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What Exactly is SAP and 5D ?

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5D is kachatz's approach which he made a manual for.

He gave it out to everyone for free because hes such a great guy!

I will send you a copy - I have your email

SAP is Self Adjusting Progression or recording events to be able to predict whether they will continue or will not

You can also read about it on the forum 'everything baccarat'

There's a 'guy' right here on the public forum right now who so badly wants everyone to know about SAP and the way he uses it hes offering to teach it to them

Maybe you could humour him and read his approach.

Maybe ask him some questions and send him an email - that will make him feel special and give him the recognition hes after!!

Truth be known he learned most of what he knows from this forum until he got banned for poor conduct.

Now he has returned to the public forum under a different name - hes an alias, an impersonator, an imposter, a fraud.

He is intent on bashing everything and everyone here because he is no longer a member and is lonely

His name is Oneunit and he is definitely that ! aka Bo da

Read his thread as it may answer your question on SAP and at the same time boost his ego!

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  • 4 months later...
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Hi 'machine'

As far as I know there is no SAP manual but there is a 5D manual

kachatz was giving them out to everyone so I don't see the problem in sending you a copy.

Please be aware the owners / staff of this forum (Keith / Mike and others) have invested a lot of money in this forum to revamp it and keep it going

They also have stats for profit software where you can enter casino shoes and analyse them to find 'casino dependant' biases

They have offered membership in a new way - you pay 1 fee - $50 per month and you get access to everything on the forum.

As far as I know - no minimum commitment.

They are hoping people will appreciate the honesty in this approach and join so please consider it]

I'm sure I could show you how to recover at the very least your monthly investment in pretty short time playing relatively mechanically

After that where you take it is up to you.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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We had this discussion a few weeks ago.

SAP stands for Self Adjusting Progression - I don't know why its called that exactly.

But my description is event tracking

You track events so it gives you a picture of what's coming up a lot (more than what it should) and whats not (less than what it should)

This can help you to bet that certain events will happen and certain events will not


2 2 3 2

PP = 2 = 2iar

So if you saw that you may assume that 2's and some 3's will continue


You may think because you saw many 2's that they wont keep coming


Which is right ?

Both ?




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  • 1 month later...

Keith has also made it available in the downloads section of the forum :)


SAP..I asked about a "Manual" a while back. I'm not sure one exists in a book format. However if you search "sap" be sure and check out the thread called "SAP Exploits." You will also find threads that have a SAP spreadsheet that helps you keep score (and helps you to understand).

BTW: Brad01 has a gift for making the complex ... understandable so read his stuff about SAP too

Edited by XDotNet
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hello all,  I have not been around for a while.  I am going to share my opinion because I like to share my opinions.  The SAP method of scoring is in my opinion, the best method of scoring and the biggest influence on your wager.  There are a lot of reasons why SAP has flown "Under the Radar":

1. The count only shows you what has happened in the past.

2. Too many people relied on the "Past Count" to dictate their "Future Wager".


The way of looking at SAP has to change.  Think of things that will happen in SAP all the time, every time and bet on that to happen.  



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2 hours ago, McVince said:

Hello all,  I have not been around for a while.  I am going to share my opinion because I like to share my opinions.  The SAP method of scoring is in my opinion, the best method of scoring and the biggest influence on your wager.  There are a lot of reasons why SAP has flown "Under the Radar":

1. The count only shows you what has happened in the past.

2. Too many people relied on the "Past Count" to dictate their "Future Wager".


The way of looking at SAP has to change.  Think of things that will happen in SAP all the time, every time and bet on that to happen.  



McVince could you explain in greater detail how you are using the SAP count to determine what side you are betting on and when you are betting????

I have tried to use the SAP count and I have had limited success, looking for any way that will improve my results at the tables.  Thanks

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Regarding Sap, I would suggest speaking with wolfat.   He has an excellent way of charting with Sap, that deals with the overall and CURRENT events, counts.  Please understand he is in the process of moving. so try not to over load him with too much.  Other than what Papa Joe shared in the Sap exploits, wolfat created something really extraordinary in my humble opinion.

Good to "see" you again McVince.

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1 hour ago, trillion said:

McVince could you explain in greater detail how you are using the SAP count to determine what side you are betting on and when you are betting????

I have tried to use the SAP count and I have had limited success, looking for any way that will improve my results at the tables.  Thanks

It's hard to explain.  Don't let the SAP count dictate what system to use.  You could focus on the two highest counts, you can bet that the lower columns could catch up.  There are a ton of ways to use the SAP count.

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When i've used SAP, i've found it takes too long to react. Meaning, it never told me to bet on a run until the run was either over or almost over. That makes perfect sense as it takes time for a strong bias to shift the shoe averages. By the time a bias has shifted the shoe averages, that bias could be finished and was most of the time for me.

I have no doubt SAP is useful however, it's probably more important to know what is happening with the SAP count in the shoe right now than what happened 20 plays ago. At this time, I don't have a system or advice on how to do that, I hope to learn this skill in the coming months. Maybe some of the other guys have some ideas.

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Help !

I need first 12 lessons in the introduction of 5D system to fully understand the system.

It says first 12 lessons are already on the BTC forum that I am unable to find the threads, anyone knows missing 12 lessons or how to find the thread in the forum?

And I am looking for a good system to buy, could you give me any recommendations before I buy?

Thank you


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