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4d Upcoming seminar and video

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For those who can attend and sign up thanks for your support.

I received numerous emails about a video of the seminar I have hired http://www.montgomerymedia.biz/ to do a video for us. We will have a nice video and audio done by professionals. Needless to say this is not cheap they are recording the entire seminar. I am doing this by request due to the request for a vid for those who cannot attend and want to. It will be available as a web video (not on dvd) like the ones on the front page of the site but a collection of them.

For those who attend I will offer you the video for a discount of $99.00 as an add on. I will send you all a discount code and it will take till Tuesday until the video is ready.

For those who cannot attend you can buy the video for $349.00.

If you have any questions please let me know

Thanks for your support and I'm gonna need it after these guys bill :confused:


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I am thinking about going to this seminar, but what are the advantages over NOR. Upon looking at the stats : Nor has at least a 100% return on your money 80% + winners risking 8 units to make at least 8 or more. You need to take just 8 units ( or 10) to the table as a buy in. How does 4d bac compare to these stats? I am just looking for a reason to go.

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About the Video what areas they cover in 4D ? Maybe you could give us the Table of contents so that we would know that we are buying something that are worth buying. I purchase the NOR video few years back which has poor quality and hardly listen to Ellis speaks but I spend a few hundred on it and it also just cover what has been teach about NOR. In addition , later the video was posted in youtube.

Hope that you understand my concern , Thanks.

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I am thinking about going to this seminar, but what are the advantages over NOR. Upon looking at the stats : Nor has at least a 100% return on your money 80% + winners risking 8 units to make at least 8 or more. You need to take just 8 units ( or 10) to the table as a buy in. How does 4d bac compare to these stats? I am just looking for a reason to go.

The point with 4D is that the goal is trying to guarantee a minimum 1 unit win on any shoe. Whether or not it achieves that is the question. In theory we want to be able to teach players to read every shoe and never set foot in a bad shoe - thereby enabling everyone to play with black and purple chips.

Whether or not 4D actually achieves this is a matter of enormous debate. My own works shows 4D to be interesting and useful sometimes.But there are a lot of little niggling rules and shoe tracking required to employ it, making it more difficult to use than NOR.


"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." -- Albert Einstein

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I Will buy the video, let me know when it's released and ready!

I don't know if you already know but we hired a professional to do the video this time. They turned out fantastic - better than we ever thought possible. We should have been doing this right along. So we need to edit, send back etc. Should be ready with a finished product in a week.

Of course this was expensive so we need to charge $349 if you weren't there and $99 if you were. But I'm telling you its worth it because these videos are as good as being there - maybe even better - definitely not our normal amateur stuff. We are talking top shelf.

In fact, since the resulting film was so good we are thinking of using the same company to make a public sales film for the internet.This would give you guys a strong selling tool to bring us new members. We pay excellent commissions you know.

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How long is the video or the videos?

Also can you give us a general table of contents of what you covered that day from start to finish? I know it's 4D but can you be a little more specific?

Do you go through actual shoes filling out score cards giving play by plays on the video?


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How long is the video or the videos?

Also can you give us a general table of contents of what you covered that day from start to finish? I know it's 4D but can you be a little more specific?

Do you go through actual shoes filling out score cards giving play by plays on the video?


The film is 4.3 hours. We edited out when the same question was asked twice (that question is below)

I demonstrated:

Net Betting

How to do the counts

How to determine the lowest disparity

How to do the + - conversion columns

Dealing and playing an actual shoe in the + - conversion cols.

Question: How do we know how much to bet and where to bet it?

Answer: Everyone knows how to net bet PvB because one prog is straight down the P side and the other straight down the B side.

The whole purpose of the conversion cols is regardless which of the 4 counts you are net betting the + - conversion cols again puts one prog straight down the + (P) col and the other prog straight down the - (B) col even when you switch counts.

Recognize that we happen to record the shoe with P on the left and B on the right - very convenient for net betting PvB.

