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I'll start with BJ simply because that is the game I learned first and Much of my Bac Strategy comes from BJ.

OK like Baccarat, the first thing you have to learn in BJ is the game is rigged. BJ is rigged against Basic Strategy (BS).

Basic Strategy is based on RANDOM cards. BS is the best mathematical way to play every hand IF the cards are random.

So all a casino has to do to beat BS is make sure the cards are NOT random. Casinos have know this for at least 35 years.

So they came up with a rule that says the dealer MUST pick up the break cards first and then the non break cards.

There went random. Break cards are mostly low. Non break cards are mostly high. So the cards go into the discard shoe in clumps of mostly low and mostly high. (Clumping). BS no longer works.

You don't need to take my word for this. You can see for yourself. Perfect BS players lose perfectly day in and day out when BS says they SHOULD be winning to the tune of 6%. In fact, they LOSE to the tune of 15% on average. Any casino profit report will tell you that.

If that were not true, casinos would not deal BJ. ANYone can learn BS and most play a reasonable facsimile - Yet they lose with incredible consistency and the more perfect their Basic Strategy the more perfectly they lose.

So just for the humor of it I was reading this BJ forum by a leading extremely well known BJ BS/Card Counting guru.

One of his students was complaining that while he was playing perfectly to the gurus instruction he had yet to win his first shoe.

So the Guru's reply was: "That's simple - you aren't playing a pair of 4s correctly."

See I told you it was humorous! You could play all day and never get a pair of 4s. And, even when you do. the odds are virtually the same whether you hit them or split them. Yet THAT was what was causing the player to lose every shoe! At least it was the best answer the Guru could come up with. He certainly couldn't tell the kid the truth - that BS and Card Counting DON'T WORK!

Watch my lips: BS and Card counting are wishful thinking. They haven't produced a single winner in 25 years.

Why? Because the cards aren't random! The longer a game is played and the more players in the game, the more the cards are clumped and the less BS works.

Again, don't take my word for it. Track ANY BJ game more than an hour old. If the cards were random since there are just as many low cards as high cards, highs should follow highs just as often as lows follow highs. But that's not what happens - not even close.

Highs follow highs and lows follow lows WAY more than half the time.

So OK, card ccounting gurus teach you that 2 - 6 is low; 7 - 9 is neutral and tens and aces are high.

Sure, that's a balanced count with 5 lows, 3 neutrals and 5 highs. But it's pure stupid because that's NOT the way cards actually fall.

Cards actually fall in clumps of mostly low 2 thru 7 = 6 cards

Or mostly high: 8 thru 10 = 6 cards

Because Aces can be played high or low so they can fall anytime.

Therefore count Aces low when they follow a low and high when they follow a high.

Now you have a balanced count that is meaningful because it agrees with the way cards actually fall - the way they clump.

Look, there is no such thing as a neutral card in BJ.

If you doubled on 11 and drew a 9 would you give it back? Hell no. 9s aren't neutral. THEY ARE HIGH. They run with highs and fall with highs.

Now, count any game more than an hour old. You will quickly see that highs usually follow highs and lows usually follow lows.

They sure as hell AREN'T random. Now you see for yourself why BS doesn't work! It DEPENDS on random but the cards are in fact FAR from random. See that?

BTW, if cards aren't random, what are they? The word you are searching for is PREDICTABLE.

Think about that. Forget BS! If you can predict the cards in BJ, that is FAR more accurate than BS.

You don't need to know the next card is the 4 of clubs. All you need to know is if it is likely high or low. Then hit stand or double accordingly.

Let me give you another clue. A low card clump! The dealer CAN'T break. It's impossible. Why the hell would you stand with 15???

Yet that's exactly what BS tells you to do.

BJ can be beat. But you are not going to learn how anywhere else. The game is severely rigged. What you need to learn is how to use the casino's own rigging against them.


So, by the time I played my first Bac game I was already totally aware that every game, every table, in a casino is rigged. And the ONLY way to win is to use the casinos own rigging against them. I learned that beyond all doubt playing and beating BJ.

Baccarat did not dissapoint me. The first shoe I ever played had a 20 in a row in it.

Sure, the Mathematicians are right. "20 iars are perfectly possible and therefore meaningless. They don't mean a casino is cheating."

Correct, a 20iar by itself doesn't mean a casino is cheating.

But the frequency we were seeing them DOES!

A 20 iar occurs randomly once every 32000 continuous shoes.

Far less within a single shoe because a 20 iar can't start in the last 19 plays.

Don't Mathematicians understand frequency of occurrence?

In the late '80s and early '90s we were seeing 20iars on a daily basis - sometime 2 in the same shoe.

That means for an absolute fact the casinos were cheating or more politely the game was rigged.

But we learned how to beat them with up as you win Fibonacis.

We could make a quick $100,000 on every 20iar, ha and sometimes we saw 26 iars.

And as soon as we learned how to cash in on them, guess what?

They completely dissappeared from the face of the Earth.

Equally impossible BTW! IF nobody is cheating!

to be continued... gotta go eat breakfast!

OK, after a break and after rereading what I wrote about BJ, I see I failed to make my point about BJ.

My point is this: BJ can be divided into TWO game types: random and clumped.

There is a way to beat random cards. In fact there is a way to win almost every shoe.

There is also a wholly different way to beat clumped cards because they are predictable to a certain point.

But my whole point about BJ is this: from a mathematical standpoint we are starting with TWO knowns: random and clumped.

This gives me a mathematical basis for playing TWO different ways. A BJ design basis.

A way to beat both game types once you've learned how to identify the game type you are playing against.

Do they work?

Look, Basic Strategy alone beats random cards - particularly once you've learned how to find the best tables.

