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3D 100 Pre-Forum Thread | ECD GROUP | January 23, 2014

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and I realise that it can't be done...it's impossible...I have had an incredible amount of luck...but it happened

Whatever the reason...I no longer care that much...I've let it get to me a bit...I guess I'm tired from helping out the son-in'law...I'm pretty much totally exhausted

Despite knowing within myself that I've had an enormous lucky streak...I remain convinced that once Ellis manages to interpret my twisted logic that you will all do really well (if you put in the time)

Honestly...I really don't know why this is working out so well...Maybe Ellis can explain

I don't mean to screw you guys around...I'm just so damn tired

I think every one of you will do pretty well...I'll make the effort on the weekend...I promise

In the meantime...as all the rules are in my head and not written down...it is in your best interests to keep me alive...leastwise till the weekend...LOL

Take care


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I would call 10 shoes or maybe even 20 lucky but no way 100 consecutive shoes without a loss is luck whatever it is you are doing is working for you and I and im sure the rest of the guys here could not be happier for you.

Im very interested in seeing what happens over the weekend as far as the rules go... but regardless of what comes out of this you are officially a living legend!

Congrats again,


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I would call 10 shoes or maybe even 20 lucky but no way 100 consecutive shoes without a loss is luck whatever it is you are doing is working for you and I and im sure the rest of the guys here could not be happier for you.

Im very interested in seeing what happens over the weekend as far as the rules go... but regardless of what comes out of this you are officially a living legend!

Congrats again,


Thanks for your encouragement...I guess I'm acting like a big girl's blouse (Aussie expression...look it up...LOL)

I'm certain that Ellis will be able to explain the reasons that I'm having a pretty reasonable hit rate...

I was thinking today(while holding a 6.0 metre sheet of plasterboard above my head...Old people shouldn't have to do that shit...right?) that Ellis may not find this as easy to teach as we both thought...

Pretty much...you need a complete understanding of Netbetting...S40...all 3 modes...OTB4L...Modes 2 and 3...reading recent events... U1D2 and the 2H system.. and understanding when to insure against a possible high losing bet

None too difficult to grasp...but putting them altogether might just take a bit of thought.

It can't be too hard because it is possible to play without a scorecard...I do it by always in my head making S40 my first bet...and after a while you can tell by a glance at the Tote board what your next bet is...requires some concentration...but not that difficult.

I suspect that the SAP guys will find it a walk in the park

Take care


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We'll done Oz,

On making history with your Ton up!

You put that plaster board down go home,rap your self up in cotton wool and don't open the front door to any strangers!!!

Congrats Lou.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH...You made me spit coffee all over my keyboard...LOL

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Here's some advice too Oz:

Hire someone to spackle.

Congratulations man! That's some accomplishment.

Many more!!

Hey this kind of reminds me of an Eastwood movie "The Good The Bad and The ugly" (I'm not casting the characters, no offense). Remember when Tuco was going to kill Blondie and dehydrated him, until he found that Blondie had the secret to the name on the grave…

Then he was like "Don't die Blondie. Please don't die" "I'm your friend, tell me the name…"


Again, Congrats Oz!!

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Speaking of films,

It's reminds me of Bruce Almighty !

God(Ellis)takes a day off from the office and decides to leave(Guday Bruce)OZ to run things! It doesn't sound to bad plus it's got it perks!! At least he can make his own system....

Until he hears 4000 and odd prayers of BTC members,The PM,s the phone calls AND the dreaded knock at the door!!!

Oh yeah and the occasional nutter!!! HaHa

Come to think of it who would want to be god theirs got to be an easier job!!!!!

Well done on a good days work!

LoL here's to normality ay OZ.

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Here's some advice too Oz:

Hire someone to spackle.

Congratulations man! That's some accomplishment.

Many more!!

