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Everything posted by Wendel

  1. Hi Reubel, I just use a standard casino scorecard and rename the columns. the column to the left of B is used for O/R, B is renamed to P, T is renamed to P and P is used for score. In the second set of columns , O/R goes to the right of the score column. This is all done in pencil at the casino, so it gets a little messy. Again, to avoid attention , I prefer NOT to bring my own NOR scorecard. If you wish I can copy the shoe to graph paper and post it . Wendel
  2. Hi Ellis, Coincidentally, I just came home from playing a shoe that started PBBPPPBPBPPPBBBPPBBBPPP and then I got into the game BBBBBPBBBBBPBBBBPPPPBBPP I switched to F2 in the second 5iar, but i didn't bet aggressively enough to get even, but it was close for a while there. Anyway, my point is that I think your suggestions for newbacplayer will be a big help in my situation. Thank You !!! I play at a small local casino, and i think that if I confirmed that I was a NOR Player , they would continue feeding me 5 iar's and 4 iar's. The other players (non NOR) would love it. But, I like the idea of having BTC cards made up, rather than writing the information on a scorecard. Wendell N.B. Please ignore the reference to professional blackjack player on my description. It must have been added by someone who is misinformed as to the level of my blackjack play instead of NOR Baccarat Player.
  3. Thank you. I apologize for directing my question to you . On rereading the thread I see that you were just illustrating quite clearly, I might add) an existing solution , so I shouldn't have directed my question to you at all.
  4. Hi Peter, I am surprised that you did not switch modes after after losing the 3 bet at play #27 . was it intentional , or just a fortuitous error ? Wendel
  5. I attempted to upload a smaller pdf file and it appears to have worked.
  6. There has been no change in my results. The first screen I see after Manage attachments has a grey shaded box across it near the top of the screen containing the following . THe 0 never changes when I am uploading. File Upload Manager - Manage all the files you have uploaded 0 of 976.6 KB used. N.B. Please ignore the reference to professional blackjack player on my description. It must have been added by someone who is misinformed as to the level of my blackjack play instead of NOR Baccarat Player.
  7. Hi Keith, I am probably not "getting it" , but here's what I did From this panel, I selected Manage attachments ---> Attach Files ---> select files ---> upload files I I am shown the file I uploaded and its size . At the end of this line is an orange circle with an exclamation point in the center. When i mouse over the orange circle a box is displayed with the following message Exceeds your quota by 1.46MB Subsequently , I am unable to do anything with the file I uploaded, perhaps I don't understand what thew next step should be. The file I selected was NORGAME1.pdf 2.41 mb Wendel N.B. Please ignore the reference to professional blackjack player on my description. It must have been added by someone who is misinformed as to the level of my blackjack play instead of NOR Baccarat Player.
  8. I was also unsucessful uploading my copies. It seems that each one exceeded the space allotted to me for uploads. Wendel N.B. Please ignore the reference to professional blackjack player on my description. It must have been added by someone who is misinformed as to the level of my blackjack play instead of NOR Baccarat Player.
  9. Hi PurpleInk, I am a user of Boris. I use it for practising card play, betting and card flow recognition skills. I think it presents a realistic representation of card play conditions you may find in a live casino.. The copy I have presents hand shuffled shoes as opposed to shufle machine shoes. I haven't seen the Hoyle version, so i cannot seak to that comparison. I suggest that you get in touch with the developer( link on Boris website). he is approachable enough. As far as im concerned Boris is a bargain. ps. Please ignore the reference to "professional blackjack player" on my profile. somebody who have been misinformed as to the level of my blackjack play must have added it, and I can't figure out how to change it to "Nor baccarat Player". Wendel
  10. I start the shoe in m1 as if I had already seen the required losing 2 bets.
  11. Hi, I have been starting most shoes with OTBL4M3, be cause almost invariably if I start S40, I start thinking that I might be better of with M3. Then, I am worrying about whether I should switch instead of paying attention to what I am doing. I would find it easier to switch to S40, if the shoe went to mostly 1's and 2's. I have been seeing a lot of 4iar's and 5 iar's in the same shoe lately (i think the casino is "on to me", so I have been experimenting with OTB4LM1,U1D2(without qualification for ST runs) with some success. It usually plays equal to or better than OTB4LM3. You don't have to worry about 4 iar's or 5 iar's but you have a bit of a problem with 3 iar's followed by a ZZ . The upside is that you have lots of bets left to get out of it (or vice versa). I did almost as well as F on this shoe with M1 Give it a try and let me know what you think.
  12. Hi, Have a look at post #64 in the next thread (Confirmation and Correction). It contaibs Ellis's latest post on the topic.
  13. Hi Gman, It sounds like you are driving to the casino in the afternoon after work ? it occurred to me that you might consider a light snack before you start playing. perhaps do a quick scout of the casino and then get something to eat. You may be less likely to make poor decisions if your brain is fed. On the other hand , the snack may be detrimental, because you seem to be doing well enough as it is . May be some other members may have an opinion on this . good hunting, Wendel
  14. Are strong side shoes played differnetly from F shoes ? Is the difference that we should bet strong side shoes more aggressively ?
  15. This link for the shoe printer doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know where the download is now ? Thanks in advance.
  16. Nice thing about baccarat is that once the cards are in the shoe, they are in the shoe and the only thing we have to worry about from that point on is dealers with quick hands . I was playing blackjack at our local casino, when I asked one of the people in the pit if the CSM could read the values of the cards. The reply was "oh no, but that one over there, (pointing at a different table game across the pit) it can put the cards back in boxed card order."