I don't win every shoe but I win most shoes. I've gone 16 hours W/O a losing shoe many times.

Lot's of money to be made there.

That is one game type and it can be beat with a 3 bet progression.

I start with 123 and work my way up to 146.

A 146 against new cards playing plain old BS is as close to a guaranteed win as you can get in a casino.

You just need to know a few tricks of the trade.

Then we have the other game type: Clumped.

The thing about clumped is the cards are predictable.

You know when to expect a high and when to expect a low.

You pretty much KNOW which the dealer has in the hole so you know what you are up against.

You never bet a progression against clumped cards,

You have a low bet (the table min) and a high bet.

There is a way to know which hands you are most likely to win and which you are most likely to lose

BEFORE the hand is dealt. So you have a mathematical way to know when to bet high and when to bet low.

Does it work?

I hold the world BJ record playing that way: $10,000 in less than a half hour with a highest bet of $200.

And just in case you didn't see me do it the first time, I did it again two weeks later -

both times in front of about 250 invited spectators.

So YOU might say I can beat BJ in spite of the fact the game is rigged.

No, that's not accurate. The more accurate way of putting it is this:

I can beat BJ BECAUSE the game is rigged.

The rigging of the game by the casinos gave me a basis for designing the ways I play.

Once you confine yourself to the traditional ways of playing BJ:

Basic Strategy, Card Counting, playing every hand the same way every time -

You have no chance whatsoever of beating the game.

You first have to know how to find a beatable table.

Next, how to play every hand according to the table you are playing.

And third: the best way to bet each hand at the table you are playing.

In short, you have to know how to beat the game you are in right now.

Look, I'm too old to play anymore. My day has come and gone.

But I put EVERYTHING I know about beating BJ in books:

New Blackjack (NBJ)

World Class BJ (WCB)

And First Base BJ

But here's the thing: I actually went out and did it - played BJ full time for a living. And got barred for my efforts.

Everybody who is anybody in BJ has seen me play.

Ha, they admit I win but they say I cheat!

There is no way a player can cheat in BJ. If there were, I would surely know it.

I win because I know what I'm doing. And that is what I teach.

Your internet BJ gurus that take all your money. No one has ever seen them play in a casino.

They know better.

Me, EVERYONE has seen me play.

For instance, I've never had a losing day in downtown Vegas in 30 years of play.

Who do you want teaching you?

Someone who actually did it?

Or someone nobody has ever seen playing in a real casino.

Your choice!

But my point is this:

I beat BJ because I design my play around the way the game is rigged - and THAT is what I teach.

Look, Perfect Basic Strategy gives you a KNOWN hands won rate (hit rate) of 43%.

You can't win the game starting out with a deficit that huge.

The FIRST thing you have to do is get your hands won rate ABOVE 50%.

And you can't do that when you've locked yourself in to Basic Strategy - locked in to a 43% hands won rate.

Again, Perfect Basic Strategy loses perfectly.

Shoe, you might win a shoe now and then but overall - you lose.

You have to know when to DEFY Basic Strategy.

Now we can move on to Baccarat!

Since I learned how in BJ, I play Baccarat the same way. I designed my ways of playing around the ways the game is rigged.

THAT is my point about Baccarat. To play the game successfully you must first know how it is rigged.

And then you must know how to beat that rigging.

So OK, all Mathematicians say it is impossible to beat Baccarat

AND, they are right! Except for ONE thing they don't even know exists: Casino rigging.

See, they live in the bright innocent world of Mathematics. 2+2=4

I live in the dark sinister world of casinos.

Every Baccarat game ever dealt is rigged in one of 5 ways:

1.) Choppy - You've all seen those

2.) Streaky - You've all seen those

3.) Neutral - Neither choppy or streaky

4.) Super Strong Sided - When either Bank or Player is winning the vast majority of hands - you've all seen those

5.) Super Random - All of Las Vegas BECAUSE they use factory preshuffled cards.

That's it! Every game ever dealt is one of those 5 game types.

And all 5 are highly beatable IF you know how to recognize each type and how to play each type.

Sure, the Mathematicians are right - in their make believe world.

BUT we don't play the game in a make believe world.

We play in the REAL world of casinos.

And the casinos are trying to beat us, any way and every way possible.

And they are very very good at it.

Look, it's a 50/50 game plus commission. Commission is 1.25% of the money bet.

In the make believe world of Mathematicians, 1.25% is the Mathematical rate players would lose at.

Before commission, half the player would win a little and half would lose a little.

But that is NOT what happens in the real world. In the real world, most, if not all, of the players have already lost

big time even before they pay commission. Commission is merely adding insult to injury!

Real players in the real world are victims of casino rigging. They lose far more than simple Mathematics dictates.

Look at the Baccarat profits of ANY casino. You'll quickly see I'm right if you haven't seen it already.

Baccarat profits are far higher than simple mathematics dictate.

That is because of casino rigging. Players fall fot it like lemmings.

BUT, we use it to our advantage.

We don't win in spite of rigging.

Just like BJ, we win BECAUSE of rigging.

Do you get it yet? Just like BJ, rigging is our basis for Baccarat systems design.

Does it work? Hell yes! In every single game type.

But I want to draw your attention to game type 5 above.

That one really stands out.

Right, game type 5 is the result of factory preshuffled cards. (FPC)

FPC is what is played in all of Las Vegas, all of Asia - particularly Macau,

and in most high stakes rooms in Canada and the US, and also in most Island casinos.

That's a lot of tables!

Well we have a way of beating preshuffled cards big time.

Our system MDB+ already completely designed, finalized and tested in Las Vegas,

has a 70% bet win rate and a 95% 3 bet progression win rate, right now, today, in Las Vegas.

