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New member. Have question about MDB

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Hi, my name is Patrik and are from Sweden.

I would like to know what you get if you pay for MDB member-ship.

1. I assume that MDB strategy is a way to capitilaze larger winnings.

For example i win 10 units twice during two days, then third day i can operate with casino money and play with larger unit size.

A similiar method that capitilaze that way.

If i am wrong, then i would be very greatfull if you can explain a little about MDB, so i can understand and get a perspective about the method.

I mean i don't want to spend 1.2K if i don't know what i get for my money.

2. What else do i get with MDB member-ship?

I understand i get acces to MDB private forum, is that all?

3. I could see that you can get a discount code when you buy MDB member-ship!

Where do i find that code?

Many Thanks


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I find the MDB article and read it.

Now can i apply MDB with Le Partage rule and roulette even money bets.

1.32% house edge

Or does the MDB method only working with baccarat?

Many Thanks


Hi Patric and welcome. First MDB is our full membership. You get everything with the exception of Blackjack. That is a different membership.

MDB+ fuctions on random occurrence. The system doesn't know or care what game you are playing. It only cares how close the game is to random occurrence. The closer the better. But it does withstand significant bias. We also call it the 5 of a kind system meaning that as long as you don't get 5 of one event W/O getting any neighboring events - you win with your 3 bet progression.

Most members prefer a 124 progression. In Las Vegas Baccarat MDB+ has demonstrated that it has a consistent 95% progression hit rate (success rate). That is, by far, the highest hit rate of any 3 bet progression in the history of gambling - any game.

Playing red vs black in Roulette, for example, you would find yourself betting, for instance, that the wheel won't produce 5 2 in a row black or red W/O producing ONE 1 in a row black or red or 1 3 in a row black or red. And in all liklihood it won't.

On the other hand, you also receive NOR. NOR is the best system ever devised to take advantage of biases - any biases.

Unlike MDB+, NOR functions on Biases - any and all biases such as the biases caused by the casino card prep when using 8 decks of regular cards starting out in boxed card order.

Now, In Roulette, if the wheel is demonstrating random activity MDB+ will beat it soundly. So MDB+ will like the new advanced Roulette wheels.

But suppose you find yourself in the Canary Islands at a neighborhood casino using a 30 year old wheel, which, through normal wear and tare is demonstrating a bias - maybe too many odd vs evens or too many 3rd lines vs first and second lines.

Ha, now you would want to play NOR against that wheel to take maximum advantage of the wheel's age and thus, its biases.

OK here is the idea. If you know both methods, you've got them coming and going. There is no escape.

Ask any of our experienced players - they will tell you the same thing.

The secret of our success is the application of a 160 IQ for 30+ years to the task of beatinjg casinos at their own game.

It is not about Mathematics. Mathematics can't beat a casino. It is about Random vs Bias.

You will also find that we are the lowest bettors in the casino.

See, it is not about how much you bet.

It is about how often you bet right.

You will learn how best to exploit any bias.

But you will also learn how to exploit random.

Random, in fact, is a bias itself and all biases are exploitable.

Once you know HOW!

Edited by Ellis
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Hi Patric and welcome. First MDB is our full membership. You get everything with the exception of Blackjack. That is a different membership.

Sound great Ellis, so i get NOR and MDB and 221 method, correct?

+ full acces to each forum.

MDB+ fuctions on random occurrence. The system doesn't know or care what game you are playing. It only cares how close the game is to random occurrence. The closer the better. But it does withstand significant bias. We also call it the 5 of a kind system meaning that as long as you don't get 5 of one event W/O getting any neighboring events - you win with your 3 bet progression.

Most members prefer a 124 progression. In Las Vegas Baccarat MDB+ has demonstrated that it has a consistent 95% progression hit rate (success rate). That is, by far, the highest hit rate of any 3 bet progression in the history of gambling - any game.

I hope this is not to sensetive question - but is the progression large and comes with different levels.

I mean to handel variance and fluctation (loses).

For example first attack is 124 and if it fails you continue with 136 and if it fails you continue with 248 and so on.

Moving up and down using a ladder.

I ask this question, because i need to know what kind of bankroll we are talking about.