Hey this kind of reminds me of an Eastwood movie "The Good The Bad and The ugly" (I'm not casting the characters, no offense). Remember when Tuco was going to kill Blondie and dehydrated him, until he found that Blondie had the secret to the name on the grave…

Then he was like "Don't die Blondie. Please don't die" "I'm your friend, tell me the name…"


Again, Congrats Oz!!

Is this the part where I tell you about my heart condition?

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OK Oz, you can really "make my day"! Looking forward to your report, and I'm use to the time difference after watching that Australian Open for the last two weeks.

Right, one of the greatest Opens of all time.

Look guys here's the deal: Remember that Oz played 200+ shoes.

He didn't have his method down pat on day one. It likely took at least 50 shoes to get it down pat.

I'm seeing his earliest shoes. These shoes contain discrepansies from how he is playing now - not many mind you, but enough to completely screw up your head. For instance, he had not yet settled down to an opening prog of 1123.

He starts by net betting TB4L vs OTB4L 2Hi. That much is for sure. So phase 1 I have down pat except for the opening prog.

Then he goes SS with the winner of that contest with the 1,2 loop. If the winner was OTB4L, fine, that is what he goes with. But if the winner was TB4L he doesn't go with TB4L - he goes with S40M1, which, BTW, does not have modes.

The difference is that TB4L starts with an Opposite half the time while S40M1 ALWAYS starts with an opposite. After the first bet of a prog, yes they are the same BUT that first bet can screw you up until you realize that when going SS he's going with OTB4L or S40M1, not TB4L. So he is using TB4L while net betting but S40M1 for SS betting.

But also he takes some license with S40M1. For instance S40M1 is always ON a ZZ run. At the end of the run S40 loses the one bet its allowed and goes Repeat. Oz doesn't do that. He starts over with an Opposite.

Now some of these plays may be mistakes OR maybe they are precisely why he's batting a thousand now. I don't know yet and it will take some time to find out.

Plus, the shoes I've seen thus far don't really have a phase 3 yet. Oz simply switches between S40M1 and OTB4L. Will this change? - I have no idea.

But, until Oz and I completely agree on exactly how he played to win 100 out of 100, I think these early shoes would only serve to screw you up - just like they did me, at first.

So yes, we are trying to stay in constant contact but the time zone difference makes that very difficult.

Yes, 200+ casino shoes plus research shoes have made Oz a master player. But playing is a totally different task than explaining how you played.

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Oz, you are not lucky, you are just doing everything correctly - over & over again.

Just keep on doing the same thing.

Please send a copy of 1 scorecard.



If I just post one shoe...I feel that I'm more likely to confuse than help

I'll be doing everything in my power to get a whole bunch of my recent shoes to Ellis this weekend...and I'm pretty sure that he will be able to formulate rules that everyone can understand.

When I'm actually playing...it's a piece of cake...easy as pie...but the hard part will be Ellis interpreting what I'm doing and simplifying the explanation

He'll do it I'm sure (That's why he gets the big bucks...LOL)

We might try and organise a Skype session if all else fails

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If I just post one shoe...I feel that I'm more likely to confuse than help

I'll be doing everything in my power to get a whole bunch of my recent shoes to Ellis this weekend...and I'm pretty sure that he will be able to formulate rules that everyone can understand.

When I'm actually playing...it's a piece of cake...easy as pie...but the hard part will be Ellis interpreting what I'm doing and simplifying the explanation

He'll do it I'm sure (That's why he gets the big bucks...LOL)

We might try and organise a Skype session if all else fails

Exactly right! OZ is very good at repetitive play. But not so hot at his explanation of what he does. As his explanation stands, it doesn't agree with what he is actually doing. But it is a semantics problem, not a play problem. Nevertheless, posted shoes at this point would throw the forum into chaos.

I have the experience to translate Oz semantics into correct semantics but it ain't easy. For instance you can't net bet OTB4L vs S40M1 as he says he it doing. Hell, a shoe starting with a 2 iar would already be calling for 2 1 bets on the same side at play 3. No, what I suspect he is doing is drawing in his OTB4L color coded 1 bet and then filling in the other side assuming its S40M1. It is not. It is TB4L. But then if TB4L wins the net bet contest he does not SS bet TB4L. He plays S40M1.