Look, the table odds in Baccarat is a 50% bet hit rate.

The whole rest of the Baccarat world is TRYING to get to 51% , but can't seem to make it.

We are at 70%. Do the math. That gives you a 95% 3 bet progression win rate.

the highest win rate by a country mile in the entire history of Baccarat - even in the history of gambling.

Look, Perfect Basic Strategy has a 43% hit rate and tens of thousands of players play it religiously.

But only a handful of players are playing MDB+ which has a 70% hit rate.

That makes no sence whatsoever. It should be the other way around.

I simply can't understand why we don'y have thousands of players playing MDB+

It has already proven itself beyond all doubt.

Look, you CAN'T lose with a 70% bet hit rate whether you flat bet or bet a 124 neg prog like our players do.

Look, I'm not talking about a slick sales pitch.

I'm talking about a plain and simple 70% bet win rate when the whole rest of the world

can't even come up with a 51% win rate.

It is freaking simple. I could teach it to a baboon.

There are 7 rules and 7 bet triggers.

You just sit there and bet when it tells you to.

You don't need a math degree or a 160 IQ.

Just follow the 7 rules and try not to fall asleep.

Raise your unit every time you have won 20 or 30 units in the next denomination.

It won't be long before you work your way up to $5000 units.

Then your goal is a million dollars - then 2 million!

I just don't understand. Why isn't everybody in the world doing this???

I'm too old. But you guys aren't!

Edited by Guest

Is your book world classBJ covering a way to play BJ with European rules (no hole card, the dealer get his second card after the last card of 3rd base player) with continuos shuffling machine, and the dealer puting every used card back in play every deck and a half?

I am asking this because that are the local conditions for me. Just to give you an idea how hard it is , let me tell you that the casino are charging the car parking also.

If it is covered , I will buy the book and give it a try. If the game on this terms are unbeatable,why play it?

  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
I'll start with BJ simply because that is the game I learned first and Much of my Bac Strategy comes from BJ.

OK like Baccarat, the first thing you have to learn in BJ is the game is rigged. BJ is rigged against Basic Strategy (BS).

Basic Strategy is based on RANDOM cards. BS is the best mathematical way to play every hand IF the cards are random.

So all a casino has to do to beat BS is make sure the cards are NOT random. Casinos have know this for at least 35 years.

So they came up with a rule that says the dealer MUST pick up the break cards first and then the non break cards.

There went random. Break cards are mostly low. Non break cards are mostly high. So the cards go into the discard shoe in clumps of mostly low and mostly high. (Clumping). BS no longer works.

You don't need to take my word for this. You can see for yourself. Perfect BS players lose perfectly day in and day out when BS says they SHOULD be winning to the tune of 6%. In fact, they LOSE to the tune of 15% on average. Any casino profit report will tell you that.

If that were not true, casinos would not deal BJ. ANYone can learn BS and most play a reasonable facsimile - Yet they lose with incredible consistency and the more perfect their Basic Strategy the more perfectly they lose.

So just for the humor of it I was reading this BJ forum by a leading extremely well known BJ BS/Card Counting guru.

One of his students was complaining that while he was playing perfectly to the gurus instruction he had yet to win his first shoe.

So the Guru's reply was: "That's simple - you aren't playing a pair of 4s correctly."

See I told you it was humorous! You could play all day and never get a pair of 4s. And, even when you do. the odds are virtually the same whether you hit them or split them. Yet THAT was what was causing the player to lose every shoe! At least it was the best answer the Guru could come up with. He certainly couldn't tell the kid the truth - that BS and Card Counting DON'T WORK!

Watch my lips: BS and Card counting are wishful thinking. They haven't produced a single winner in 25 years.

Why? Because the cards aren't random! The longer a game is played and the more players in the game, the more the cards are clumped and the less BS works.

Again, don't take my word for it. Track ANY BJ game more than an hour old. If the cards were random since there are just as many low cards as high cards, highs should follow highs just as often as lows follow highs. But that's not what happens - not even close.

Highs follow highs and lows follow lows WAY more than half the time.

So OK, card ccounting gurus teach you that 2 - 6 is low; 7 - 9 is neutral and tens and aces are high.

Sure, that's a balanced count with 5 lows, 3 neutrals and 5 highs. But it's pure stupid because that's NOT the way cards actually fall.

Cards actually fall in clumps of mostly low 2 thru 7 = 6 cards

Or mostly high: 8 thru 10 = 6 cards

Because Aces can be played high or low so they can fall anytime.

Therefore count Aces low when they follow a low and high when they follow a high.

Now you have a balanced count that is meaningful because it agrees with the way cards actually fall - the way they clump.

Look, there is no such thing as a neutral card in BJ.

If you doubled on 11 and drew a 9 would you give it back? Hell no. 9s aren't neutral. THEY ARE HIGH. They run with highs and fall with highs.

Now, count any game more than an hour old. You will quickly see that highs usually follow highs and lows usually follow lows.

They sure as hell AREN'T random. Now you see for yourself why BS doesn't work! It DEPENDS on random but the cards are in fact FAR from random. See that?

BTW, if cards aren't random, what are they? The word you are searching for is PREDICTABLE.

Think about that. Forget BS! If you can predict the cards in BJ, that is FAR more accurate than BS.

You don't need to know the next card is the 4 of clubs. All you need to know is if it is likely high or low. Then hit stand or double accordingly.

Let me give you another clue. A low card clump! The dealer CAN'T break. It's impossible. Why the hell would you stand with 15???

Yet that's exactly what BS tells you to do.

BJ can be beat. But you are not going to learn how anywhere else. The game is severely rigged. What you need to learn is how to use the casino's own rigging against them.