I have 4K

With 221 method you mention that the bankroll is 1000 units.

That make it more easy to understand if you can afford playing that method.

Many Thanks


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Sound great Ellis, so i get NOR and MDB and 221 method, correct?

+ full acces to each forum.

I hope this is not to sensetive question - but is the progression large and comes with different levels.

I mean to handel variance and fluctation (loses).

For example first attack is 124 and if it fails you continue with 136 and if it fails you continue with 248 and so on.

Moving up and down using a ladder.

I ask this question, because i need to know what kind of bankroll we are talking about.

I have 4K

With 221 method you mention that the bankroll is 1000 units.

That make it more easy to understand if you can afford playing that method.

Many Thanks


Firstly...I don't play MDB+ myself because the Casinos that I frequent are more inclined to less random shoe types and I use a variation of NOR (mostly flatbetting combined with some Netbetting) which is working very well.

So saying...I am well acquainted with the MDB+ method and all it's nuances and can highly recommend both systems used in the right situations.

As to your question about your 4K bankroll...That is more than enough. (I started with a bankroll of $200 online and have now reached the point where my unit of choice is $5000 and I doubt that I will ever feel the need to increase it further)

You may have grasped the "wrong end of the stick"... BTC does not teach you to raise your stakes to counter a lost progression. Losing progressions are a fact of life and are the reason that we have a STOP/LOSS in place. The aim is to have more winning shoes than losing shoes and frankly...if anyone can't do that after absorbing the teachings of Ellis and Co...then I would suggest that they either aren't prepared to do the "hard yards" or would most likely struggle to tie their own shoelaces.

Personally...I think the naming of the system as MDB+ is a bit of a misnomer... (not because it doesn't work...but because the vast majority of players are going to get somewhat squeamish at the thought of a 1-2-4 progression with $5000 + Units, even though they are using the Casinos own money against them.)

I, myself, err strongly on the side of conservatism (not a gambler by nature)

I only ever gave myself one shot at Baccarat and decided that if I lost my piddly little bankroll of $200 that I would find something else to do nights.

In the early days...I was only prepared to risk 10% of my Bankroll on a losing sequence and my unit size would raise and lower as my bankroll steadily increased. The beauty of this sort of staking system is that when (and I do mean "WHEN") the inevitable run of losses occurs that my unit size actually decreased because I never ...ever allowed myself to risk more than 10% of my Bankroll and conversely...when the same inevitable run of winning shoes occurred...my Unit size would rise dramatically.

In the case of MDB+ ... a 1-2-4 (7 unit risk) Progression with a stake of $4000 would work like this ...10% of $4000 = $400 divided by 7 = $57 ...so I would be using $50 units until my stake hit $4200 and my Unit size would increase to $60.

See... I told you that I was ultra conservative...LOL...

And just quietly...there is no need to ever increase your unit size over $5K to reach your initial goal of $1Million...Trust me on that...:cool:

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You get more than just the MDB+ system as well - you get access to everything on the forum.

I thought it might be worth mentioning that.

If MDB+ is how you want to play and it works for you then that is good but there is also information for you to be able to learn and adapt other ways to play

Some people are playing MDB+ and other methods at the same time and winning overall from both systems at once!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Mdb gives you full membership so u get not as well. Also access to everything. Mdb is very easy to learn and works well for right situation. I would say most players don't bet 5k a hand - that is the highest level but there some who do. Depends on individual how fast u can get there. I never met oz but I believe what he says from this forum. He is one of the best players here at moment. This forum don't encourage big progressions. Maybe moving towards high bet of 2 only. Some people always say bad things about anything they don't know and can't do. Everything here requires practise and work. U can give some people an winning system and they still complain!

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i have no connection to this site apart from a member. I don't have to say anything on the public forum but I do feel sorry for Ellis because he does an honest job and everything he teaches is real but yet people don't want to join and learn how to play properly and be able to learn from him and real pro players but they rather go to a website with fancy advertising and big claims and join and get scammed.

thats the only reason I post on public forum when I see guys like u ask questions.

