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Are casinos really creating the biases...

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19 hours ago, ozscouser1 said:

Sorry William, this will have to wait a couple of days...I have a daughter in the country...broken hand...broken milking machine...pissed off cows (soon to be even more pissed off after I've milked them with my carpel tunnel hands with no feeling)...You just know who is gonna be buying a new milking machine today...don't you...LOL

In the meantime at first glance...Look at Repeats...SS sticking with SS or moving to S40...multiples on the P side with MC confirming also S40 or just sticking with SS...easy shoe


Back in a few days...gotta go now... some serious driving to do...and milking to be done. A father's life...LOL


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Brad/other experts 

Could you be kind enough to please share share your minimal strategy for a beginner to start making some money at the casinos. Consider each unit is a green chip. :)

what table selection criteria should we employ  

strategy to play

entey trigger 

exit trigger

Stop loss /stop gain 

any other inputs  


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My advice is focus on 1 bias only

Less things to worry about and more focus on 1 bias

If you were to focus on 1 bias only I would be choosing the strongest most dominant one which Oz and others stated as SS (Strong Side)

Look for single events on the weak side (1's) and multiple events on the strong side of at least 3's

A minimum trigger would be PBBB (13)

Another thing to look for may be the SS pulling really good scores like some naturals and some really unbelievable draws like a 2 card total of 1 and then pull a 6 or a 7 on the 3rd card

Also the weak side having really bad luck like a 9 and then draw an ace to hit zero

A stronger trigger might be 1213

Look at previous history and see if the SS has long runs

When you see what you think is a SS bias either place a probing bet or paper bet as Oz said or place a 1 unit bet

If you win you need to decide whether to keep betting for 2 units or go OTR - based on feel previous history MC / LC etc

Every SS bias you bet on have a stop loss of -2

If you hit -2 you must wait until the next SS bias until you bet again

$25 is high for a beginner so consider to play online for smaller units

If you can turn this SS strategy into a winning one then you can add repeats next and then gradually all other biases

That's just my opinion

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13 hours ago, brad01 said:


My advice is focus on 1 bias only

Less things to worry about and more focus on 1 bias

If you were to focus on 1 bias only I would be choosing the strongest most dominant one which Oz and others stated as SS (Strong Side)

Look for single events on the weak side (1's) and multiple events on the strong side of at least 3's

A minimum trigger would be PBBB (13)

Another thing to look for may be the SS pulling really good scores like some naturals and some really unbelievable draws like a 2 card total of 1 and then pull a 6 or a 7 on the 3rd card

Also the weak side having really bad luck like a 9 and then draw an ace to hit zero

A stronger trigger might be 1213

Look at previous history and see if the SS has long runs

When you see what you think is a SS bias either place a probing bet or paper bet as Oz said or place a 1 unit bet

If you win you need to decide whether to keep betting for 2 units or go OTR - based on feel previous history MC / LC etc

Every SS bias you bet on have a stop loss of -2

If you hit -2 you must wait until the next SS bias until you bet again

$25 is high for a beginner so consider to play online for smaller units

If you can turn this SS strategy into a winning one then you can add repeats next and then gradually all other biases

That's just my opinion

I agree with Brad

Í am a new player too (2 years only) and I am still playing $25 units as base bet

You need to walk before you can run

So find a low value game, maybe stadium baccarat or online, to get your strategy sorted

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Thanks for your inputs. This is great forum and everybody is very helpful. 

Having read through the NOR and now the MDB + and SAP methodologies.   

Isnt MDB and SAP opposite of the same event. NOR+SAP is optimistic perspective (expect the same event are going to repeat as the previous shoe history). MDB+ is a pessimistic view  (the same event can't repeat 5 times continuously) 

Is it correct that we can't use both these systems in the same shoe and get caught on the wrong side doing so.

Let's say you are using s40 because of high 1's and 2's and less 3 or higher  and suddenly the shoe changes. When does it warrant an abandon of NOR + SAP and move to MDB+ and vice versa.

Am I over complicating these stuffs? I want to KISS. ( keep it simple and sweet)

From previous posts of oz I think he favors the NOR + SAP

Way2Fast uses MDB+ 

Does these systems have a meeting point. When does 1 end and the other begin.




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Bacplayer you are right to keep it simple


Gambling can really be only 3 things in my opinion:

Decision based on luck (no bet selection - what entertainment players do)

Decision based on following previous patterns / events (NOR)

Decision based on going against previous patterns events (Reverse SAP / MDB+)


You can use both at once

Lets say we get P313132

Player side always goes to 3

After the first player event of 3 you could bet a player 1 will go to 2 and then to 3 and then end at 3

After the 3rd player event you could bet that as per MDB+ rules 3's will not continue


Generally I prefer to go with a bias than go against it although there are exceptions

At what point do you switch NOR methods?