So, by the time I played my first Bac game I was already totally aware that every game, every table, in a casino is rigged. And the ONLY way to win is to use the casinos own rigging against them. I learned that beyond all doubt playing and beating BJ.

Baccarat did not dissapoint me. The first shoe I ever played had a 20 in a row in it.

Sure, the Mathematicians are right. "20 iars are perfectly possible and therefore meaningless. They don't mean a casino is cheating."

Correct, a 20iar by itself doesn't mean a casino is cheating.

But the frequency we were seeing them DOES!

A 20 iar occurs randomly once every 32000 continuous shoes.

Far less within a single shoe because a 20 iar can't start in the last 19 plays.

Don't Mathematicians understand frequency of occurrence?

In the late '80s and early '90s we were seeing 20iars on a daily basis - sometime 2 in the same shoe.

That means for an absolute fact the casinos were cheating or more politely the game was rigged.

But we learned how to beat them with up as you win Fibonacis.

We could make a quick $100,000 on every 20iar, ha and sometimes we saw 26 iars.

And as soon as we learned how to cash in on them, guess what?

They completely dissappeared from the face of the Earth.

Equally impossible BTW! IF nobody is cheating!

to be continued... gotta go eat breakfast!

OK, after a break and after rereading what I wrote about BJ, I see I failed to make my point about BJ.

My point is this: BJ can be divided into TWO game types: random and clumped.

There is a way to beat random cards. In fact there is a way to win almost every shoe.

There is also a wholly different way to beat clumped cards because they are predictable to a certain point.

But my whole point about BJ is this: from a mathematical standpoint we are starting with TWO knowns: random and clumped.

This gives me a mathematical basis for playing TWO different ways. A BJ design basis.

A way to beat both game types once you've learned how to identify the game type you are playing against.

Do they work?

Look, Basic Strategy alone beats random cards - particularly once you've learned how to find the best tables.

I don't win every shoe but I win most shoes. I've gone 16 hours W/O a losing shoe many times.

Lot's of money to be made there.

That is one game type and it can be beat with a 3 bet progression.

I start with 123 and work my way up to 146.

A 146 against new cards playing plain old BS is as close to a guaranteed win as you can get in a casino.

You just need to know a few tricks of the trade.

Then we have the other game type: Clumped.

The thing about clumped is the cards are predictable.

You know when to expect a high and when to expect a low.

You pretty much KNOW which the dealer has in the hole so you know what you are up against.

You never bet a progression against clumped cards,

You have a low bet (the table min) and a high bet.

There is a way to know which hands you are most likely to win and which you are most likely to lose

BEFORE the hand is dealt. So you have a mathematical way to know when to bet high and when to bet low.

Does it work?

I hold the world BJ record playing that way: $10,000 in less than a half hour with a highest bet of $200.

And just in case you didn't see me do it the first time, I did it again two weeks later -

both times in front of about 250 invited spectators.

So YOU might say I can beat BJ in spite of the fact the game is rigged.

No, that's not accurate. The more accurate way of putting it is this:

I can beat BJ BECAUSE the game is rigged.

The rigging of the game by the casinos gave me a basis for designing the ways I play.

Once you confine yourself to the traditional ways of playing BJ:

Basic Strategy, Card Counting, playing every hand the same way every time -

You have no chance whatsoever of beating the game.

You first have to know how to find a beatable table.

Next, how to play every hand according to the table you are playing.

And third: the best way to bet each hand at the table you are playing.

In short, you have to know how to beat the game you are in right now.

Look, I'm too old to play anymore. My day has come and gone.

But I put EVERYTHING I know about beating BJ in books:

New Blackjack (NBJ)

World Class BJ (WCB)

And First Base BJ

But here's the thing: I actually went out and did it - played BJ full time for a living. And got barred for my efforts.

Everybody who is anybody in BJ has seen me play.

Ha, they admit I win but they say I cheat!

There is no way a player can cheat in BJ. If there were, I would surely know it.

I win because I know what I'm doing. And that is what I teach.

Your internet BJ gurus that take all your money. No one has ever seen them play in a casino.

They know better.

Me, EVERYONE has seen me play.

For instance, I've never had a losing day in downtown Vegas in 30 years of play.

Who do you want teaching you?

Someone who actually did it?

Or someone nobody has ever seen playing in a real casino.

Your choice!

But my point is this:

I beat BJ because I design my play around the way the game is rigged - and THAT is what I teach.

Look, Perfect Basic Strategy gives you a KNOWN hands won rate (hit rate) of 43%.

You can't win the game starting out with a deficit that huge.

The FIRST thing you have to do is get your hands won rate ABOVE 50%.

And you can't do that when you've locked yourself in to Basic Strategy - locked in to a 43% hands won rate.

Again, Perfect Basic Strategy loses perfectly.

Shoe, you might win a shoe now and then but overall - you lose.

You have to know when to DEFY Basic Strategy.

Now we can move on to Baccarat!

Since I learned how in BJ, I play Baccarat the same way. I designed my ways of playing around the ways the game is rigged.

THAT is my point about Baccarat. To play the game successfully you must first know how it is rigged.

And then you must know how to beat that rigging.

So OK, all Mathematicians say it is impossible to beat Baccarat

AND, they are right! Except for ONE thing they don't even know exists: Casino rigging.

See, they live in the bright innocent world of Mathematics. 2+2=4

I live in the dark sinister world of casinos.

Every Baccarat game ever dealt is rigged in one of 5 ways:

1.) Choppy - You've all seen those

2.) Streaky - You've all seen those

3.) Neutral - Neither choppy or streaky

4.) Super Strong Sided - When either Bank or Player is winning the vast majority of hands - you've all seen those

5.) Super Random - All of Las Vegas BECAUSE they use factory preshuffled cards.

