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Blackjack Webinar

Guest CarlosM

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Guest CarlosM

That Webinar was superb!!! I am a VERY experienced professional player for 15 years of NBJ and I learned a few things today. Especially the one special trick Ellis kept secret all these years until today. Nbj is so much easier to learn and play today then ever before. Conditions are also better today then they ever were. Learn this now while he is still around. Trust me when I say all this. If you learn or not I couldn't give a rats ass. I play and that's what matters to me. Ellis and Keith, great job guys!!!


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An audio version will be available soon. That is really all you need because I used virtually no training aids.

For both Keith and I, BJ was our first love. Bac had not been invented yet at least in the US.

Of course we both started by reading everything available on casino BJ. But when we tried the "book approach" in the real world, we very quickly found it didn't work at all. It made you wonder if ANY of these guys had ever seen the inside of a real casino. When we invited these authors to come and play real BJ with us we got no response at all. What they THOUGHT was happening just wasn't what WAS happening. In fact with the exceptions of Kenny Uston and Jerry Patterson, I've never seen or even heard of ANY of the authors or card counting gurus ever playing and I know no one who has ever seen any of them play.

I had a team of Engineers record actal casino games by the thousands. We recorded the actual frequencies of everything - book splits, book doubles, book insurance, and book Basic Strategy. We found that NOTHING was happening at the frequencies in the books. Perfect Basic Strategy had only a 43% hit rate. Book splits actually lost far more often than they won. Double downs couldn't even hit 50%. Never insure was also dead wrong. Splitting 8s and Aces by the book simply didn't work. Card counting lost at a record rate. Basic Strategy was frought with Basic Errors. Even the simple arithmetic was wrong. The dealer's were breaking at closer to 10% than the book 28%. Hell, they didn't even grasp the rules of the game and their consequences correctly. They couldn't produce a SINGLE winning student when challenged to do so. And they wouldn't let us watch them play. The whole thing was a gigantic, well organized scam. This all cost me money and made me mad, very, very mad.

I decided to write my own book based on what really happens in real BJ in real casinos with real cards and real chips and real dealers. NBJ is the most authentic BJ book ever written. It has higher sales dollars than all other gaming books of any kind put together - multi millions of dollars. It has produced the ONLY winning players there have been in the last 25 years.

I have written several lengthy BJ books at this point: NBJ. WCB. Xtreme BJ, 0 Prox and NBJ First Base. But as I go, I see how this all can be condensed and boiled down to only 12 headings with each heading actually requiring only 2 pages. THAT is what I did with this Webinar. I boiled all of the BS out of it to get right down to what you actually need to know to beat this game consistently. I showed a very simple way how to make the hit vs. stand decision with far greater accuracy than the most perfect Basic Strategy. Plus when to split and more importantly when not to. When to double but more importantly when not to. And most importantly when to insure and when not to very profitably when every BJ advice out there whether book or internet site tells you "never insure". EVERYTHING you need to know can be learned in 3 hours. After that it is just a question of review and practice.

THAT is how I conducted this Webinar. I've been casino gambling a long time and I know for an absolute fact that you are FAR better off with BOTH games under your belt - both options. There is a time and a place for each. Especially TODAY because today Bac conditions are at their all time worst while BJ conditions are at their all time best.

Yes the Webinar went well except for one thing - attendance. YOU are only guessing but I know for a fact that EVERYONE needs this. A player that knows both games can do so much better than a player who only knows one - simple arithemetic.

THEREFORE, I'm going to do this Webinar AGAIN in the near future. Judge by what your fellow members said who were there. But next time I want EVERYBODY there. If you come, I will do it.

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For both Keith and I BJ was our first love. Bac had not been invented yet at least in the US.

Of course we both started by reading everything available on casino BJ. But when we tried the "book approach" in the real world, we very quickly found it didn't work at all. It made you wonder if ANY of these guys had ever seen the inside of a real casino. When we invited these authors to come and play real BJ with us we got no response at all. What they THOUGHT was happening just wasn't what WAS happening. In fact with the single exception of Kenny Uston, I've never seen or even heard of ANY of the authors or card counting gurus ever playing and I know no one who has ever seen any of them play.

I had a team of Engineers record actal casino games by the thousands. We recorded the actual frequencies of everything - book splits, book doubles, book insurance, and book Basic Strategy. We found that NOTHING was happening at the frequencies in the books. Perfect Basic Strategy had only a 43% hit rate. Book splits actually lost far more often than they won. Double downs couldn't even hit 50%. Never insure was also dead wrong. Splitting 8s and Aces by the book simply didn't work. Card counting lost at a record rate. Basic Strategy was frought with Basic Errors. Even the simple arithmetic was wrong. Hell, they didn't even grasp the rules of the game and their consequences correctly. They couldn't produce a SINGLE winning student when challenged to do so. And they wouldn't let us watch them play. The whole thing was a gigantic, well organized scam. This all cost me money and made me mad, very, very mad.