Generally after 2 losses (-2) on 1 bias

If you pick 2 biases wrong and you get to -2, -2 = -4 and then you pick one right you could ride it out to be +5 or more

Don't try and follow a wrong decision and turn it right

Wait till you pick a right decision and ride it.

Every decision must have a stop loss and a win goal.

also I feel its always better lock in a profit on a winning bias if you are not sure about riding it out.rather than giving away the profit you made.




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Hi BacPlayer.

Regarding playing  MDB+ (using the w2fast rules)

The best way to play it is to "Enhance the Probability" of a successful bet placement.

Oz. (his "Mentor" and the great Norm.A) have ALL said and EMPHASIZED that you should NEVER FORGET to CONSIDER what the actual SS (Strong Side) IS as the shoe is played through.

eg. P vs B is the easiest because it is shown on the tote board. Say you look at it and it shows P 10 and B 18. Banker clearly IS SS (Strong Side) here in this example...easy right!

Now say that the very next hand happens to be a MDB+ bet that calls for a Banker bet. Here you have a perfect example of "Combining" what SS ACTUALLY is with a called for MDB+ bet....see that!

Now what if the MDB+ bet called for a Player bet and the SS was Banker. Well you don't have to bet do you?...WAIT IT OUT...or...reduce the bet size by half on that bet...so that you reduce your risk.

This is what it is ALL about, "Follow the Shoe"...you CANNOT play this game like a ROBOT. You must "Combine SHOE HISTORY with your Bets placements". (thank you Oz.)

Now take this up to another level. What are OPPOSITES doing vs. REPEATS?...which one is winning the most....and COMBINE the SS (Strong Side) DOMINANT one of those with MDB+....do you SEE NOW how that "Enhances" the PROBABILITY of a Win.

Work on incorporating the SS (Strong Side) into WHAT EVER BET SELECTION method you use and you WILL be amazed at how this will improve your game. 



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1 hour ago, mjmtong said:

Hi BacPlayer.

Regarding playing  MDB+ (using the w2fast rules)

The best way to play it is to "Enhance the Probability" of a successful bet placement.

Oz. (his "Mentor" and the great Norm.A) have ALL said and EMPHASIZED that you should NEVER FORGET to CONSIDER what the actual SS (Strong Side) IS as the shoe is played through.

eg. P vs B is the easiest because it is shown on the tote board. Say you look at it and it shows P 10 and B 18. Banker clearly IS SS (Strong Side) here in this example...easy right!

Now say that the very next hand happens to be a MDB+ bet that calls for a Banker bet. Here you have a perfect example of "Combining" what SS ACTUALLY is with a called for MDB+ bet....see that!

Now what if the MDB+ bet called for a Player bet and the SS was Banker. Well you don't have to bet do you?...WAIT IT OUT...or...reduce the bet size by half on that bet...so that you reduce your risk.

This is what it is ALL about, "Follow the Shoe"...you CANNOT play this game like a ROBOT. You must "Combine SHOE HISTORY with your Bets placements". (thank you Oz.)

Now take this up to another level. What are OPPOSITES doing vs. REPEATS?...which one is winning the most....and COMBINE the SS (Strong Side) DOMINANT one of those with MDB+....do you SEE NOW how that "Enhances" the PROBABILITY of a Win.

Work on incorporating the SS (Strong Side) into WHAT EVER BET SELECTION method you use and you WILL be amazed at how this will improve your game. 




Good effin post here! Thank you

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9 hours ago, mjmtong said:

Hi BacPlayer.

Regarding playing  MDB+ (using the w2fast rules)

The best way to play it is to "Enhance the Probability" of a successful bet placement.

Oz. (his "Mentor" and the great Norm.A) have ALL said and EMPHASIZED that you should NEVER FORGET to CONSIDER what the actual SS (Strong Side) IS as the shoe is played through.

eg. P vs B is the easiest because it is shown on the tote board. Say you look at it and it shows P 10 and B 18. Banker clearly IS SS (Strong Side) here in this example...easy right!

Now say that the very next hand happens to be a MDB+ bet that calls for a Banker bet. Here you have a perfect example of "Combining" what SS ACTUALLY is with a called for MDB+ bet....see that!

Now what if the MDB+ bet called for a Player bet and the SS was Banker. Well you don't have to bet do you?...WAIT IT OUT...or...reduce the bet size by half on that bet...so that you reduce your risk.

This is what it is ALL about, "Follow the Shoe"...you CANNOT play this game like a ROBOT. You must "Combine SHOE HISTORY with your Bets placements". (thank you Oz.)