Yes people like to complain if they are scammed but at the same time people want to get given a system that will earn them big $$ without putting in the effort too. In my opinion the systems here are all legit but nobody ever claimed you can learn them in 5 mins and start winning big $$. It requires practise and hard work.

To answer your questions:

The new 2hi system hasn't been released by Ellis yet so I don't know details about whether members will get access but the concept has been discussed on the private forum for several months and there are guys already playing it. There are rules there and anyone who wanted to learn it could practise and pick it up with a bit of discipline. Probably Ellis has refined it more and will release it soon.

So u watch the video. Yes there was people talking about MDB vs nor as they both can work or not work depend on situation of what casino does with their cards. I'm not there. I'm from Australia but want to go to Vegas as soon as I can.

I don't know oz but I been reading his posts for 5 years and I guess you can tell if someone's legit in that time if you analyse what they say. It's my opinion only.

There's no member rankings. Everyone plays for themselves but from reading the posts you know who are the most successful players. Yes members can speak and ask questions and yes they do post shoes with their plays.

How will you be ranked? I don't know you or how experienced you are. If I post a shoe that gives me problems can you answer it and show me how you would play it and why? Then I guess you would rank above me if you can do that most of the time?

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Hi pete, 2hi hasn't been officially been released yet so I don't know the answer to that. there is potential rules posted and theres people having success with it already.

mdb+ gives you access to everything at the moment.

theres a lot of people having success with it in the right situations.

not everyone though as its designed for random preshuffled and not everones casinos have them.

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In my experience, that's correct brad01

My local casino had nice MDB+ cards 6 weeks ago, but now the shoes

are almost entirely NOR shoes - strongly biased.

No problem with that of course if you know how to play each type of shoe.

I have found that playing the bias in the shoe has been very rewarding.

For example if the shoe has high 2's and low or no 3's then play 2 to stay 2.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Oz on conservative Bankroll equation. I personally have 50 to a hundred units as my backing bankroll and have no need to visit an ATM for my cash to go to the casino.

Have a sound system along with large bankroll and discipline and proper money management is key to survival in a risky environment, .... The casino.


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Playing red vs black in Roulette, for example, you would find yourself betting, for instance, that the wheel won't produce 5 2 in a row black or red W/O producing ONE 1 in a row black or red or 1 3 in a row black or red. And in all liklihood it won't.

when we get for example 2 2iar...we bet with 3 bet prog that we will not get another 3 2iar w/o some neighbouring event... but this 3 events together have 6 neighbour right ? how do we bet 6 bets with 3 bet progression ?

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when we get for example 2 2iar...we bet with 3 bet prog that we will not get another 3 2iar w/o some neighbouring event... but this 3 events together have 6 neighbour right ? how do we bet 6 bets with 3 bet progression ?

Answers and more info in the MDB forum.

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Hi, my name is Patrik and are from Sweden.

I would like to know what you get if you pay for MDB member-ship.

1. I assume that MDB strategy is a way to capitilaze larger winnings.

For example i win 10 units twice during two days, then third day i can operate with casino money and play with larger unit size.

A similiar method that capitilaze that way.

If i am wrong, then i would be very greatfull if you can explain a little about MDB, so i can understand and get a perspective about the method.

I mean i don't want to spend 1.2K if i don't know what i get for my money.

2. What else do i get with MDB member-ship?

I understand i get acces to MDB private forum, is that all?

3. I could see that you can get a discount code when you buy MDB member-ship!

Where do i find that code?

Many Thanks


Hey fellow Swedish! :)

My advice is to MDB now, I can assure you wont regret it.

I'm a co-founder of an online poker club in sweden - pokermentorn.se

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Answers and more info in the MDB forum.

I am playing regular cards so i dont really need mdb+ yet....i am trying to adjust it to regular cards and its doing ok untill now....i just need to find how to bet this other 3 neighbouring events with 3 bet prog and i think it will be fine

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I am playing regular cards so i dont really need mdb+ yet....i am trying to adjust it to regular cards and its doing ok untill now....i just need to find how to bet this other 3 neighbouring events with 3 bet prog and i think it will be fine

I have found MDB to work just fine with regular cards. The point, though, was you won't find anyone giving away Ellis' copyrighted systems on the public forum.

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