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Everything posted by MVSeahog

  1. All, This thread SHOULD wind up with all of the previously posted message traffic on the "3D100" series of messages. Once Keith gives the OK, it may be put into the Baccarat section as its own, separate forum. So, I'll cull through the 4D and other threads and move the 3D100 talk here and once that's done, ALL future 3D100 discussion will be here. MVS
  2. "Norm A" has given you a good site to work on your live game. "kachatz1" has given you some very good advice on how to practice. Take the time to do it right. Practice with "real" shoes and cards until you're seeing OTB4L in your sleep and you'll be ready to play it for real. Seriously. What they've said is true. Playing for fun, even on a live dealer table, is NOT the same as playing on the exact same table with your own money. You want to be able to play on the table and NOT have the problems that most other players have, namely the distractions, the lack of preparation and the uncertainty of "what do I do next?" type of play. I've gone through three full 8 deck shoes, just for practice time at home (I still practice almost daily) and am working on my fourth one now. That's a lot of worn out cards but if you practice it "for real" it will really pay off down the line. The thing I did was make sure I not only knew what the next bet should be, but WHY that bet was being made. Once you can do that in real time, you'll be ready to roll. MVS
  3. Yep, they'll both be history on Monday. Just watching to see what else can come out of all this. MVS
  4. surewin4u, Look, we've been more than kind to you so far. You've got some kind of spectacular system for baccarat that you are obviously trying to sell. That is not considered good behavior in this forum. It's not just you, this forum generally takes a dim view of anyone selling a "system" here. If you would like, I can point you to several other baccarat forums where selling is much more appreciated. So, I'm sure that somewhere around Monday this thread and your other one will be sent out to check on the Hubble telescope with a few clicks of the mouse. You're currently still here for the entertainment value. If you're planning on throwing the entire baccarat world into chaos, have at it but if you would like to stay here and sell it, you'll most probably not be welcome for much longer. If there is any discussion to be had about this million pataca winning play, I'm sure you'll find plenty of takers. Thanks for your understanding. MVS (tact is my middle name)
  5. Darn it. Which thread should I leave up? I'll deal with it tomorrow. $354,000 in one day sounds interesting and maybe the secret to salvation will show up before I have my coffee in the morning at which time this thread will be history. It's only up now because so many members have already seen it. MVS
  6. James, Pretty cheeky, dude. Show up brand new and your first post is to push your system play IN YOUR OWN NEW THREAD via private email or phone? Luckily I'm in a great mood today and can allow this type of nonsense for a little while. Sometimes we enjoy dealing with these things on a day to day basis. Pray tell, what could be your fabulous secret to a 99.80% win rate without a single piece of documentation? I'm all ears. MVS (keeper of the wayward threads)
  7. Wow. 100. Doing the "ton" as we used to call it in my cafe racer days. I thought the first time I hit a "20" was a major accomplishment! Congratulations for sure. Well done. MVS
  8. McVince, For my own play, I just never consider the Tie and "play on" as if it never happened. Others may treat it differently, but for myself, it's just a "non-event" on my card. MVS (I do make a notation on the side if a lot of ties start showing up or if only one or two show up, which has happened)
  9. Killeu, Hmm, looks like an O/R count of +6 at hand 20 and still increasing to +12 by hand 26. For ME, this had S40 written all over it at hand 20. MVS
  10. Chief, OK, for awhile there I thought it was just me. I didn't understand the "logic" of the chart either. MVS
  11. Perhaps we have a few players who may use the Hilton in AC and in that case, this is good information to have. As it was originally posted on Dec 24th and the first reply was yours, three weeks later, I'm thinking most players read the information, took what they needed from it and moved on. Pretty simple when you think about it. If there was more detailed information that might be needed, they knew whom to ask. MVS (or I could just move it to the "Hilton Closing" thread.)