That's it! Every game ever dealt is one of those 5 game types.

And all 5 are highly beatable IF you know how to recognize each type and how to play each type.

Sure, the Mathematicians are right - in their make believe world.

BUT we don't play the game in a make believe world.

We play in the REAL world of casinos.

And the casinos are trying to beat us, any way and every way possible.

And they are very very good at it.

Look, it's a 50/50 game plus commission. Commission is 1.25% of the money bet.

In the make believe world of Mathematicians, 1.25% is the Mathematical rate players would lose at.

Before commission, half the player would win a little and half would lose a little.

But that is NOT what happens in the real world. In the real world, most, if not all, of the players have already lost

big time even before they pay commission. Commission is merely adding insult to injury!

Real players in the real world are victims of casino rigging. They lose far more than simple Mathematics dictates.

Look at the Baccarat profits of ANY casino. You'll quickly see I'm right if you haven't seen it already.

Baccarat profits are far higher than simple mathematics dictate.

That is because of casino rigging. Players fall fot it like lemmings.

BUT, we use it to our advantage.

We don't win in spite of rigging.

Just like BJ, we win BECAUSE of rigging.

Do you get it yet? Just like BJ, rigging is our basis for Baccarat systems design.

Does it work? Hell yes! In every single game type.

But I want to draw your attention to game type 5 above.

That one really stands out.

Right, game type 5 is the result of factory preshuffled cards. (FPC)

FPC is what is played in all of Las Vegas, all of Asia - particularly Macau,

and in most high stakes rooms in Canada and the US, and also in most Island casinos.

That's a lot of tables!

Well we have a way of beating preshuffled cards big time.

Our system MDB+ already completely designed, finalized and tested in Las Vegas,

has a 70% bet win rate and a 95% 3 bet progression win rate, right now, today, in Las Vegas.

Look, the table odds in Baccarat is a 50% bet hit rate.

The whole rest of the Baccarat world is TRYING to get to 51% , but can't seem to make it.

We are at 70%. Do the math. That gives you a 95% 3 bet progression win rate.

the highest win rate by a country mile in the entire history of Baccarat - even in the history of gambling.

Look, Perfect Basic Strategy has a 43% hit rate and tens of thousands of players play it religiously.

But only a handful of players are playing MDB+ which has a 70% hit rate.

That makes no sence whatsoever. It should be the other way around.

I simply can't understand why we don'y have thousands of players playing MDB+

It has already proven itself beyond all doubt.

Look, you CAN'T lose with a 70% bet hit rate whether you flat bet or bet a 124 neg prog like our players do.

Look, I'm not talking about a slick sales pitch.

I'm talking about a plain and simple 70% bet win rate when the whole rest of the world

can't even come up with a 51% win rate.

It is freaking simple. I could teach it to a baboon.

There are 7 rules and 7 bet triggers.

You just sit there and bet when it tells you to.

You don't need a math degree or a 160 IQ.

Just follow the 7 rules and try not to fall asleep.

Raise your unit every time you have won 20 or 30 units in the next denomination.

It won't be long before you work your way up to $5000 units.

Then your goal is a million dollars - then 2 million!

I just don't understand. Why isn't everybody in the world doing this???

I'm too old. But you guys aren't!

Hey, Ellis

This was a work of art...a truly captivating picture of what our BTC players...both Bac and BJ....can aspire to if they understand a few simple rules to follow...

Playing conditions to look out for, and what to do when encountered...

What to do before they sit down..what to do once that notice a particular disparity... And how to recognize a few of the symptoms of when they simply must get out of a game...

So in the interest of clarity, if you could confirm one last time that MDB+ has a documented, irrefutable 70% " flat bet win rate" if the rules are followed in Vegas, and a 95% 1-2-4 negative progression win rate if the same rules are followed, then IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS

Flat rate bet = Win 70/100 hands, and lose 30/100 = 40 net units won per 100 units wagered

Negative Progression betting of 1-2-4 betting yields = Win 95 x 1 unit, and lose 5x7 = 35 units, for a net of 60 units won per every 1-2-4 progression entered into

And assuming all 7 rules followed and all 7 triggers are well documented and adhered to...

THEN, AS YOU SAY, ONE SIMPLY CANNOT LOSE over " what reasonable number of hands played?", fully recognizing that these are " averages only" , and the sample size of 100 " events" may result in a differential +/- favorable" to the above results...


Because if this is true, you should get 500 new members a day.


All the best,


Posted (edited)
Hey, Ellis

This was a work of art...a truly captivating picture of what our BTC players...both Bac and BJ....can aspire to if they understand a few simple rules to follow...

Playing conditions to look out for, and what to do when encountered...

What to do before they sit down..what to do once that notice a particular disparity... And how to recognize a few of the symptoms of when they simply must get out of a game...

So in the interest of clarity, if you could confirm one last time that MDB+ has a documented, irrefutable 70% " flat bet win rate" if the rules are followed in Vegas, and a 95% 1-2-4 negative progression win rate if the same rules are followed, then IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS

Flat rate bet = Win 70/100 hands, and lose 30/100 = 40 net units won per 100 units wagered

Negative Progression betting of 1-2-4 betting yields = Win 95 x 1 unit, and lose 5x7 = 35 units, for a net of 60 units won per every 1-2-4 progression entered into

And assuming all 7 rules followed and all 7 triggers are well documented and adhered to...

THEN, AS YOU SAY, ONE SIMPLY CANNOT LOSE over " what reasonable number of hands played?", fully recognizing that these are " averages only" , and the sample size of 100 " events" may result in a differential +/- favorable" to the above results...