I decided to write my own book based on what really happens in real BJ in real casinos with real cards and real chips and real dealers. NBJ is the most authentic BJ book ever written. It has higher sales dollars than all other gaming books of any kind put together - multi millions of dollars. It has produced the ONLY winning players there have been in the last 25 years.

I have written several lengthy BJ books at this point: NBJ. WCB. Xtreme BJ, 0 Prox and NBJ First Base. But as I go, I see how this all can be condenced and boiled down to only 12 headings with each heading actually requiring only 2 pages. THAT is what I did with this Webinar. I boiled all of the BS out of it to get right down to what you actually need to know to beat this game consistently. I showed a very simple way how to make the hit vs. stand decision with far greater accuracy than the most perfect Basic Strategy. Plus when to split and more importantly when not to. When to double but more importantly when not to. And most importantly when to insure and when not to very profitably when every BJ advice out there whether book or internet site tells you "never insure". EVERYTHING you need to know can be learned in 3 hours. After that it is just a question of review and practice.

THAT is how I conducted this Webinar. I've been casino gambling a long time and I know for an absolute fact that you are FAR better off with BOTH games under your belt - both options. There is a time and a place for each. Especially TODAY because today Bac conditions are at their all time worst while BJ conditions are at their all time best.

Yes the Webinar went well except for one thing - attendance. YOU are only guessing but I know for a fact that EVERYONE needs this. A player that knows both games can do so much better than a player who only knows one - simple arithemetic.

THEREFORE, I'm going to do this Webinar AGAIN in the near future. Judge by what your fellow members said who were there. But next time I want EVERYBODY there. If you come, I will do it.

yes i will be there after i win some money in bac because i think to learn bj sure need some income from casino to support the practice

due to lagging live play at casino if i am not wrong the minimum bet should be still $25 for BJ

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Ellis thanks for your time in putting on a long needed webinair.common sense plain and simple and easy to understand.i feel the same as you,you have 4k members and seven people take your course,go figure.could we have a team play blackjack course.i bought the manual about 1.5 years ago and am patiently waiting for a webinair.even if you have to make it for one loyal student,me.hey ellis why don't you put up a test sheet with bj questions and see if your 4k members would take it.give them their grade but don't reveal their answers until they take the webinair.maybe a $100 award to the winner.i'll bet half of them wouldn't even know where to sit at the table.i wish you didn't live in godforsaken arkansas,i would pick you up 2x a week an go gambling.i would love to show you my horse racing system its been constantly winning for 40 years and i have no one to leave it to either !i live this stuff 24\7 ellis you are the babe ruth of bj and bac!

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Ellis thanks for your time in putting on a long needed webinair.common sense plain and simple and easy to understand.i feel the same as you,you have 4k members and seven people take your course,go figure.could we have a team play blackjack course.i bought the manual about 1.5 years ago and am patiently waiting for a webinair.even if you have to make it for one loyal student,me.hey ellis why don't you put up a test sheet with bj questions and see if your 4k members would take it.give them their grade but don't reveal their answers until they take the webinair.maybe a $100 award to the winner.i'll bet half of them wouldn't even know where to sit at the table.i wish you didn't live in godforsaken arkansas,i would pick you up 2x a week an go gambling.i would love to show you my horse racing system its been constantly winning for 40 years and i have no one to leave it to either !i live this stuff 24\7 ellis you are the babe ruth of bj and bac!

let nature take its course

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What does that mean, let nature take its course?everday ellis is bothered by trivial questions day after day and then when he asks of the membership to step up and support him,he only finds 7 loyal members.where you one of the loyal members?you sure ask a lot of him day after day on these blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What does that mean, let nature take its course?everday ellis is bothered by trivial questions day after day and then when he asks of the membership to step up and support him,he only finds 7 loyal members.where you one of the loyal members?you sure ask a lot of him day after day on these blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha i mean let nature take course he already has reputation people never support may have a reason, i wanted to, when keith pm me i feel sad because everytime ellis call for it is when the time i don't have enough money for it, they never stopped to help me but i can't do anything to help back. and its very sad when u need and u like something but can't get it.

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i think the best to see if we could have more people is to post out to see how many can attend or convince to attend then to plan the event to suit most

i believe this would smooth things out, ruebel cool your self clear your mind and heart as pure as possible, and then use your heart and mind to see

and be patient don't rush into things, you can more clearly in things that way. we may not be friend right now, but we are not foe too i won't try to harm you try it you can see it too, i believe with this it would help in your gambling career too, loyalty is in heart not in the eyes of others.

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hey dark, do we a language problem?what do you mean you are not going to harm me?be careful,you not talking to your wife.i think you should be band from this site for this comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I did not get Keith's message until today on the webinar and the manuals were to be included for NOR member special pricing. I am sorry I missed it.

No worries - we will be doing it again before long.

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The enemy is the casino!

Sorry Ellis with all due respect I can’t agree with you, in my opinion casino is not the enemy,

no more than someone’s employer is the enemy.