  12. Dino, One of the things that a lot of new users of the site have found out is that by reading everything available from older threads, that they can get a good idea of just what's going on here. Even long time users go back and look at "the old stuff" and learn (or re-learn) a thing or two. I won't bore everyone with my annual update of how I got started, but if you wish to read the short thread, you can find it here. My story is typical of many of the members. It was interesting looking back this morning while searching for the thread start and seeing a lot of "private" member's names when they were still in your position! Anyway, take a look at this one for my humble story. http://www.beatthecasino.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6105&p=25277#post25277 MVS
  13. All, Well, with the new year came the chance to hit the local casino and attempt to run a full shoe for a change. NormA had suggested that we might think about posting up shoes for others to see and hopefully this one will help somebody out. For starters, I believe it's based on NOR+ as I elected to start off with the traditional Repeat of the first decision and then jump into OTB4L/Mode 3 as the start. Yes, yes, I know everyone is jumping on the 4D bandwagon but I'm very slow on the uptake and making wholesale changes in playing style is not my forte. Heck, I'm still falling back on standard S40/M3 when I lose all direction in the shoe!! Anyway, here's the first shoe of the year, compliments of the Seminole casino, warts and all. ================================================================= Play started with a repeat of the opening decision. Hand 3 had me at OTB4L and continued from there. Losing the wager at hand 6 put me OTR for 1 wager. It won! Back to OTB4L at hand 7 through 19. The Mode 3 wager at hand 11 was because there had been no losing "3" wager on a streak yet. Well, duh. Hand 19 is the first losing streak "3". OTR at hand 20 for one bet. Back to OTB4L. Why didn't I bet "P" at hand 40? Because every "Z4" up until that time finished with a "Bank" win. I then stayed on the ZZ run until it ended at hand 43 as the count was jumping up fast in the last 20 hands. At hand 44 it was back to OTB4L as it had been holding its own so far and I saw no real need to change at this time in spite of the high "Player" count. St.Christopher, the patron saint of small children and helicopter pilots must have been looking over my shoulder as I immediately stumbled into a very nice run of "Terrible Twos"!! Hands 42 to 52 were a dream to play. At hand 58 the last "true" streak losing 3 wager had me switch to Mode 2 so I dutifully moved the bet to Player and it won. I realize I was supposed to stay for two wagers but it was late in the shoe, I was getting antsy and it was New Year's day. At hand 62 I was presented with another one of those "Z4" runs and the last three of them had all turned out with a Banker next so I played it that way and lost the wager. No big deal. Figured if it was going to be any kind of a ZZ streak, this would be a good time to catch it and I got the next wager at hand 63 and 64. Lost hand 65 and as it's way late in the shoe, I'm playing very cautious with the wagers. No sense in dropping below +20 at this point. Exited the shoe at hand 67 for a nice (for me) +17 net win. Only two ties in the whole shoe! Here's hoping my chicken scratching and running commentary doesn't screw anyone up too bad! MVS
  14. It's gotta be better than playing Pachinko all night long. MVS
  15. Norm, Absolutely correct. In fact that's how I figured out "2-Hi" and "3-Hi" and SAP way back then. If I remember right it was the ONLY way most people figured out how to play RD1!! (Still have the hand written graphic that was posted up) I used to post a lot of shoes when I played them but I find myself only playing minimal hands now and a full shoe is few and far between. With that said, any time I do play a full shoe, I'll get it posted up for all to see my incredible skill and accuracy (cough, cough) uh, my glaring computational errors and mismatch of red and blue pens from time to time! Thanks for the words on posting up shoes. We needed that. AD
  16. I thinking it is about time to take this thread to the NOR area of the private forum. MVS
  17. Yes. No. Most, if not all of Izak's plays eventually require large wagers to resolve. MVS
  18. Pipecub, When I first joined up here, I worked and practiced until I was convinced I finally had a viable plan to hit the table. Well, practice is practice and "real money" is another thing. However, I felt pretty well prepared and opened an online account with a $200 (40 x $5 units) deposit. If 40 units couldn't work, I'd just start over. It worked and then some. So, the answer to your question is NO, you do not need 10K to play baccarat. You do need to study and practice until you can see it sideways in your sleep! MVS
  19. Well, it was kind of fun for a little while seeing what "others on the outside" are still doing, besides reinventing the wheel. Some people learn the Martingale lesson sooner than others, but EVERYONE will learn it eventually!! MVS
  20. Kramden, Well that just bites. At least we're slowly getting into the 'online' game, then they went rogue on us and went for electronic. Oh well, who knows what may happen in the future. MVS
  21. Kshatria, What they "mean" to say is that when they say the "Joker" card it is the card that shows the end of the deck. Some people have assumed that there are "Joker" cards placed throughout the deck and when one shows up, they reshuffle. This is not the case. The "Joker" card that they are talking about is merely the typical "end of shoe" cutoff card. You'll be happy to know you are about the fourth person who has asked about that! MVS
  22. Not that I've seen over at least three years now. I've seen slow video and have had the signal dropped, but nothing that I would conclude was "cheating". MVS
  23. DarkValefor, I don't believe that is what I asked. I did ask you what YOUR experiences were with online casino cheating. What you replied is what you've read somewhere or heard from someone. I'll just assume that "forefeed" was supposed to be "forfeit" around dealer error. I don't believe I've had that happen to me. I don't understand what that was. I think the word "lag" is throwing me off here. Well, if you can log in, your number must be correct, right? Only for people trying to pull a win with a bonus attached. So far, none of my friends who play online have had any problems getting their money out. Once again, all of my friends who have requested their money, have received their money. So, once again, I'll ask you, have you been cheated by an online casino and if so, which one/s? MVS
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