum

And to set the record straight, it is YOU who cried "free speech, I can say what I like" when you were told to be quiet until we knew the facts, not I.

I am trying, without success it seems, to explain why you needed to STFU until you knew the facts.

I owned a business for 18 years and if others have money invested in me, you have no excuse by not letting others know what is going on! just posting a 5 seconds emails,saying you will get back to your customers at a later time is just common business. people have losses even worst than what hapend there and still if they have to attend to a funeral or else would just said; I wont be available for a while,and that is all.

There are a number of circumstances that I can think of that would prevent a person from making a post on a forum. There are also a variety of scenarios that I can think of that push the priority of a post on a forum down the list. Sometimes other things require our attention and matter more than to bother responding to the cries and whimpers of people who would not "piss on me if I was on fire".

I only spoke for those who had invested their money, I did not,and am glad. dont be so judgmental,.

The people who invested their money did not appoint you as their speaker, nor would they. Most had the sense to wait until they had more information before commenting. The fact you had not invested gave you even LESS right to have your say and certainly does not give you the right to attack someones character as you did.

if it bothered you that I was not happy about his absence without giving anyone a clue as to where he was, I am truly sorry but your maturity is to be questioned. get over it,

No, it bothers me that you spruik on about free speech but wont accept the responsibility that comes with it. Free speech does not give you the right to make baseless claims and comment on events and situations you have no knowledge of. It is YOU that cried, and I'm paraphrasing here "This is America, I can say what I like".

(note carefully that I have to paraphrase here because your thread was removed due to your attack on that person without evidence and a complete lack of support for your comments. Does this tell you anything??)

I am telling you that that is a piss weak excuse for attacking someones integrity with no evidence of the accusations you made both directly and in your not so subtle innuendo. It's got nothing to do with MY maturity, its got to do with basic ethics and YOUR inability to handle the responsibility of free speech. And now it seems, your own lack of character being unwilling to accept you were wrong and make amends by making a public statement of apology for your very public comments.

I argued with my brothers at time,it does not mean I hate them,OKAY ? I move on, no big deal !!! maybe you need to forget and forgive. I did not kill anyone you know..

In the country I was born in and those I like to visit, killing someone requires more than an apology to even begin to pay for the crime, no-one is asking you to do any more than is correct and appropriate.

I dont have to forget or forgive anyone. All this started when you began attacking someone without any right to do so, I merely stepped in to tell you to pull your head in, but you continue to crap on.

It may not be a big deal for you, but if the shoe was on the other foot and someone was posting false claims about you in public forums, I'm sure your FRENCH blood would be boiling and you would be screaming blue murder. Double standards.

so please be relaxe and chillllout. sincerely, R

I am guessing you are telling me to relax and chillout?

You wont find many more relaxed and chilled out than I am right now, so I neither need your permission or advice on what to do and how to do it.

You on the other hand seem to require some work to get up to and maintain normal levels of decency.

There is nothing sincere about what you say, its just all about you.

Once again, I tell you that if you want free speech, which was your catchcry when you were told to stop talking, you need to use it appropriately.

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you attack my character, so did HE talking about Ellie, and so is everybody else. and so that you who proclaim that no one should attack character, I am french,not latino, talk about getting your facts straight before you open your...

I dont attack character the way you do by cussing and calling people names because they were not born here. grow up. true americans love all nationalism, for this is what all americans came from.

I only attacked the action, not the man,got it???

increase your dosage if you have such a hard on for him.

get over it, let it go.

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Once again, you refuse to confront the real issue and try to divert the debate by attacking the man and introducing irrelevant argument in an attempt to re-write the history of the circumstances that led us here.

So, I'm happy to play the game but the bottom line is you made false, unfair and unupported accusations against someone who you know nothing about and you refuse to retract your comments.

Its a madmans view of reality that you have!

you attack my character, so did HE talking about Ellie

I have never seen him attack "Ellie" never once

I am french,not latino, talk about getting your facts straight before you open your...

trou du cul

I dont attack character the way you do by cussing and calling people names because they were not born here. grow up. true americans love all nationalism, for this is what all americans came from.

May be true, I am not American, pretty easy to confuse nationalities when reading text now isnt it? My clues were your nick name but YOU as per usual just assumed!! You assumed I was American. I am far far far away from America

I only attacked the action, not the man,got it???

No you attacked the man, you called him a scammer and a thief..got it?? There is a good reason Ellis removed your thread, it was a disgrace, everyone was having a go at what you said and you had no support ..but you continue. And I laugh in your general direction Mr Frenchman!

increase your dosage if you have such a hard on for him.

get over it, let it go.

Mate I have a permanent hard on.

You are wrong, plain and simple and now you are showing your true assholianism

By the way, something struck me as funny today. In the event that you "win" this debate, and that, lets be honest about it, is looking increasingly unlikely. But IF you do, it will be the first argument the French have ever won, in war or peace time!

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OK guys, we get it.

It's just about time to put this one to bed so let's all just apologize to each other for flying off the handle and get back to the important stuff and that's baccarat talk!!

Things get testy from time to time and it would appear now would be a good time for a few beers and just kind of blow this off for now.

Thanks for taking the time to comment on one of our own in the baccarat side of things.

MVS (just a happy guy all the time)

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Not fun for everyone else. If you must continue with this do it via private messages. Thanks..............Jersey

Pretty easy not to read the thread Jersey, not sure what forces you to read the dam thread

I'm sorry Andy & Jersey but I dont accept the comments from Rinaldo about M. Where I am from we look after our friends, close or far away. It appears in the good ole US of A u do not.

I do not apologise for backing up M

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Pretty easy not to read the thread Jersey, not sure what forces you to read the dam thread

I'm sorry Andy & Jersey but I dont accept the comments from Rinaldo about M. Where I am from we look after our friends, close or far away. It appears in the good ole US of A u do not.

I do not apologise for backing up M

I apologize to all of you if it did bothered that much, so sorry. it should of never got that far. my fault.

I will put it to rest.

God bless, and happy holliday !!!:smile::smile::smile::smile:

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I might as well get some use out of this thread.

I completed the scattering of the ashes late yesterday per his instructions made on the way to the hospital. Must have had some sort of premonition? He wanted them tossed with the wind from a long bridge oner Lake Norfolk, where we "spent our best times together". That is the end of it. We won't speak of it again.

I intend to leave today to spent Christmas with Ann & family, my playing partner and girlfriend. We've been together 15 years now.

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