  17. I took a cut at Sheree's shoe with Nor + U1D2 starting mode 3 . I probably made an error somewhere, in which case both of us may learn something. TIA Play Bet Score Mode Comment 1 0 M3,Z3 2 0 3 P1 W 1 4 P1 W 2 5 B1 W 3 6 B1 W 4 7 P1 L 3 8 P2 L 1 9 P3 L -2 10 B4 W 2 M2,Z3 switch to M2 on lost 3 bet 11 P2 L 4 12 P3 L 13 B4 W 1 M2,Z3 Mode stays at M2 14 P2 W 3 I often forget the second OTR Bet, so I left it.And will not play a second OTR Bet until itstops working 15 P1 L 16 B2 L 17 P3 W 3 18 B1 W 4 19 B1 L 20 P2 L 21 B3 W 4 M2,Z3 Played this ZZ like the previous so I am more or less still following the rules 22 P1 L 3 23 P2 L 1 24 B3 L -2 25 P4 L -6 TOAST !!!! _________________________________________ Draw a line and start over at Play 26 M3,Z3 26 B1 L 27 P2 W 1 28 P1 L 29 B2 W 2 30 B1 L 1 31 P2 W 3 M1,Z3 Up to this point I have counted 2 4+ IAR and 1 3 IAR Switch to M1 32 B1 L 2 33 P2 W 4 34 B1 L 35 B2 W 5 36 B1 W 6 37 P1 L 5 38 B2 L 3 M1,Z3 We still have more 4 + IAR's Than 3 IAR's staying M1 39 P3 W 6 40 B1 W 7 41 B1 L 6 42 P2 W 8 43 B1 L 44 P2 W 9 45 B1 W 46 B1 W 11 We are + 5 for the shoe 47 P1 L 48 B2 W 12 M1, Z3 49 P1 W 50 P2 W 14 51 B1 L 13 52 P2 L 11 53 B3 W 14 M1,Z3 54 P1 L 55 P2 W 15 56 P1 W 16 M1,Z3 M1 is still working more or les 57 B1 W 17 58 B1 L 14 59 P2 L 12 60 B3 W 17 +11 for the shoe 61 P1 L 62 B2 W 18 63 P1 W 64 P1 W 20 65 B1 W 21 66 B1 L 67 P2 W 22 68 B1 L 69 P2 W 23 70 B1 W 71 B1 W 25 72 P1 W 73 P1 W 27 74 B1 L 75 P2 W 28 76 B1 L 77 B2 W 29 78 B1 L 79 B2 W 30 M1, Z1 I Think We lost enough 2 bets on ZZ to allow mode 1 on ZZ runs 80 B1 W
  18. Thanks, Ellis. I completely misinterpreted the first 4 plays and and originally tried to play the shoe S40. When I got home I played more variations of S40 and OTB than I care to think about. This morning, I tried the shoe with F2 U1D2 and got the same results as you did. I will try and find the post that deals with interpreting the beginning of the shoe.
  19. Hi, Here is another partial shoe that I was stopped early at. This shoe has only 1 2 in a row up to the point where I had to quit. I would appreciate your insite into this shoe (6 decks , machine shuffled) B1131113513 B1242113 Thanks in advance.
  20. Hi Oz, Thanks for the thread, I have read it and found it helpful. I have placed it in my "Index" for future reference as well. The amount of good information on this forum seems staggering . It seems that every thread I start points me at a new direction and to keep track of it all is quite a challenge. Wendell
  21. Thanks for the clarification Ellis. it is much appreciated. I don't think I have seen Oz's thread on system F yet. I will hunt it down . Right now i am reading your NOR Approach thread (more than once) and it is great. The blackjack here is almost unplayable because there is almost no table selection, The bacccarat is not much better (2 tables), but at least the games are not affected by players getting in and out. I think that the baccarat is playable early in the day. I don't know how often they change the baccarat cards, but it is beginning to look like weekly. BTW, it is nice , but not necessary to have my questions addressed at 2:00 a.m. Thanks again.
  22. Hi, Please forgive the title, I just couldn't think of anything better and would like to know if it seems like a "typical shoe " it was the first shoe of the day (6 deck mini bac) for the blue cards P2131213141122 P2191244 P1221 I started with OTB4L after the 12 th play and switched to F after I went on the run against the 9 banks That didn't really help. and I stopped at -8. I think I could have beat this shoe with S40. The Red cards on this table had a spectacular F shoe. When I arrived there had been 2 runs of 7 separated by 1 player then another single or 2 and a run of 10 on the side that had the 2 7's. I got there after the run of 10 had begun.
  23. Hi Ellis, Yes, I have a NOR manual. I have read the part about SYSTEM F. The recent copy of the manual I received makes no reference to F2,3. I have come across this acronym several times in the NOR forum and have had it in the back of my mind hoping to come across a reference that would clarify it. I have also the impression that some people like to Start SYSTEM F in a particular mode, so I thought it might mean some thing different so, I will just assume that F2,3 is just a synonym for F.
  24. I found F2 in this list. Now, can anyone tell me what F2,3 means to a NOR player ? Thanks in advance,
  25. In system F when we lose 2 or 3 bets in a row and successfully switch sides by winning the first bet on the new side, do we use the mode that was active on the strong side at the time of the switch or establish a new mode specifically for the new side. (i.e. keep a separate mode for Bank and Player) ? The manual covers a switch attempt that fails (the first bet after the switch is lost) but does not seem to cover a successful switch. Thanks in advance
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