Now take this up to another level. What are OPPOSITES doing vs. REPEATS?...which one is winning the most....and COMBINE the SS (Strong Side) DOMINANT one of those with MDB+....do you SEE NOW how that "Enhances" the PROBABILITY of a Win.

Work on incorporating the SS (Strong Side) into WHAT EVER BET SELECTION method you use and you WILL be amazed at how this will improve your game. 



This is awesome. thanks mjmtong. 

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On August 26, 2016 at 9:53 AM, wolfat said:

These are the original rules, in brief:


 "We can call it RD1 for now.

Starting at play 2 with a 1 bet, bet U1D2 M2 on repeats except bet straight down when you lose the bet under a 1 in a row and straight down when you lose the bet under a 1, 2 (under a 2 in a row that immediately follows a 1 in a row). Otherwise, repeats (Under the previous circle.)

You'll see that now you beat every straight run, every ZZ run, every TT run as well as the 212's."


Hi can someone explain RD1 I'm confused, bet repeat using U1D2, when encountering a confirmed 1 iar bet repeat , so it goes ex: BBBBBBPB (player Being a confirmed 1iar we now bet player hand 9?) until a confirmed 2iar from banker then go back to banker with repeat? 


This is whole paragraph is confusing 

Starting at play 2 with a 1 bet, bet U1D2 M2 on repeats except bet straight down?? when you lose the bet under a 1 in a row and straight ???down when you lose the bet under a 1, 2 (under a 2 in a row that immediately follows a 1 in a row). Otherwise

Straight down under WHAT??! Under 1,2???!? 

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Thanks brad01 but how do you know when to switch from betting repeats ? For example hand 15 to 16 went hand15 player (lose) Because it was a banker, using repeat shouldn't we have bet banker hand 16?. 

But instead hands 16-23 we bet all player, what trigger occurred to cause us to bet all player ? The confirmed 1iar? And how do we know when to stop ? Since we ignore the 1 iar banker .


why wasn't hand 26 a player bet? 


Thanks in advance

I just would like to know the trigger to change systems.


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  • 9 months later...
On 8/20/2016 at 4:09 PM, ozscouser1 said:

Honestly...I think we spend waaaay too much time worrying about this shit when it doesn't matter all that much.

Which part of "Learn to read the damn shoe" don't people understand? 

I've played countless hand shuffled...machine shuffled and new manufacturer provided cards and it makes sweet stuff all difference to my long term  PA (Player advantage)

Sure, the bias will vary within the shoe and from shoe to shoe and from day to day but the fact remains (and read my lips)..."The majority of shoes are still beatable."  

Like I said before...if you play enough shoes, you will come across shoes that blind Freddy would smash.  

Here's a shoe that popped up out of nowhere (I was having a tough start to my day)...YEAH...it happens.

This shoe was such a gimme that I switched to UAW and hit the Table Limit. As I cashed out, the Pit Boss suggested that as my luck was running hot, that I should ride my luck...to which I replied "Do I really look that stupid?" (probably not all that smart given that I like to fly under the radar as much as possible...LOL)...I live in hope...those days are long gone.
The point is that these type of shoes with a piss easy to pick bias, still turn up, and if I hadn't continued playing despite my tough start to the day...I would have missed this golden opportunity.
BTW: Any member who doesn't smash this shoe should either stick to Bingo or find something else to do nights.
Back to the topic (sorta)...Despite me saying that I don't give two cockneys what type of shuffle casinos dish up...I get really pissed off with short shoes. It happens a lot with Live Dealer Online shoes. There is a Live Dealer Casino that I used to frequent that had a Table Limit of 5K Euros and 6 Tables to choose from, but they (over a period of time) shortened their shoes to 35 to 45 hands on average (not counting ties)  Not much use to me as I like to see a minimum of four completed events before I start playing. (and it could be several more events depending on how dominant the bias ) That could mean that I don't enter the shoe until as many as 20 or more hands are dealt. Given that there might be as few as 15 to 25 hands left in the shoe that leaves bugger all recovery time if the shit hits the fan and stuff all time for that "sweet spot" in the shoe to eventuate. 
Oops...I've gone off topic a bit, but the point is...don't get yourself all tied up in knots worrying about the types of shuffle...concentrate on getting your act together and in the words of Norm Allen..."Follow the shoe".
OK...got that off my chest...better go find my meds...LOL

OZ, you're right, why we worry about the shuffle.

No matter what and how they shuffle,    let them keep shuffling, we will keep on winning and winning, LOL.

BTW, I am machine from California. I've been a member for about 6 month now I enjoy reading your posts a lot good stuffs.




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Hey Brad

I'm not sure if you are the same fellow Australian I posted with well over a year or more ago now. You were on the road to being able to do the whole baccarat thing full time. If it is you I would be very interested to see how you were going with it all and have another chat if you were available



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