Because if this is true, you should get 500 new members a day.


All the best,


Your numbers are exactly right Kevin! I'm at a loss to understand why we aren't getting 500 new members per day.

We aren't dealing with any hard to grasp tricky math here - a 70% bet win rate plain and simple following just 7 plain to see bet triggers.

I've read everything ever written about gambling in the last 60 years. None of it got my bet win rate over 50%.

So here we have an instruction about 4 inches long, written in plain English that gets you to a 70% bet win rate.

4" of instruction gets you a far better win rate than everything ever written about gambling put together.

I just don't get it. Why isn't everyone doing this???

I wouldn't blame anyone for not believing me. But it is not me who is coming up with these results. It's our players right here.

Maybe it simply sounds too good to be true??? Maybe they are thinking winning money just can't be that easy???

This is a 100% mechanical way of playing:

Like: "when you see two 2 in a rows with no 3 between them, bet the next 2 in a row goes to 3."

This is not rocket science. A 2 iar (in a row) means simply 2 Players or 2 Banks in a row. A 3 means 3 Ps or Bs in a row.

If you can tie your shoes you can play this system.

We teach you how to fill out your score card but this system is so simple You could play it just watching the tote board.

Once you've played it a couple times you don't even need a score card.

If you can find your way to the casino.....

Just don't fall asleep between bets.

I played one shoe the guys gave me to play that no other system could beat.

I intended to bet a 124 progression.

But I won at the 1 bet level every time - That happens when you have a 70% bet win rate.

So there were 13 bet signals in that shoe so I bet 1 chip 13 times and I won every bet.

My score was +13.

So Ellis, do we need a lot of money to play MDB+?

6 chips. After your first shoe you are playing with THEIR money.

Once you are up 20 units in the next denomination go up to that denomination.

What does that mean?

Suppose you are playing $25 units (green chips)

The next denomination is $50.

So, as soon as your are up $1000 (20 $50 units) go to $50 units.

As soon as you are up $2000 (20 black chips) go black.

But don't stop there.

Work your way up to $5000 units - and finally $10,000.

You can bet a 124 or even a 125 right up to $2000 units within the normal $10,000 table max.

At that point ask the pit boss to raise YOUR PERSONAL table max to $40,000.

Now you can work your way up to $10,000 units and still bet a 124 prog.

At that point you are only 10 to 15 shoes away from a million dollars in winnings.

THEN you can join our million dollar club!

You won't be the first.

I'm not a salesman. I just deal with facts. I don't know how else to say it.

Most can learn this simple system in less than an hour.

We give you all the help you need.

Then you are on your way to a million dollars.

It is just a question of time and patience.

What the hell are you waiting for???

You will never get a better opportunity - not in your whole life.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that sounds crazy to most people.

But that's exactly what a 70% hit rate and a 95% progression win rate can do.

NOW you are playing the freaking game for real!

AND you have a very plausible and reachable goal!

Edited by Ellis
  • Users


Has anyone experimented with adding a 4th step to the progression? Wouldn't the 4th step increase the winning percentage?

Your numbers are exactly right Kevin! I'm at a loss to understand why we aren't getting 500 new members per day.

We aren't dealing with any hard to grasp tricky math here - a 70% bet win rate plain and simple following just 7 plain to see bet triggers.

I've read everything ever written about gambling in the last 60 years. None of it got my bet win rate over 50%.

So here we have an instruction about 4 inches long, written in plain English that gets you to a 70% bet win rate.

4" of instruction gets you a far better win rate than everything ever written about gambling put together.

I just don't get it. Why isn't everyone doing this???

I wouldn't blame anyone for not believing me. But it is not me who is coming up with these results. It's our players right here.

Maybe it simply sounds too good to be true??? Maybe they are thinking winning money just can't be that easy???

This is a 100% mechanical way of playing:

Like: "when you see two 2 in a rows with no 3 between them, bet the next 2 in a row goes to 3."

This is not rocket science. A 2 iar (in a row) means simply 2 Players or 2 Banks in a row. A 3 means 3 Ps or Bs in a row.

If you can tie your shoes you can play this system.

We teach you how to fill out your score card but this system is so simple You could play it just watching the tote board.

Once you've played it a couple times you don't even need a score card.

If you can find your way to the casino.....

Just don't fall asleep between bets.

I played one shoe the guys gave me to play that no other system could beat.

I intended to bet a 124 progression.

But I won at the 1 bet level every time - That happens when you have a 70% bet win rate.

So there were 13 bet signals in that shoe so I bet 1 chip 13 times and I won every bet.

My score was +13.

So Ellis, do we need a lot of money to play MDB+?

6 chips. After your first shoe you are playing with THEIR money.

Once you are up 20 units in the next denomination go up to that denomination.

What does that mean?

Suppose you are playing $25 units (green chips)

The next denomination is $50.

So, as soon as your are up $1000 (20 $50 units) go to $50 units.

As soon as you are up $2000 (20 black chips) go black.

But don't stop there.

Work your way up to $5000 units - and finally $10,000.

You can bet a 124 or even a 125 right up to $2000 units within the normal $10,000 table max.

At that point ask the pit boss to raise YOUR PERSONAL table max to $40,000.

Now you can work your way up to $10,000 units and still bet a 124 prog.

At that point you are only 10 to 15 shoes away from a million dollars in winnings.

THEN you can join our million dollar club!

You won't be the first.

I'm not a salesman. I just deal with facts. I don't know how else to say it.

Most can learn this simple system in less than an hour.

We give you all the help you need.

Then you are on your way to a million dollars.

It is just a question of time and patience.

