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The odds aren't against you in small business?

Start up costs

Long hrs unpaid

Marketing that you invest in which you never really know whether you will get it back?

Possible competition that cant start up under your nose and undercut you?

Changing market - new trends or curves that makes your business not viable anymore?

Paypal complaints and scams?

Credit card fraud?

Theft and break ins and insurance claims

Big companies ripping you off because they know they can and you cant put up the $$ for a legal challenge to stop them.

Staff which don't put In a hard days work and screw things up and you still have to pay them at the end of the week?

Account customers not paying and stringing out their accounts for 90 + days leaving your cashflow depleted?

Most small businesses fail in the first 5 years - so I wouldn't say the odds are in your favour and its so easy to make big $$

Gambling can be gambling or it can be a business too it depends how you approach it - if you think you have an edge or you can come out ahead then and you invest the time and $$ to learn then why is it any different?

100 people go to work and work for someone every day because they cant be bothered working for themselves or they aren't confident enough to start a business - 1 guy does his research or doesn't want to work for people so starts his own business.

100 people lose at the casino because they hope to win big or cant be bothered to learn a system or have the patience to follow it, 1 guy sees an edge and puts in the time to learn and practise.

I don't see its any different and that's my opinion from running my own business for the last 5 years and in that time I've seen some of the most corrupt cheats and lowlifes in this world. Guys that will look you in the eye and tell you they are honest and you can trust them all the while they are trying to scam you and rip you off. Multinationals and big corporations that pray on you and screw you because they can.

Since I joined this forum its given me something else to learn and another potential business and it helps to get away from the stress of every day business. All the people here are awesome Way2fasts latest post on private forum was inspiring. Katachtz1 adds humour to things and offers to help guys out and supply's his number

In my opinion MDB membership gives you arguably the best system in gambling history and is worth it if you are serious about winning its a small investment to make for what you get but hey its your choice.

I will post my progress on this forum though in a few months as a guy who hung here for 3 - 5 years and finally joined.

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Baccarat and business are two completely different things. My advice is to be very careful when comparing the two.

Baccarat has a negative expectation. The odds are always against you. It doesn't matter how much you pay for a system or what system you use.

In business - The odds are not against you. You are not competing against the house. It's a lot easier to start a business that generates 10's of thousands of dollars per month than it is to beat the casino LONG TERM.

In Baccarat - No investment is a wise investment. It's all based on fallacy and we are always making investments into the negative expectations, hoping that we can survive the short term long enough to get out. No investment in baccarat is truly practical. That's why I play for fun. Although I do see value in making smarter decisions about how to play the game. That's the value that BTC offers.

In Business - Investments can be both calculated and practical. How do you make a calculated investment in a game when the house edge is against you?

Baccarat is the complete opposite of a business. So you are really going down a slippery slope when you compare the two. Look around the casinos..who do you see gambling?

- Old people who are gambling their social security.

- Young kids on the weekend

- People who are addicted and can't stop.

- Desperate people who try to make $100 per day just so they can get by

- And of course, the rare pro player who figured something out. How often do you see these people? Not often.

Why? Because the house has the edge in ALMOST all cases.

Look at one of the greatest business men of Vegas. Steve Wynn.

I'm sure that he could learn all of the insider secrets if he really wanted to.

But he doesn't gamble. Not even for fun.

Why? Because business and baccarat are two completely different things.

Anybody who says otherwise is fooling themselves because they are attracted to the idea of making a quick buck.

This is without a doubt, the best post I have ever seen in this forum.

Very, very, well said!


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To Ham and Bacguy,

Just two simple questions.

1.Are you playing for real money now.

2.what size units do you play with.

Regards Lou.

LOU...due to time constraints and a new fondness to poker, I have only been playing about once a month.

My bet size starts low and increases slowly...max bet is $200 to $250.

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This is without a doubt, the best post I have ever seen in this forum.

Very, very, well said!


Thanks Hamster

The odds aren't against you in small business?

Start up costs

Long hrs unpaid

Marketing that you invest in which you never really know whether you will get it back?

Possible competition that cant start up under your nose and undercut you?

Changing market - new trends or curves that makes your business not viable anymore?

Paypal complaints and scams?

Credit card fraud?

Theft and break ins and insurance claims

Big companies ripping you off because they know they can and you cant put up the $$ for a legal challenge to stop them.

Staff which don't put In a hard days work and screw things up and you still have to pay them at the end of the week?

Account customers not paying and stringing out their accounts for 90 + days leaving your cashflow depleted?