We could just as well put opposites on the left and repeats on the right...or

OTB4L on the left and TB4L on the right...or

OO on the left and TT on the right

This makes both progs conveniently run straight down each side just like PvB

+ is always P or one of the 3 O's.

- is always B or Repeats or TB4L or TT, whichever count we are net betting.

All we did is convert PvB into OvR or OvT or OOvTT whichever count is lowest disparity.

By calling our cols + V - our col headings are universal for all 4 counts and our progs are always straight down regardless which count we are net betting.

It is merely a convenience. It stops our progs from zigzagging back and forth and eliminates the need for color coding like Oz did.

So, when we net bet + v - it is exactly the same as net betting PvB no matter which count we are net betting. Then we simply play the game in the + v - cols instead of the PvB cols.

This also frees up the PvB cols so we can use the B col to keep the PvB count.

So again, our col headings need only be


Still not with me?

Recognize that every play is either a P (+)(left) or a B (-)(right)

Every play except the first play is also either a

opposite (+) or a repeat (-)

And every play except the first two is either a

OTB4L (+) or a TB4L (-)

and every play except the first three is either an

OO (+) or a TT (-)

So in the + and - cols we convert our circles into whichever count we are playing so that we can conveniently net bet straight down exactly the same way we do with PvB without color coding.

So for instance a P11111 in our PvB cols would be:







But if we are net betting OvR, we convert to OvR circles or







And if we are net betting OtvT, in our + - cols we convert to:




-- 0

-- 0

-- 0

And if we are net betting OOvTT we convert to





-- 0

-- 0

because plays 4 and 5 are the same as (-) the time before the time before last.

P and Opposite always goes on the left under +

B and Same as always goes on the right

Now we can net bet straight down just like we do PvB because we converted to + v -.

See how it works?

No? OK here is what you do:

Take any shoe you have at home and convert the PvB circles into Ops v Reps circles

Then convert the PvB circles into

OTB4L vs TB4L circles

Then convert the PvB circles into

OO vs TT circles

until you can do this in split seconds

If you know what an opposite is (opposite the last play)

and what an OTB4L is (opposite 2 plays ago)

and what an Opposite the time before the time before last is (opposite 3 plays ago)(OO)

you should be able to fill out your + and - conversion cols into the correct placement of circles for whichever count you are net betting automatically and in split seconds.

This should take no more than one col of 20 plays but if it takes you longer than that, practice some more.

Because if you can't do this, the alternative, color coding, is more difficult and you'll never get it right.

Don't make it harder than it is. Any 6 year old could do this.

A little practice and you should see what we are doing and why we are doing it.

The whole purpose of the + v - cols is to make our play simpler and faster.

I've tried color coding in the casino before. Believe me, this is MUCH easier once you get the knack of it.

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Guys, if you are not totally clear on the basics of the 4D, and few are, get the film. A lot of little but very important stuff is in the film. Most will need to watch it more than once. It's sorta like a manual.

But I want to move on. As I've said before, Net Betting is an art form. I want to get into the artistry of net betting. There are many tricks of the trade. There are tricks of the trade that can be deployed that virtually make net betting always work no matter the shoe and no matter the disparity.

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I was waiting for an answer to Bobby's question regarding some sort of table of contents and were shoes completed etc. I haven't seen the answer yet.

In this seminar was there a discussion of the method OZ used and how it compared or differed with 4D. Is there any way we can see a short sample of the video for quality? I really need these answers since I have taken one of the online seminars put on by Steve and attended the seminar in April and was disappointed with both of them. In April went to learn about Nor and heard a lot about SAP (to me that was a waste of time).

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I was waiting for an answer to Bobby's question regarding some sort of table of contents and were shoes completed etc. I haven't seen the answer yet.

In this seminar was there a discussion of the method OZ used and how it compared or differed with 4D. Is there any way we can see a short sample of the video for quality? I really need these answers since I have taken one of the online seminars put on by Steve and attended the seminar in April and was disappointed with both of them. In April went to learn about Nor and heard a lot about SAP (to me that was a waste of time).