What the hell are you waiting for???

You will never get a better opportunity - not in your whole life.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that sounds crazy to most people.

But that's exactly what a 70% hit rate and a 95% progression win rate can do.

NOW you are playing the freaking game for real!

AND you have a very plausible and reachable goal!


So, what would I do with a million dollars?

Well, I've been there before so I'm qualified to answer that question.

I learned the hard way!

1. Pay off all your debts! ALL of them. Mortgage, cars, credit cards - EVERYTHING!

2. Cut up ALL your credit cards and throw them away.

Everything you buy with a credit card you end up paying for 3 times over. You are working for the damn bank instead of for yourself.

3. Only use a debit card - they save you from carrying too much cash around.

4. NEVER borrow money again - not for any reason. You are selling your own future

Once you put yourself on a cash basis you triple your purchasing power.

You are 3 times richer on a cash basis than you are on a credit basis.

Need a new car? Fine, pay cash.

Once you get rid of all credit, you become cash flush very quickly.

You will HAVE the cash for whatever you need.

"But Ellis, I just pay the minimum on my credit cards every month???"

Yep, you sold your life. Now you are paying for that mistake for the rest of your life.

Get rid of debt - be your own man - live your own life - stop selling pieces of your life to the bank!

  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
Your numbers are exactly right Kevin! I'm at a loss to understand why we aren't getting 500 new members per day.

We aren't dealing with any hard to grasp tricky math here - a 70% bet win rate plain and simple following just 7 plain to see bet triggers.

I've read everything ever written about gambling in the last 60 years. None of it got my bet win rate over 50%.

So here we have an instruction about 4 inches long, written in plain English that gets you to a 70% bet win rate.

4" of instruction gets you a far better win rate than everything ever written about gambling put together.

I just don't get it. Why isn't everyone doing this???

I wouldn't blame anyone for not believing me. But it is not me who is coming up with these results. It's our players right here.

Maybe it simply sounds too good to be true??? Maybe they are thinking winning money just can't be that easy???

This is a 100% mechanical way of playing:

Like: "when you see two 2 in a rows with no 3 between them, bet the next 2 in a row goes to 3."

This is not rocket science. A 2 iar (in a row) means simply 2 Players or 2 Banks in a row. A 3 means 3 Ps or Bs in a row.

If you can tie your shoes you can play this system.

We teach you how to fill out your score card but this system is so simple You could play it just watching the tote board.

Once you've played it a couple times you don't even need a score card.

If you can find your way to the casino.....

Just don't fall asleep between bets.

I played one shoe the guys gave me to play that no other system could beat.

I intended to bet a 124 progression.

But I won at the 1 bet level every time - That happens when you have a 70% bet win rate.

So there were 13 bet signals in that shoe so I bet 1 chip 13 times and I won every bet.

My score was +13.

So Ellis, do we need a lot of money to play MDB+?

6 chips. After your first shoe you are playing with THEIR money.

Once you are up 20 units in the next denomination go up to that denomination.

What does that mean?

Suppose you are playing $25 units (green chips)

The next denomination is $50.

So, as soon as your are up $1000 (20 $50 units) go to $50 units.

As soon as you are up $2000 (20 black chips) go black.

But don't stop there.

Work your way up to $5000 units - and finally $10,000.

You can bet a 124 or even a 125 right up to $2000 units within the normal $10,000 table max.

At that point ask the pit boss to raise YOUR PERSONAL table max to $40,000.

Now you can work your way up to $10,000 units and still bet a 124 prog.

At that point you are only 10 to 15 shoes away from a million dollars in winnings.

THEN you can join our million dollar club!

You won't be the first.

I'm not a salesman. I just deal with facts. I don't know how else to say it.

Most can learn this simple system in less than an hour.

We give you all the help you need.

Then you are on your way to a million dollars.

It is just a question of time and patience.

What the hell are you waiting for???

You will never get a better opportunity - not in your whole life.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that sounds crazy to most people.

But that's exactly what a 70% hit rate and a 95% progression win rate can do.

NOW you are playing the freaking game for real!

AND you have a very plausible and reachable goal!

OK, then.

I am signing up today.

Since I live in Vegas, it's about time.

And as this unfolds, I will work to get you those other 499 a day!


  • Users

At last.... Kevin joins the MDB club !

I don't think a 4th step is the way to go McVince it exponentially increases your risk to reward

7 or 8 units with a 95% progression rate isn't bad but 16 or more?

Also increases bet size beyond 4 units and Oz says he'd have a heart attack betting over 2!

I have thought about it though!


Like: "when you see two 2 in a rows with no 3 between them, bet the next 2 in a row goes to 3."

This is not rocket science. A 2 iar (in a row) means simply 2 Players or 2 Banks in a row. A 3 means 3 Ps or Bs in a row.


Ellis just a question: if you encounter a TT run you loose every bet right?and medium to long runs of TT are very often.

  • Users

True but you should not be playing MDB+ if there are long runs of TT's as that is a biased shoe and you should play NOR

MDB+ is for fixed shoes where you wouldn't tend to get this.

Although even in fixed / preshuffled there is no guarantee you wont get a ringer shoe like this

Theres no guarantees and the casinos are out to beat you.

But I don't think MDB players like way2fast will care about 1 shoe like this as he knows for what he plays it will be a 1 off if this happened

But the questions is how are the shoes shuffled and what is coming out at the casinos you play at to determine whether MDB is more effective than NOR

That's what SAP is for to tell you that


Right Brad. First I was using that as an example of how simple the MDB+ rules are - not as an example of actual rules.

But KKriats, It would take a TT run of 12 plays the way most play it. Yes, you might get that with regular cards. But not with factory preshuffled.

