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Anyone has some Shoes I can play?

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I recently heard Keith mentioned that SFP was going to be a separate subscription from the Premium members forum.

I have been unable to access SFP for the past 6 weeks and Keith was telling me that SFP is currently offline for an upgrade.


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25 minutes ago, rious said:

So Strategic Baccarat Shoe Interface gives me access to all of the 100s of thousands of REAL shoes inputted by users like in Stats for Profits?


Currently over 700 shoes with more real casino shoes being added every day... That should keep you out of mischief. BTW: Stay the hell away from Random Generated...It isn't the same



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44 minutes ago, way2fast said:

A myth put forward mostly by mathematicians and people who have little or no experience playing baccarat in a casino.

Exactly W2F, and THAT is why players who beat random generators can't understand why they can't win in a casino. Especially with preshuffled cards.

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8 hours ago, Sputnik said:

You can use random org - is same as any random result with 50/50 distribution - if you beat random org you beat any existing baccarat shoe and is free - you can download 100.000 trails each day - plenty to get you started - Cheers

You gotta love in when someone who has no frigging idea of how to win at Baccarat doles out advice. 

Show me a Baccarat Player who uses RGN's to practice and I will show you a losing Baccarat Player. 

Why do you think that every winning player on this site extols the benefits of playing "REAL" Casino shoes and recognises the downside of RG's? 

I don't know what your problem is...you seem to troll a variety of Gambling sites offering advice while by your own admission having a Bank Roll that would barely cover cab fare. 

The casino shoes on Strategic Baccarat will not in themselves teach you how to win but used in conjunction with the advice/methods taught here...will give players the best chance they are ever likely to have of joining the "Winners Circle"

RGN's simply train you up to lose.    

Edited by ECD
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I remember the words of my Six Sigma teacher at Villanova saying this one time.  "The sample and analysis you do are only valid for the system you are looking at right now at this moment." That all system will normalize if you continue to add sample size as you diminish the effects of each the data points as you add more and more ( what pattern or trend can you see over a million hands ....none unless it has an assignable cause)

Do a stratified sample and this will yield the best information.  That's what we are doing when we analyze 1 game at a time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratified_sampling

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2 hours ago, ozscouser1 said:

The casino shoes on Strategic Baccarat will not in themselves teach you how to win but used in conjunction with the advice/methods taught here...will give players the best chance they are ever likely to have of joining the "Winners Circle"

RGN's simply train you up to lose.    

So true, so true...

Personally, I am not a professional. I am new to this game as in "3 months" new from first learning the rules of the game.This is what I do know:

Miyamoto Mushashi, the legendary Japanese Samurai said "You can only fight the way you practice." If you are not using "live" shoes like those in the Strategic Baccarat Interface, well... you are not practicing using the next best thing to live shoes, which is where you do the "real" fighting.

What's that? (You did not know I can read your mind, did you?) Did I hear you think "1000 FREE shoes"?

You get what you pay for....

1000 FREE RGN shoes... You will pay for FREE when your bankroll dwindles AND.... still not be any closer to knowing how to win.


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Well OZ i can state with out personal attacks that i don't agree.

And yes you are right that everyone does not have 30K or more in income playing the game with even larger bankroll.

I don't trolling any forum, i have good reputation.

And i don't have to hide or lie about being a small budget player with 5K bankroll, no shame in that.

Most players don't even have a bankroll and take part of there salary to play during weekends.


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