Well Steve, I 've posted the seminar topics twice in two different threads. Don't know what else I can do. Sorry, I had no control over what Steve taught. He was teaching to popular demand.

No, there was no discussion or questions re the Oz approach - strictly 4D.

I've already posted the Oz rules. Rules 1 and 2 is what produced the test results.

1.) Phase 1: Net bet OTB4L vs TB4L 2Hi.

2.) Phase 2: SS bet the winner 2 Hi except substitute S40M1 for TB4L.

3.) Phase 3 was pretty much apply NOR to the strongest bias detected betting the 2Hi loop.

You make me feel like I'm wasting my time writing posts.

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I'm sure we all appreciate your explanation here with your post about the columns, net betting... etc, but I think a posting of an actual played out score card of a shoe with all the columns filled out from the start would help us understand greatly. If you could, please do a play by play from the start of a shoe going through hand by hand showing us how to follow all the column's, when in the shoe you start and stop net betting a certain column and why. When in the shoe you start and stop SS betting a certain column and why. And vice versa as the shoe goes along. Like I said Ellis your explanation is greatly appreciated but I think an actual score card fully filled out with play by plays along with your explanations would help us visualize better what you're trying to explain. Explanations and sentences of how we should play is great but the score card should be used as a simple teaching tool for us. I hope you or Keith can please post a shoe or two to help us all. Thanks.

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I'm sure we all appreciate your explanation here with your post about the columns, net betting... etc, but I think a posting of an actual played out score card of a shoe with all the columns filled out from the start would help us understand greatly. If you could, please do a play by play from the start of a shoe going through hand by hand showing us how to follow all the column's, when in the shoe you start and stop net betting a certain column and why. When in the shoe you start and stop SS betting a certain column and why. And vice versa as the shoe goes along. Like I said Ellis your explanation is greatly appreciated but I think an actual score card fully filled out with play by plays along with your explanations would help us visualize better what you're trying to explain. Explanations and sentences of how we should play is great but the score card should be used as a simple teaching tool for us. I hope you or Keith can please post a shoe or two to help us all. Thanks.

Yes I agree with you Bobby, it would be nice to finally see a shoe with play by play selection for us visual types on this forum... We've been waiting for quite sometime to see a posted shoe of the 4D based on the rules posted by Ellis. This will most likely be more self explanatory for members of the forum and eliminate a lot of questions.

A picture is worth a thousand words


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Yes I agree with you Bobby, it would be nice to finally see a shoe with play by play selection for us visual types on this forum... We've been waiting for quite sometime to see a posted shoe of the 4D based on the rules posted by Ellis. This will most likely be more self explanatory for members of the forum and eliminate a lot of questions.

A picture is worth a thousand words


OK, I'll work on that. Meanwhile we have the shoe Jerry already posted.

I'm still not sure of the optimum net bet progression arrangement given such a low disparity. But we can look at that later.

Unlike Oz, we are always net betting the lowest disparity. So, unlike Oz, we have an advantage when net betting. It seems to me we should be taking advantage of that fact with a more aggressive net bet prog. Why go to all that trouble to find the lowest disparity and then chicken bet it?

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Playing shoes I'm finding this:

I think we can drop computing the lowest disparity and simply use the lowest count for net betting.

That's the way the testers tested.

That's the way Jerry posted his successful shoe.

That's the way I did the first play by play.

While technically the lowest disparity is mathematically correct it can be too difficult to track in a close shoe where all 4 counts are competing for low.

And in such a shoe, it doesn't much matter.

We don't need disparity when we go SS - we just need the highest count.

The lowest count is right there on the same line we are playing and easy to see.

In case of tied low counts I think we can simply go with the leftmost count so we are all playing the same way.

Most of the time the lowest count is also the lowest disparity anyway.

I'm thinking the simplest way is probably the best way.

This system is complex enough w/o unnecessarily adding more complexity.

Disparity makes our scorecard too busy for whatever tiny advantage it might gain.

I'll post the next shoe played only using the lowest and highest counts.


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