The casino's whole idea is to avoid biases of any kind with factory preshuffled. They want to leave you with nothing to bet on.

And they are very good at that. The record breaking casino profits of factory preshuffled cards prove that beyond call doubt.

But super random is a playable bias in itself - in fact the MOST playable bias ever. You just have to know how to play it.

NObody has ever had a 70% hit rate before or a 95% 3 bet progression win rate.

Yet our MDB+ players keep doing exactly that.

I'll edit way2fast's most recent Vegas trip report and post it here on the public forum

so you guys can see for yourselves how well MDB+ is doing in actual casino play.

Again, I don't know why EVERYONE isn't jumping on this band wagon.

It continues to make record breaking profits for all of our MDB+ players.

And I mean record breaking by a country mile!

You guys are missing the greatest gambling opportunity of all time!

Posted (edited)

Way2fast's trip report verbatim from the MDB+ forum:

Any LV trip reports for this weekend?

way2fast replies:

It was an incredible four days of baccarat. But first -- the fight. Like most everyone else, I was hoping Pacquio would come out intent on making it a fight -- knowing that if it went to decision May just doesn't lose. So on that level the fight was dissapointing. May did what he does, and did it well. Pac just didn't, or couldn't do what it would take to win. The excitement in the arena, and throughout the casino all weekend was amazing. Never saw such HEAVY play (Bac and BJ) in the MGM HL room. You could barely walk through the room with all the people hanging out in addition to the really big players. I lost count of how many players were betting between 10-20k a hand, every hand ($20k table limit was being enforced). On a typical big weekend there are maybe 2-3 players at that level. It was litterally dozens this weekend.

I was basically playing MDB+, but also making short sequences of bets from time to time when the shoe set up for S40, OTBL or SS. Started the trip at a new higher unit size based on my $1m progression. After 9-10 shoes I moved the unit size up again to what is now the final level in the progression. Was absolutely nailing every shoe - yes, other players were pounding the shoes for six figures, but I was happy with my 4-9 units per shoe while betting infrequently. Won about 60 units over the weekend, and am in striking range of the "goal."

Hope to add a few more units to the total in a quick stop in Vegas on Thursday/Friday.

The goal way2fast is referring to is, of course, 1 million dollars.

Maybe 4-9 units doesn't sound like much to some of you guys but what if they are $5000 units???

That is the whole object of MDB+. Given the fact that it is so safe to play we can raise our unit

whenever we have won 20 unjits in the next denomination.

Raise your unit a few times and before you know it, you're playing for a million dollars.

And what is it we charge for the best and most successful system of all time?

I don't even remember. But at the level way2fast has quickly worked up to it is only a tiny fraction of ONE unit!

Edited by Ellis
OK, then.

I am signing up today.

Since I live in Vegas, it's about time.

And as this unfolds, I will work to get you those other 499 a day!


Great Kevin! Players here would much rather hear from you than from me.


As I said before, I'm betting on way2fast to be our third million dollar winner.

I think that ones's in the bag!

The question now is WHO will be 4th?

I'm thinking maybe Kevin, unless.....

  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
Great Kevin! Players here would much rather hear from you than from me.

Hey Ellis-

As I said the other day, trying to sign up as an upgrade from NOR player status...

Sent PM to Keith...

No word yet.

Let's get this done.



  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
Way2fast's trip report verbatim from the MDB+ forum:

way2fast replies:

It was an incredible four days of baccarat. But first -- the fight. Like most everyone else, I was hoping Pacquio would come out intent on making it a fight -- knowing that if it went to decision May just doesn't lose. So on that level the fight was dissapointing. May did what he does, and did it well. Pac just didn't, or couldn't do what it would take to win. The excitement in the arena, and throughout the casino all weekend was amazing. Never saw such HEAVY play (Bac and BJ) in the MGM HL room. You could barely walk through the room with all the people hanging out in addition to the really big players. I lost count of how many players were betting between 10-20k a hand, every hand ($20k table limit was being enforced). On a typical big weekend there are maybe 2-3 players at that level. It was litterally dozens this weekend.

I was basically playing MDB+, but also making short sequences of bets from time to time when the shoe set up for S40, OTBL or SS. Started the trip at a new higher unit size based on my $1m progression. After 9-10 shoes I moved the unit size up again to what is now the final level in the progression. Was absolutely nailing every shoe - yes, other players were pounding the shoes for six figures, but I was happy with my 4-9 units per shoe while betting infrequently. Won about 60 units over the weekend, and am in striking range of the "goal."

Hope to add a few more units to the total in a quick stop in Vegas on Thursday/Friday.

The goal way2fast is referring to is, of course, 1 million dollars.

Maybe 4-9 units doesn't sound like much to some of you guys but what if they are $5000 units???

That is the whole object of MDB+. Given the fact that it is so safe to play we can raise our unit

whenever we have won 20 unjits in the next denomination.

Raise your unit a few times and before you know it, you're playing for a million dollars.

And what is it we charge for the best and most successful system of all time?

I don't even remember. But at the level way2fast has quickly worked up to it is only a tiny fraction of ONE unit!

All sounds exciting!

Can't wait to see the results.

I believe W2F has made a few comments about " bending/ modifying" the 7 rules to more accurately reflect his experience...of this, I AM NOT CERTAIN...

But for all the team here at BTC, since he seems to have had the most success with MDB+, do the " 7 rules" 70%/95% win rates you quoted reflect this?

I understand we all have a certain discipline" to which we adhere/ play/ execute...but if you could clarify for the entire BTC community, you can't help but help THE CAUSE!

And it's your cause I am talking about...wanting to see this become like rat poison in a jail full of snitches...

All the best,


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