When I walk into a casino I don’t walk in with a chip on my shoulder with the attitude that I’m here to fight the enemy I walk in with a positive attitude saying okay how much are you guys going to give you today,

then I start doing the job that I learned an practiced for many years, same as an employee would do for his employer.

With all that said I know the day will come that the casino will be my enemy,

and that day will be the day when I get barred, which I know is not for off.

That will also be the day that I will share an publish my method of playing baccarat and roulette to the world

and teach as many people as I can (FOR FREE) with the hope that they will take as much as they can from the bastards.

Norm A



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I was there for the Webinar Ellis...but I had probs with the audio...and at 2.30am and only 1 hour of sleep I went back to bed.

I'm not very computer literate so it was most likely from my end...DAMMIT

Looking forward to being able to download the audio when it is available though.

Many thanks for all your efforts (Keith too)


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Sorry Ellis with all due respect I can’t agree with you, in my opinion casino is not the enemy,

no more than someone’s employer is the enemy.

When I walk into a casino I don’t walk in with a chip on my shoulder with the attitude that I’m here to fight the enemy I walk in with a positive attitude saying okay how much are you guys going to give you today,

then I start doing the job that I learned an practiced for many years, same as an employee would do for his employer.

With all that said I know the day will come that the casino will be my enemy,

and that day will be the day when I get barred, which I know is not for off.

That will also be the day that I will share an publish my method of playing baccarat and roulette to the world

and teach as many people as I can (FOR FREE) with the hope that they will take as much as they can from the bastards.

haha...we are also working as a player there true accept no one control us.

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I just wanted to share my enthusiasm for the webinar on Saturday. It was excellent and really clarified the material in the written manual. Very practical, and very clearly presented. Thanks Ellis!

Thank you so much newbacplayer! At this point, all of you new guys are just taking my word for it. You don't yet know for sure and it is a whole new way of looking at the game - a whole new way of playing. NBJ. No one else looks at the cards running. No one teaches that. But I know for an absolute fact that the cards running is, by far, the most important information in the game. It virtually decides every play: When to hit, when to stand, when to split, when to double and very important, when to insure.

Consider this: Every other BJ instructor, every counting guru and all of Basic Strategy decides every play solely based on the dealer's up card. Just think about that fact for a moment. That is exactly what they all teach isn't it. BUT the dealer up card is virtually meaningless. She is just as apt to have a low card in the hole as a high card. It is purely 50/50. They are basing EVERYTHING on something that is purely 50/50. Going by the cards running is not perfect. But it is a WHOLE lot better than 50/50. BJ is a thinking man's game.

The cards are purposely NOT random. If they were every perfect Basic Strategy player would win and the 15% profits casinos make on BJ would vanish. There would soon be no BJ.

The casinos insist on purposely clumping the cards going into the discard rack with their card pick up rules which serve no other purpose than clumping the cards. They KNOW that clumping destroys Basic Strategy and have known this for 30 years.

The card counting gurus along with all the many card counting forums MUST insist that the cards are random and clumping does not exist because EVERYTHING they teach hinges on random cards. They insist that two riffles randomizes cards. Computer scientists have proved CONCLUSIVELY that it takes at least 7 riffles to randomize a single deck of cards. Two decks does not take 14 shuffles. They take 7 X 7 or 49. 6 deck would be 7X7x7X7X7 X7. 8 deck would be.... well you get my point. So how many riffles do you actually get in a casino? You are lucky if you get 2. Shuffle machines do NOT produce random cards. They duplicate dealer shuffles - two riffles. If they DID produce random cards, the casinos would not allow them. The casino profits depend solely on clumping. Casinos have known this for 30 years.

Lets take an 8 deck BJ game because that is where clumping is most apparent. And lets take the best situation for a counter. So the counter gets to a count of +20 after 2 decks have been dealt. So he raises his bet significantly. But he does not know which side of the cut off card those excess tens are on. At that point it is purely 50/50. He raised his bet on a whim. See that? Lets take his best possible situation - a +30 count. The counter goes ape. But that is exactly when the dealer is apt to get 2 card twenties every hand. The cards don't know who's dealing.

And what exactly is the counter counting in a +30 situation? One thing and one thing only - he is counting CLUMPING - the very thing he says doesn't exist. You don't get +30s in random cards - the notion is ridiculous. Random is random. Clumped is clumped. An 8 year old can see clumping.

But here's the real proof. Here is what separates the scammers from the players. The entire world of card counting hasn't produced a single BJ bottom line winner in the last 25 years. The ONLY winners were produced by NBJ. What else need I say.

Even their very best and most notorious counter, Kenny Uston, lost his shirt and quit the game because he couldn't win. I know this for an absolute fact. I was there in A.C. when Kenny couldn't win a single game. I often played at the same table. He was losing the very same games I was winning. It was an apples to apples comparison.

I'm teaching you pure simplified NBJ - simplified to the nth degree. THAT is what wins and that is the ONLY thing that wins. You can take that to the bank.

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