That's just one discrepancy. There are several others I need to get straightened out. Some or even all of these discrepancies may be crucial to his win rate.

Let's get what he is actually doing down correctly first. THEN we can consider possible improvements together.

But if Oz posts shoes right now we will have 20 different interpretations of what he is doing - chaos.

Lets get the rules right first. There is only one version that is correct.

Once we are all working from the same, corrected set of rules, I think you will see it is really pretty simple.

Just remember, Oz has another life to live. I don't. Save your Oz questions until we get the rules straightened out. I'm asking enough for all of us.

While my first goal is to get the rules right and posted I can't help but see possible improvements as I go. That's what I do. But there will be plenty of time for that AFTER we have a corrected set of rules.

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Oz, you are not lucky, you are just doing everything correctly - over & over again.

Just keep on doing the same thing.

Please send a copy of 1 scorecard.



Exactly right but I think a score card at this point would only serve to give you a headache. We will have all this straightened out in a few days. Then there will be plenty of posted shoes.

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Exactly right but I think a score card at this point would only serve to give you a headache. We will have all this straightened out in a few days. Then there will be plenty of posted shoes.

Just out of interest...I heard from another member of BTC who has been testing out the waters as well ...so far ...50 shoes...2 losing shoes of -6 apiece...2 zero shoes and 46 clear winning shoes...

I find that even more encouraging for some reason.

So...maybe I'm not living in fairyland after all...LOL

Just a thought...if we add those 50 shoes to my more recent shoes and include my earlier forays...that would make it around 13 losing shoes (max of -6 each ...except for one -7 that still makes me cranky because of my lack of discipline) out of well over 300 shoes.

Not as impressive as 100 shoes without loss...but more than acceptable methinks

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Just out of interest...I heard from another member of BTC who has been testing out the waters as well ...so far ...50 shoes...2 losing shoes of -6 apiece...2 zero shoes and 46 clear winning shoes...

I find that even more encouraging for some reason.

So...maybe I'm not living in fairyland after all...LOL

Sounds pretty exciting!

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Just out of interest...I heard from another member of BTC who has been testing out the waters as well ...so far ...50 shoes...2 losing shoes of -6 apiece...2 zero shoes and 46 clear winning shoes...

I find that even more encouraging for some reason.

So...maybe I'm not living in fairyland after all...LOL

Just a thought...if we add those 50 shoes to my more recent shoes and include my earlier forays...that would make it around 13 losing shoes (max of -6 each ...except for one -7 that still makes me cranky because of my lack of discipline) out of well over 300 shoes.

Not as impressive as 100 shoes without loss...but more than acceptable methinks

Right Oz, he was probably just taking the rules a step or two further than kshatria was programming.

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Just out of interest...I heard from another member of BTC who has been testing out the waters as well ...so far ...50 shoes...2 losing shoes of -6 apiece...2 zero shoes and 46 clear winning shoes...

I find that even more encouraging for some reason.

So...maybe I'm not living in fairyland after all...LOL

Just a thought...if we add those 50 shoes to my more recent shoes and include my earlier forays...that would make it around 13 losing shoes (max of -6 each ...except for one -7 that still makes me cranky because of my lack of discipline) out of well over 300 shoes.

Not as impressive as 100 shoes without loss...but more than acceptable methinks

Hi Oz,

Perhaps this other member of BTC can post some of his shoes for us to study? Or perhaps he can also help to explain? :)

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This thread SHOULD wind up with all of the previously posted message traffic on the "3D100" series of messages.

Once Keith gives the OK, it may be put into the Baccarat section as its own, separate forum.

So, I'll cull through the 4D and other threads and move the 3D100 talk here and once that's done, ALL future 3D100 discussion will be here.


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