All of the above are excuses and most of which are completely controllable/avoidable situations. In gambling the edge is always against you. You aren't talking about a negative house edge, just some of the downsides/risks of owning a business.

Most small businesses fail in the first 5 years - so I wouldn't say the odds are in your favour and its so easy to make big $$

This doesn't mean that there is an edge against you.

I don't see its any different and that's my opinion from running my own business for the last 5 years and in that time I've seen some of the most corrupt cheats and lowlifes in this world. Guys that will look you in the eye and tell you they are honest and you can trust them all the while they are trying to scam you and rip you off. Multinationals and big corporations that pray on you and screw you because they can.

Sounds like you may have been in the wrong type of business. Sorry to hear that you had such a hard time. Yes, it's not always so rosey..but I would much rather invest time into building something that I can control vs betting into something that I will never control.

Gambling can be gambling or it can be a business too it depends how you approach it - if you think you have an edge or you can come out ahead then and you invest the time and $$ to learn then why is it any different?

You cannot get a positive edge in gambling unless you are using an advantage play..in Baccarat that would probably be edge sorting.

Gald to hear that you have found success with baccarat. Good luck through the future.

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Just two simple questions.

1.Are you playing for real money now.

2.what size units do you play with.

Regards Lou.

I haven't been playing. I got busy again.

But when I do play, I bet between $500 and $1k. I shoot to make a few units per shoe and then I have fun with the profits (when I win). I go out to eat, take the wife out to dinner, buy my wife stuff. etc.. It's all fun and games for me. Baccarat is and never will be an income stream for me.

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I think it noteworthy to say that this is a conversation between two players who are NOT members of any MDB private forum. Therefore any of their opinions about BTC private forums are baseless.

However, these are two very intelligent guys who probably have experience on other Baccarat forums and their remarks about other forums are likely factual.

Nearly all BTC private members have had negative results on other forums before coming to BTC.

This conversation is totally foreign to the conversations we are currently having on the private forums.

There we are talking about the continued successes of way2fast who just played 4 shoes at a California factory preshuffled cards casino.

way2fast won 24 units playing MDB+ and an additional 26 units in the same shoes playing NB2Hi. Now that makes for an interesting conversation about actual and current real life experience. Way2fast is posting his actual shoes which will be the source of further conversation.

Or we might be conversing about ART, who in his last Vegas trip won every shoe for 3 days straight at Flamingo prompting them to abandon factory preshuffled cards which MDB+ wins with ease purely mechanically. Art called in yesterday and so far has won 5 out of 5 shoes in his current Vegas trip averaging 8 units per shoe playing only MDB+. You just sit there and wait for your bet signal and bet. That's it. MDB+ has a 95% shoe win rate with a max bet of 4 units - the best performance, by far, of any system in the entire history of gambling.

Such real life performances make for interesting conversation based on real life fact.

Or you could just listen to these two guys talk about the BTC private forum, which they know absolutely nothing about.

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Well said Ellis. I won 13 out of 13 shoes using MDB+ in Vegas and currently having a very good run at PARX in PA. My results may be sort of skewed. I am trying to bet higher units and leaving at +3 or +4. I don't push the issue. I just think the longer you stay on the table the more you are playing into their traps. Just my thing.


I think it noteworthy to say that this is a conversation between two players who are NOT members of any MDB private forum. Therefore any of their opinions about BTC private forums are baseless.

However, these are two very intelligent guys who probably have experience on other Baccarat forums and their remarks about other forums are likely factual.

Nearly all BTC private members have had negative results on other forums before coming to BTC.

This conversation is totally foreign to the conversations we are currently having on the private forums.

There we are talking about the continued successes of way2fast who just played 4 shoes at a California factory preshuffled cards casino.

way2fast won 24 units playing MDB+ and an additional 26 units in the same shoes playing NB2Hi. Now that makes for an interesting conversation about actual and current real life experience. Way2fast is posting his actual shoes which will be the source of further conversation.

Or we might be conversing about ART, who in his last Vegas trip won every shoe for 3 days straight at Flamingo prompting them to abandon factory preshuffled cards which MDB+ wins with ease purely mechanically. Art called in yesterday and so far has won 5 out of 5 shoes in his current Vegas trip averaging 8 units per shoe playing only MDB+. You just sit there and wait for your bet signal and bet. That's it. MDB+ has a 95% shoe win rate with a max bet of 4 units - the best performance, by far, of any system in the entire history of gambling.

Such real life performances make for interesting conversation based on real life fact.

Or you could just listen to these two guys talk about the BTC private forum, which they know absolutely nothing about.

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